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poetic jess

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Everything posted by poetic jess

  1. Some artists aren't performers and don't want their fans to pay hundreds of dollars on their merch, or a weak meet & greet package. Marina's is actually the cheapest compared to other artists and that's probably because she considers the cost of travel and her fan's personal time. Would you really be flattered after spending hours in the studio, expecting to share your hard work when it's perfected to your liking and have people steal your material for your upcoming project? What would be the point then in mastering a song since these rabid fans that you'd be flattered by in this hypothetical situation would be constantly taking your material, and sharing it with the public? What would be the point in sharing your art when it'll never be enough? A year becomes too long, a month became too long, now fucking two weeks is too long? And she's kind enough to share a double album, with one half released and it's not enough? That's borderline obsessive and selfish, don't you think? These artists aren't going to slave away to make new material, and it's creepy as hell to think this way. Sorry, but not sorry.
  2. If PDCM was on the album, it’d be getting the same hate as the other songs on Love did since the lyricism is the same-not deep, but it’s still her style and personal! I’m glad she left it off the album, though.
  3. Which means she’ll continue this phase of low effort put into promo. Smh.
  4. TODAY IS THE DAY are y'all ready?! cuz I'm not lmfao
  5. Hmm, so since Ben and Ed confirmed Lana's in control, combined with her previous annoying comment saying "who knows when it'll be out", I guess it's safe to say it's both #1 and #4. Annoying, but it is what it is. What a mess. Maybe it is a form of self-destruction. As happy as she may be now, it's still odd how at first she seemed so enthusiastic about the album and got so much praise for it, but she's now treating it as a no big deal kind of thing. Sharing pics of events she's going to not related to the album, her new group of friends, the interviews that followed which mentioned a few new details, and poems to a book she's also not being clear on. Do I want her to fail? No, but if her sales suffer because of the lack of work she's putting into this era, she can throw it in our faces and go on hiatus. Maybe it's for the best. Honestly I hope she takes a break after this too. Love the new material too, not a fan of the unprofessionalism and treatment we're getting from her either. Maybe it'll also help her focus on her personal life and what she still needs to work on.
  6. So I was watching a Fine Bros. reaction video on who they think will live or die and of course they had to talk shit about Sansa. "She has no character development"; "She doesn't do anything. Her sister has been training to be a badass assassin, what does she do?" Unpopular opinion, but Sansa is one of my favorite characters on the show because she's so normal. She's annoying af as a kid like we all were, and naive as hell because she was raised thinking she's meant to marry a prince, have his children, and fulfill her duties as his beautiful loyal wife. And then all that comes crashing down around her. She's does what she believes will save her father, then the prince who supposedly loves her, betrays her and orders her father to be executed. She gets physically/mentally abused by Joffrey, almost gang raped at such a young age, married off as a pawn and a sick joke for Joffrey to laugh at, loses her family at the hands of people she's being held hostage by, almost killed by her aunt, creepily kissed by and betrayed by Little Finger, raped by her second husband, and by that point she finally takes one last action to get Brienne to save her even though she knows she'll either die or be tortured. She had a fucked up childhood with Cersei and Petyr Baelish as her mentors, but she used their knowledge on how to play the "game" to get to where she is now. Cersei and Petyr don't know how to fight themselves, but they did get what they wanted by how much they manipulated people and used them to their advantage. The difference is Sansa has a good heart, and her skills in playing the "game" will benefit the people she loves and the people of the North. People gave her a lot of shit for not telling Jon about the Vale coming to help them fight the Boltons, but she made a wise choice because 1) she stopped trusting Petyr and didn't know whether or not the Vale would come, so she couldn't tell Jon they were coming 2) it was a desperate attempt that would have repercussions since she knows Petyr doesn't do shit without wanting to get something in return; it was a last resort in my eyes 3) Ramsay Bolton played dirty; if he knew Jon had more men, he'd reorganize and attack them in different shady ways before/during the battle. The Vale coming last saved them because Sansa outsmarted Ramsay and he knew he was fucked when he saw them riding in. Then there was the whole Arya/Sansa rivalry that made people believe she'd actually kill Arya. 1) that's her sister; she's lost so much of her family and although to her it's strange her little brother is a warg and her little sister an assassin, she needs to keep them by her side. They've all had different journeys but now they're finally back home and going to protect each other. 2) there was just no way in hell Sansa was ever going to fall for Littlefinger's lies and scheming after he left her to the Boltons 3) Bran probably told both his sisters what Littlefinger planned to do and what he did to their family. So Sansa played Petyr into thinking she was actually going to betray her sister so she could corner him with her family + the Vale in one room so he'd have no where to turn and pay for his crimes. Sansa uses people's underestimation of her to her advantage and it's her knowledge of how politics work that'll help Jon not be so naive, help the people in the north and hopefully Arya has a bit more understanding of Sansa since they both went through so much. Anyway, that was my unnecessary rant for today. lmfao Two more days!
