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poetic jess

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Everything posted by poetic jess

  1. The first and third pictures are the best of this shoot.
  2. I don’t know why you guys expect her to say something less vague in person about the album. She would probably repeat the same thing she’s said online or chuckle and say “Haha, you’ll see. ”.
  3. Honestly I agree with you! Maybe it’s the editing, the background set design, or maybe the way Steven had her pose? In these photos she looks nice and the outfit is crazy but it suits her personality and image well, but the final covers don’t do it for me. lol
  4. I feel like one of the few who doesn’t get why everyone’s in love with the new Vogue cover shoot.
  5. Um, anyway. This album is enjoyable to me. Marina’s always seemed to me like an artist who’s in love with everything Pop. The culture, the aesthetics, the experimentation you could work with lyrically or visually. And her experimenting with this album gives me an idea of where her headspace is. It’s not as deep or solid as her previous albums, but it’s a sweet glimpse into the better mental space she’s in now. I appreciate how open she is on social media, and maybe it’s not solely triggered by the criticism she sometimes sees online. It’s funny, but the harsh criticism she’s getting seems a bit much to me since other artists have done worse, yet don’t get as much heat as Marina does. I think that’s why some people are being defensive of her because it’s like... you guys are getting worked up over a song for the past few pages? Is it that deep? Lol
  6. I’m annoyed at this whole era. The shoot is underwhelming. Not a fan of whatever Steven was going for. Not surprised she’s promoting her poetry book first, since she made it clear she doesn’t give af. Can people just accept she’s making terrible decisions and she’s fine with it?
  7. Tbh, that’s how inconsistent LFL is cuz I had a hard time too and just went with my favorite/the most likable one.
  8. I tried searching to see if someone posted this topic before, but couldn’t find it. Which song do you believe best represents each of Lana’s albums? Like if someone who only wanted to give one song a listen from an album to get a feel for it, which would you recommend? Could be by mood, visuals, lyrics, or whatever reason you chose it! These are my picks: AKA: Yayo BTD: Off to the Races P: Gods & Monsters U: Shades of Cool H: Terrence Loves You LFL: Get Free
  9. Didn’t watch Apocalypse yet, so... 1. Asylum (as someone else said, it had everything. every character was fascinating to watch, the story flowed well and I loved watching every minute of it) 2. Murder House (a classic, and I hate watching gore-y stuff, but this was a great season to introduce me to this type of genre. again, I was captivated with the characters and storytelling) 3. Hotel (hated the beginning of it, hated that Jessica Lange wasn’t there anymore, but I absolutely loved the ending. Lady Gaga was amazing in her role and all of the actors did a proper job in making us feel empathy for complex characters. The woman obsessed with her missing son who’s a vampire storyline got on my nerves and I didn’t care for it- but other than that- loved it!) 4. Coven (I actually like this one, but idk, I’m not as in love with it as other people seem to be. I think it was overhyped for me since I heard so much praise for it before watching the show. When I watched it I was surprised people had it ranked higher than the first two seasons. Violet annoyed the hell out of me) 5. Roanoke (loved the first half, HATED the ending. I still can’t believe they ruined the second half of the season. the writing was terrible) 6. FreakShow (it’s not as badly written as Roanoke’s second half, but it’s almost as unwatchable as Cult. my husband and I couldn’t get through it... twice. I think we semi-finished it once. It’s feels sooo s l o w . they really turned the freak characters into rapist monsters at one point- like wtf??? most of the characters/storylines I didn’t care for. the singing was cringe and RM should’ve left that on Glee. The only highlight was Jessica Lange singing a Gods & Monsters cover... and the last episode... because it ended) 7. Cult (The worst. Hated the characters. The storyline was stupid. Had so many unnecessary violent scenes [which was a first for me in watching AHS]. The ending was ok... eh, it was still bad. The only highlight was Sarah Paulson’s character killing her wife and Kai dying)
  10. This just reminded me, wasn’t she working on getting a pilot license? What happened with that?
  11. Tyrion (not the book Tyrion) and Sansa.
  12. I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THIS. IT SOUNDS BEAUTIFUL. My heart is broken though. The pico link is broken.
  13. Hmm, I guess her following him also gives him more credibility. But she has of course followed other fans and interacted with them, giving them bits of information. I sort of feel like she appreciates his support, but only interacts with him if she doesn't want to be too direct about an issue- like when a fan posted a video of her when she didn't want their conversation on social media and he posted to everyone to not spread it.
