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wild heart

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  1. wild heart liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana and the LGBTQ+ Issue...   
    This might be an unpopular take but... I actually feel like on the whole women have been pushed out many pop spaces (esp alt pop) despite being the main cohort who have historically (and contemporarily) supported the pop music industry and its artists. Sometimes I feel like women (regardless of sexual orientation) get made fun of for liking the same pop music that gay men do because it's "basic" when we like it or whatever. At a gathering recently a friend of a friend told me Charli XCX is "for gay men only" and while he sort of meant it as a joke I felt like it was quite revealing of the kind of culture women in pop spaces experience. I've heard similar sentiments from PC music fans too. While many current pop acts undeniably have huge gay male fanbases, I don't think that should be at the cost of women getting to enjoy those spaces too. I guess it just frustrates me a bit because pop music has traditionally been marketed towards women, who became the butt of jokes about it being lowbrow, only for it to be later claimed by gay culture and then become way less lowbrow and way more cool. Basically misogyny in pop is wearing me down
  2. Flowerbomb liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is most likely what's happening, glad someone here thought of it. label probably doesn't like the sound of the record because they want her to score a hit again.
    let's all be real, Interscope is most likely the reason the album hasn't come out, she sounds mad about it, and this has happened before with Ultraviolence, it was made public by Dan Auerbach how they had to fight for the record to be released, label didn't like it when they had the meeting, it was until they had the guy who wrote and produced for Adele come and say he wouldn't change a thing because it was perfect the way it was that they green lit the project's release. 
  3. DLT liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is most likely what's happening, glad someone here thought of it. label probably doesn't like the sound of the record because they want her to score a hit again.
    let's all be real, Interscope is most likely the reason the album hasn't come out, she sounds mad about it, and this has happened before with Ultraviolence, it was made public by Dan Auerbach how they had to fight for the record to be released, label didn't like it when they had the meeting, it was until they had the guy who wrote and produced for Adele come and say he wouldn't change a thing because it was perfect the way it was that they green lit the project's release. 
  4. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is most likely what's happening, glad someone here thought of it. label probably doesn't like the sound of the record because they want her to score a hit again.
    let's all be real, Interscope is most likely the reason the album hasn't come out, she sounds mad about it, and this has happened before with Ultraviolence, it was made public by Dan Auerbach how they had to fight for the record to be released, label didn't like it when they had the meeting, it was until they had the guy who wrote and produced for Adele come and say he wouldn't change a thing because it was perfect the way it was that they green lit the project's release. 
  5. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is most likely what's happening, glad someone here thought of it. label probably doesn't like the sound of the record because they want her to score a hit again.
    let's all be real, Interscope is most likely the reason the album hasn't come out, she sounds mad about it, and this has happened before with Ultraviolence, it was made public by Dan Auerbach how they had to fight for the record to be released, label didn't like it when they had the meeting, it was until they had the guy who wrote and produced for Adele come and say he wouldn't change a thing because it was perfect the way it was that they green lit the project's release. 
  6. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is most likely what's happening, glad someone here thought of it. label probably doesn't like the sound of the record because they want her to score a hit again.
    let's all be real, Interscope is most likely the reason the album hasn't come out, she sounds mad about it, and this has happened before with Ultraviolence, it was made public by Dan Auerbach how they had to fight for the record to be released, label didn't like it when they had the meeting, it was until they had the guy who wrote and produced for Adele come and say he wouldn't change a thing because it was perfect the way it was that they green lit the project's release. 
  7. 13bitches liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is most likely what's happening, glad someone here thought of it. label probably doesn't like the sound of the record because they want her to score a hit again.
    let's all be real, Interscope is most likely the reason the album hasn't come out, she sounds mad about it, and this has happened before with Ultraviolence, it was made public by Dan Auerbach how they had to fight for the record to be released, label didn't like it when they had the meeting, it was until they had the guy who wrote and produced for Adele come and say he wouldn't change a thing because it was perfect the way it was that they green lit the project's release. 
  8. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is most likely what's happening, glad someone here thought of it. label probably doesn't like the sound of the record because they want her to score a hit again.
    let's all be real, Interscope is most likely the reason the album hasn't come out, she sounds mad about it, and this has happened before with Ultraviolence, it was made public by Dan Auerbach how they had to fight for the record to be released, label didn't like it when they had the meeting, it was until they had the guy who wrote and produced for Adele come and say he wouldn't change a thing because it was perfect the way it was that they green lit the project's release. 
  9. wild heart liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think it's safe to say that the tone and narrative of NFR is that of a very hurt woman who is going through a phase of lamenting her past, which happens right after deciding to get over it (on LFL we see her finally choosing a life-changing path, often blinded by her new-found optimism) and prior to actually gettting over it (whatever comes next).
    On songs like Cinnamon, she's basically asking her lover not to do her wrong like everyone else. On HIAB, she accepted she had her standards (for men and life in general) too low, but at the same time there is a positive feel to it -- she suffered so much that there's barely anything she can't handle now ("What's the worst that could happen to a girl that's already hurt?").
    Venice Bitch has some of my favorite LDR lyrics of all time. Her problems and life experiences made her cold-hearted ("Ice cream, ice queen") and now she's doing her best to open her heart again ("Fear fun, fear love [...] Trying to be stonger for you [...] I'm sweet for you"). It didn't work for her and now she's lamenting her past again ("Oh God, miss you on my lips") and is doing anything to get him back; she's repeatedly telling him to "come over" and get high with her because "[they're] older" now (perhaps a metaphor to her being mature and open-hearted now).
  10. lanadelreycultmember liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is nothing close to iconic  
  11. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    still, darling, he's definitely in his mid 30s if not late 30s, it's still really inappropriate and predatory if his intentions were to receive sexual gratification.
  12. cherriesinthespring liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is nothing close to iconic  
  13. fl0ridakil0s liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is nothing close to iconic  
  14. LunaHasAGun liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is nothing close to iconic  
  15. Cacciatore liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is nothing close to iconic  
  16. Cacciatore liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    still, darling, he's definitely in his mid 30s if not late 30s, it's still really inappropriate and predatory if his intentions were to receive sexual gratification.
  17. Theodore liked a post in a topic by wild heart in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    still, darling, he's definitely in his mid 30s if not late 30s, it's still really inappropriate and predatory if his intentions were to receive sexual gratification.
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