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  1. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Barrie's Twitter   
    Tbh, I can't really blame people for asking him Lana related things anyway because he seems pretty happy to answer everything, bless him.   Kassidy's music is pretty good, it was a bit of a hit and miss for me but that's probably just my taste - it's definitely worth a listen though 
  2. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Goes Full Retro, in LA (22nd August)   
    the comments on that page literally make me ill about humanity 
    "Dolly Parton looks natural compared to here. What a ridiculous face she has with so much botox and fillers. I am scared of thinking how she will look in 10 years. I guess her daddy will be buying her another face and another fake career"
    "Lol, people paying attention to the cigarette when she has that plastic face. If she had more fillers in her lips and more botox in her cheeks, her face would explode. Nothing natural or real about her or her "talent"
    "Smoking ruins any person's appearance, even Lana Del Ray's."
    "Her 15 mins is long up, Daddy will need to buy her more time
    "Ease off botox love, your face is like a mask!"
    "Arrogant woman!" 
    somehow i feel lana will *never* be fully accepted no matter what she does.. so i really need her to win an oscar like now so people can shut the fuck up
  3. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Barrie's Twitter   
    @@Hello Heaven I agree, don't get the hate. But I know how fandoms can be when it comes to their idols' s.o.'s... Anyway, only asked him one question so far & it wasn't Lana related. I think I'll give his music a try later tonight.
  4. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    Does she look like she care? If she doesn't, why should we?
  5. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Barrie's Twitter   
    I hope we can maintain this thread as being a kind of Barrie appreciation thread, I personally love him. He's a real chilled out, cool guy. I think I'd die if him and Lana broke up. But it's kind of annoying how everyone just uses his twitter to get info off Lana, he is an artist himself - just because he's not as popular. (Although it's good to hear she's already writing again even after the leaks, assuming he didn't just make it up).
  6. Quentin liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    Ikr, dude looks old af. Yesterday someone (@@Beemo, I think) asked about his age in a status and I found out some random site that said he was 34 - which I totally believed. Later @@Quentin & @ told me that no, he was actually younger than her and 25-ish. The funny part is that I'd also found some news article from 2012 that said his age was 23, but totally disregarded it while saying 'pffffft yeah riiiiiiiigh' out loud.
    Either him and Lana are truly soulmates & both have a penchant for lying about their age, or this guy is one of the oldest 25 year olds I've ever seen...
  7. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Rafael in Barrie's Twitter   



  8. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Alicia in Barrie's Twitter   
    I really like their music, I play their albums in my car, gutted I missed them on tour though
  9. readyforheavensgates liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    I bet she loves the whole homeless look tbh. 
  10. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I don't know if "literally nothing" can't, but I agree that when it comes to music most opinions aren't. I mean, even music critics - who are supposedly (and the key-word here is 'supposedly'...) the most impartial listeners - are influenced by all sorts of stuff, from individual taste to preconceived notions about the artists they're reviewing to wanting to sound 'cool' & stay relevant.
    That's one of the aspects I was referring to when I mentioned her limitations as a songwriter; the lyrics can be unbelievably cheesy & cliché, she also repeats herself *a lot* & I'm not so sure how good she really is when it comes to the actual melodies. Personally, I don't think anything (or almost anything) she writes is ironic or 'meta'. I think Lana is in a way pretty naïve, and by that I mean she's the opposite of the calculating, business-savvy popstar who knows exactly what to say & do in order to turn most situations in her favour & manipulate public opinion. I think that's apparent in a lot of her attitudes, interviews, etc. but also in her lyrics. She's genuine & says exactly what she wants to say, and I think it had never crossed her mind that people could hate her for it (one of the reasons why I think she's never really gotten over the initial American rejection). Similarly, I don't think she realises when she's being cheesy. All that makes her very vulnerable to criticism, but it's also a HUGE part of her appeal imo & one of the reasons why we let so many of her cringeworthy lyrics slide.
    t's pretty ironic that's she was basically persecuted for being inauthentic when I legit believe she's one of the most authentic popstars out there, which is basically the reason why we even have a Lanalysis thread - and imo her authenticity has nothing to do with whether K existed or not, or whether she dated Gnecco or was just an obsessive fangirl, but the fact that she treats her music like her personal diary & talks about her darkest desires, dreams, fantasies without giving a single fuck if what she's writing about is cringey, ridiculous, disturbing, or whatever. And to me that trumps a technically better but emotionally sterile song anyday.
  11. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Patrick Wolf   
    I also prefer the first two, just the kind of creepy sense of fantasy he evokes, but I'm a sucker for Lupercalia more than The Magic Position or The Bachelor...It's very cheesy but full of great hooks and melodies that are sort of undeniable.
  12. lola0380 liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    I bet she loves the whole homeless look tbh. 
  13. trashtrashtrash liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    Ikr, dude looks old af. Yesterday someone (@@Beemo, I think) asked about his age in a status and I found out some random site that said he was 34 - which I totally believed. Later @@Quentin & @ told me that no, he was actually younger than her and 25-ish. The funny part is that I'd also found some news article from 2012 that said his age was 23, but totally disregarded it while saying 'pffffft yeah riiiiiiiigh' out loud.
    Either him and Lana are truly soulmates & both have a penchant for lying about their age, or this guy is one of the oldest 25 year olds I've ever seen...
  14. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    And then I console the scorned Barrie and hop on dat D like i was built to last