  14. It's not Win. I'm surprised people told you that. I think the guy behind LanaDelNews posted a selfie in his stories every now and then. I used to follow his account not too long ago but idk, he looks and seems like a cool guy but most other times I feel like his habit blocking people makes me question if some of those people had valid critiques + the cringey moments where he sort of suggests that he's one of the only valid resources to get updates other than Lana or her team. I mean not even Lana is good at giving updates.
  15. I'm usually that girl who gets annoyed at the theories of it being the label, but this is some very interesting information.
  16. I got the “clean” version and deleted the original because of that. I think she included it to sound “hard”, like rappers do, but it’s so out of place because it’s a simple song about heartbreak. The “fuck” is okay because she sounds frustrated, but the “bitch” is laughable because it sounds like she’s saying it sensually and who is it directed to then? The dude? Does he have a side chick? It sounds so out of place and random. lol
  17. I was about to say that. Lmao also didn’t Jesus not place importance or surround himself with material wealth? Lana, use your common sense (challenge) and disassociate from this group (she’s probably going to defend it, I just know it lol). Because reusing old footage x10 is the theme of this NFR era so far. Lol
  18. I think you have to take into account the people who aren’t fans of Lana who love the original song/Sublime and decided to give it a listen- and some new people were bound to love it and keep listening to it. I don’t know about “bad taste”, lmao it’s a good fucking cover and I can still enjoy it while also being critical of how she’s running this NFR release.
  19. I’ll laugh if when the album comes out and someone calls her out on the “top of the year” statement she made - let’s say... in an interview - and she gets irritated or acts like she doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Lana: Oh my God, sometimes I just say random things in interviews, I don’t remember saying that. *giggles* interviewer: But you also said in a livestream back in January that the album was done, and fans have responded to us saying they were a bit confused as to why you became quiet about it after. Lana: Well... See, it's sort of funny actually- I promised myself that I'd focus on becoming an "insta baddie" or vlogger or whatever... Yeah, it sounds stupid, but I've been having fun, and hanging out with friends. I actually tweeted about it as a joke, but it turned out to be a... nice distraction... uh... I don't know I was just going with what felt right and even though I loved the album, I wanted it to happen on my own terms. Because everything usually came out before it's set date or got misconstrued during previous, um, album releases, but this time I wanted it to feel different. interviewer: Speaking of those tweets, you said you wanted to "strengthen relationship with God". I know you said it was light-hearted, but is that why you were spotted at Hillsong? Lana: Yeeeahhh, actually I know there were certain things that the fans were upset about and that was one of them... but I was... really trying to find myself. A friend of mine, she was actually someone I've been hanging out with a lot recently, invited me to go to their services and yeah... I don't know it's a tough subject and it is what it is. People will think what they want to think. I wanted this project to speak for itself and I wanted to do things that could bring positive change. As silly as that sounds.
  20. To me, the only problem seasons 7 and 8 had is that they weren’t a full 10 episodes. I think the show would’ve addressed people’s concerns better if they had let the story breathe. Last weeks episode was my least favorite episode but I made peace with the pacing since it’d be impossible to include scenes that would satisfy everyone’s expectations for how their favorite character’s story arcs would resolve. The finale solidified to me that the writing is still good, it’s just they had to cut so much because D&D made the stupid decision in wrapping the show up in 6 episodes. I’m for sure going to purchase the disc sets and this show will remain my all time favorite show. I feel bad that some of you couldn’t enjoy it and I blame D&D’s stupid decision... I really don’t get why they didn’t take HBO’s offer, especially seeing how iconic the show is. I think they’re going to get hit with karma hard on their next project. lmao
  21. Because those sound better than the fact that Lana is taking it slow on purpose because she wants to. People want to believe it’s the label, or some outside force preventing her from releasing it because they wanna have faith in her and want fresh music to listen to even though there’s a slim chance of that happening and it seems like she wants the poetry book out first.
  22. Loved the episode. Not even kidding. My favorite out of the whole season.
  23. She didn’t even post a pic of them together to at least give it an acknowledgement, even though they’ve hung out many times and had probably taken photos together, so yeah it was weird... plus didn’t Marina also hang out in the studio with Lana and Jack while they were both working on their albums?
  24. I’ve been wanting to hear that style again. I feel REVIVED.
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