  7. That was really good! I wish more people would make video essays about her music.
  8. So now that the "Norman Rockwell family is stalling NFR" rumor has been put to rest, these are the other possibilities: 1) She wants the poetry book released first or a part of NFR's release and it's still in the process of being finished. (this is the one I believe in the most) 2) The label is holding it back due to Lana's lack of promo, or her stubbornness to change an aspect of NFR, or they're focused on pushing new artists atm. 3) Lana herself feels a bit burnt out, but seeing the praise she's getting, she's comfortable in taking her time to release it since it's probably going to be one of her most acclaimed albums. 4) Lana is too busy being an "insta baddie" , living that LA influencer life. She's fre$h out of fucks forever, and Norman can Fucking Wait. Did I miss any other theories?
  9. This, and idg how people can hope for a leak when we already have LOVE and it’s not that long until we get FEAR. It really isn’t that far away. Why do people want it to leak???
  10. I love all the songs, but as far as the classic ones I return to the most, it has to be either Off to the Races or Video Games.
  11. How do you know it’s “fake” though? I’d only consider it fake if she was trying to appeal to the political correctness of this time, but Marina is talking about issues that concern her in interviews and IG posts. Some personal, some about things going on in society. I don’t think the song is an attempt to get a pat on the back or claim that all humans are “bad”. I think it’s more of an observation and posing a question.
  12. No shade, but if people are gonna ask what’s the point of writing another “woke” song, then we should also be asking what’s the point of writing another love song? I think it’s pretty clear why... because talking about her views on the world is also important to her just as love is (hence LOVE + FEAR lol)
  13. I don’t think she ever mentioned the name, but this is what I’m referring to (from the Grazia interview to promote UV): “I used to be a member of an underground sect which was reigned by a guru," she said. "He surrounded himself with young girls and he had this insane charisma I couldn't resist as well. So I was in this, I'll call it sect, because I was longing for love and security." Continuing, she added: "But then I found out that this guru wasn't a good but a bad person. He thought that he had to break people first before he could build them up again. At the end I left the sect." To me, she’s still searching for that love and security. Who knows... maybe that’s also taking up some time from NFR.
  14. Ok, this is my fave music video for this era so far!
  15. Don’t bother with comment sections for the news. They’re usually full of trolls or people w extreme views from either side. lol
  16. Here’s the thing about that rant, and I mean no disrespect, but are leakers legit going to grow a conscious now? I don’t care for half of her unreleased songs, because they’re some of her worst material (obviously because some have the bad production/weaker lyrics/some were a good draft for final songs- but that’s it, a draft), and I think most of us could’ve lived without hearing some of them- but I doubt most of us are seriously asking for the leaks of new material? It’s stupid, and I’m still pissed at the people who leaked BAR. Personally idc how long an artist takes to release new music- Lana could take a 5 year hiatus and I’d wish her the best and still listen to her music. What I hate is the disrespect and unprofessionalism coming from her team, the vague album updates, the odd choice in releasing singles that aren’t official singles (???) (prob) almost a year before the album, her decision in joining those church circles (girl, of all places to find yourself after claiming you used to be in a cult that one time), all of this when the era started so hopeful and felt like a positive turning point after the disappointment LFL was. It isn’t that hard to understand where the frustration is coming from. Watch those same people getting mad at people voicing their confusion and disappointment start ranting in a couple of months about the same shit too.
  17. Lmao honestly who knows? I only kind of believe her because Lana has terrible judgment and is too trusting of people, but that’s it.
  18. Basically this. I think some people definitely are being petty, but I’m sure most of us are just simply voicing our concerns. I learned a long time ago whenever I didn’t trust my instincts around certain people, I’d end up regretting it. I don’t think it’s a coincidence Lana started attending these Hillsong/JB church services as soon as she started hanging out with these women. They sketch me out.
  19. Spring would’ve been the perfect time to release NFR. The last time her choice of when to release her album bothered me was LFL, which was more of an early summer (May/early June) album to me.
  20. Yes. She mentioned it during one of the UV interviews.
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