  15. Beemo liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    Ikr, dude looks old af. Yesterday someone (@@Beemo, I think) asked about his age in a status and I found out some random site that said he was 34 - which I totally believed. Later @@Quentin & @ told me that no, he was actually younger than her and 25-ish. The funny part is that I'd also found some news article from 2012 that said his age was 23, but totally disregarded it while saying 'pffffft yeah riiiiiiiigh' out loud.
    Either him and Lana are truly soulmates & both have a penchant for lying about their age, or this guy is one of the oldest 25 year olds I've ever seen...
  16. getdrunk liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    Ikr, dude looks old af. Yesterday someone (@@Beemo, I think) asked about his age in a status and I found out some random site that said he was 34 - which I totally believed. Later @@Quentin & @ told me that no, he was actually younger than her and 25-ish. The funny part is that I'd also found some news article from 2012 that said his age was 23, but totally disregarded it while saying 'pffffft yeah riiiiiiiigh' out loud.
    Either him and Lana are truly soulmates & both have a penchant for lying about their age, or this guy is one of the oldest 25 year olds I've ever seen...
  17. Velvet Elvis liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    Sorry if this sounds harsh but the best part about dating guys like this is annoying / shocking people like you.
  18. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Death Grips   
    new Death Grips track

  19. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by deeth in Patrick Wolf   
    I really like his first two albums. I never got into The Magic Position (except for Augustine, which is lovely) and only listened to the newer albums once or twice. One of my favorite songs is actually the other Nico cover, Ari's Song. It's gorgeous.
  20. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Re: Steven Mertens, I can't remember if someone has found this yet.  Interview with Spacecamp, which Mertens played bass/vocals in
    SPACECAMP: Ok this is an awesome question. You know that girl Lana Del Ray? She has about 6,455,290,001 hits on Youtube with her song "Video Games." Well, we were her back up band once cuz her and Steven used to make-out sometimes, for like a year. Well, turns out it wasn't him, it wasn't him, it wasn't all for him cuz she wanted to make-out with someone else one week. I mean look at her. If you had those lips you would want to press them up against a lot of stuff. I would too. So one day Steven comes to practice and tells us he's a bit down cuz he's wondering where she and her mouth had gone off to the night before. I told him he didn't want to know. He agreed and we all started laughing and jamming and we wrote that African influenced song Alibi about Lana and Steven. They're friends now and laugh and joke about where their lips have been.
    JK, it's about our friend Lizzy who is a friend of Carly's. She's been looking for an apartment for about three years and her parents are starting to get worried. So we wrote a song for her parents.
  21. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by vmbb in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    come on...why are there comments about Barrie smelling bad just because he's wearing an oversized shirt?
  22. Guest123 liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    It's a good look imo. Classy, but still casual. High heels would turn it into more of a night-time look.
  23. Mileena liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    I bet she loves the whole homeless look tbh. 
  24. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    First, he's honestly not an ugly man. You don't have to find him attractive, but let's be real; it's not like he's offensive to look at. Also, who honestly cares what Barrie is wearing? We're not on BarrieBoards tbh.
    Like I said before, WHY DOES EVERYONE CARE SO MUCH ABOUT WHAT BARRIE IS WEARING? He's never exactly been Mr. GQ, so I don't know why everyone has such high expectations for him. He really shouldn't have to care and I can see where he wouldn't.
    As I mentioned, I'm not some huge Barrie advocate who's just in love with him, I could take him or leave him (as long as Lana's happy, so am I) but all this hating and fashion-shaming doesn't make any fucking sense to me idk...
  25. vmbb liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    No. I mean, it's kind of a sloppy look but it's really not that bad imo.
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