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  1. Jack liked a post in a topic by Elle in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I posted a status about this, but the vocal layering and harmonies in Honeymoon are so hypnotizing. It reminds me of the style of "Bentley" a bit, and I love that one. I imagine this is what Bentley would sound like if it was produced. The whole sound of the track is so cinematically gorgeous. Someone said it sounded a little soundtrack-like, which I can agree with. I could definitely imagine hearing the instrumental in a dramatic Hitchcock film.. The last minute is so jazzy, which I always love. Starting with "dreaming away your life" and just her humming afterwards.. Love love love. Jazzy Lana is one of my favourite sides. I'm really looking forward to the album after hearing this one. Great work Lana, love u lots xx
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Elle in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I posted a status about this, but the vocal layering and harmonies in Honeymoon are so hypnotizing. It reminds me of the style of "Bentley" a bit, and I love that one. I imagine this is what Bentley would sound like if it was produced. The whole sound of the track is so cinematically gorgeous. Someone said it sounded a little soundtrack-like, which I can agree with. I could definitely imagine hearing the instrumental in a dramatic Hitchcock film.. The last minute is so jazzy, which I always love. Starting with "dreaming away your life" and just her humming afterwards.. Love love love. Jazzy Lana is one of my favourite sides. I'm really looking forward to the album after hearing this one. Great work Lana, love u lots xx
  3. luminom liked a post in a topic by Elle in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I posted a status about this, but the vocal layering and harmonies in Honeymoon are so hypnotizing. It reminds me of the style of "Bentley" a bit, and I love that one. I imagine this is what Bentley would sound like if it was produced. The whole sound of the track is so cinematically gorgeous. Someone said it sounded a little soundtrack-like, which I can agree with. I could definitely imagine hearing the instrumental in a dramatic Hitchcock film.. The last minute is so jazzy, which I always love. Starting with "dreaming away your life" and just her humming afterwards.. Love love love. Jazzy Lana is one of my favourite sides. I'm really looking forward to the album after hearing this one. Great work Lana, love u lots xx
  4. guardian liked a post in a topic by Elle in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I posted a status about this, but the vocal layering and harmonies in Honeymoon are so hypnotizing. It reminds me of the style of "Bentley" a bit, and I love that one. I imagine this is what Bentley would sound like if it was produced. The whole sound of the track is so cinematically gorgeous. Someone said it sounded a little soundtrack-like, which I can agree with. I could definitely imagine hearing the instrumental in a dramatic Hitchcock film.. The last minute is so jazzy, which I always love. Starting with "dreaming away your life" and just her humming afterwards.. Love love love. Jazzy Lana is one of my favourite sides. I'm really looking forward to the album after hearing this one. Great work Lana, love u lots xx
  5. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Elle in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I posted a status about this, but the vocal layering and harmonies in Honeymoon are so hypnotizing. It reminds me of the style of "Bentley" a bit, and I love that one. I imagine this is what Bentley would sound like if it was produced. The whole sound of the track is so cinematically gorgeous. Someone said it sounded a little soundtrack-like, which I can agree with. I could definitely imagine hearing the instrumental in a dramatic Hitchcock film.. The last minute is so jazzy, which I always love. Starting with "dreaming away your life" and just her humming afterwards.. Love love love. Jazzy Lana is one of my favourite sides. I'm really looking forward to the album after hearing this one. Great work Lana, love u lots xx
  6. American Money liked a post in a topic by Elle in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I posted a status about this, but the vocal layering and harmonies in Honeymoon are so hypnotizing. It reminds me of the style of "Bentley" a bit, and I love that one. I imagine this is what Bentley would sound like if it was produced. The whole sound of the track is so cinematically gorgeous. Someone said it sounded a little soundtrack-like, which I can agree with. I could definitely imagine hearing the instrumental in a dramatic Hitchcock film.. The last minute is so jazzy, which I always love. Starting with "dreaming away your life" and just her humming afterwards.. Love love love. Jazzy Lana is one of my favourite sides. I'm really looking forward to the album after hearing this one. Great work Lana, love u lots xx
  7. Elle liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in analwinterofmylife Lana Videos   
    I'm just gonna post all my videos here for people to view :3 
    my mission with creating these videos is to do more than make a fan video but make something artful. something beyond random clips set to music like I've seen others do. 

    let me know what you think! Feel free to drop any creative criticism and let me know if there are any videos you would be interested in seeing from me :3 
    Old Money
    Florida Kilos
    Angels Forever, Forever Angels
    Fucked My Way Up To The Top
    West Coast Radio Mix
  8. Elle liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Lana Christmas song   
    i really beg for a Christmas EP to be released this year by her, featuring Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Santa Baby, Blue Christmas (feat. Elvis) [if possible] and maybe something more modern too
  9. Elle liked a post in a topic by American Money in Lana Christmas song   
    Blue Christmas duet with Elvis (her daddy)
  10. Elle liked a post in a topic by Kitten in Lana Christmas song   
    Blue Christmas and Santa Baby with emphasis on the second one b/c reasons 

  11. Elle liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in Post Your Art   
    My art is dark and macabric, but I am pure joy I just spit my demons out, and then all that is left is a reincarnated butterfly.
    I know you won't like it, I kinda used to a taste of Lanaboards members.
    [content removed]











  12. Elle liked a post in a topic by Lad in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Well she captioned that picture BBHMM which reads "Brooklyn Baby Honeymoon Mermaid Motel". BKBB and MM confirmed for Honeymoon
  13. Elle liked a post in a topic by lmdr in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Money(from bbhmm) rhymes with Honey and money is a rectangle, which has four sides so..... HONEYMOON IS COMING THE FOURTH OF JULY OMG!!!!!!!!!
  14. Elle liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's Nicknames/Terms of Endearment   
    anyway! I just finished oitnb s3 and am underwhelmed!!!!!
  15. Elle liked a post in a topic by CarlPFisher in Lana's Nicknames/Terms of Endearment   
    Hey All,
    I have a interesting question for some of the fans out there. I like to consider myself a nearly obsessed/passionate fan of Lana but I have noticed two terms that people use that are very confusing to me. I have heard the term Queen and Mom.
    I can understand Queen because I have heard it referenced in her music such 'Queen of Disaster' and also the reference to a 'Queen' of pop which has been a term of endearment for great musicians such as Tina Turner and others. I do not know the exact origin of this moniker but I respect it and would like to know.
    On the other hand, I have heard the term 'mom' used by a  fan of hers on youtube titled, "Lana Del Rey Got a Restraining Order on Me" and it seems weird since A) Lana is firmly a Millennial (born in '85) and the fan was likely a Millennial B) It seems a little insulting to your actual mother. This was the  only qualm I had with the video as I think the term is rather odd but then again I am unaware what terms are used by high school kids so I may just be out of the loop.
    Thank you all for the help! 
    All the best,
  16. Elle liked a post in a topic by rdp in BARRIE TWEETS LANA   
    tfw your girlfriend writes an entire album about how depressed you are then breaks up with you 

  17. Jack liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lohanthony.   
    The only thing I know about him is that a few months ago he reblogged my Lana photoset on tumblr, which eventually gained it well over 6000 notes, so I suppose I'm grateful for that. Other than that? ?
  18. Elle liked a post in a topic by Jack in Last thing you bought   
    I got a wax melter last night and some blackberry lemonade scented wax, it's very nice on my bedside table
  19. Elle liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Answer a Q with a Song Title   
    Random Acts of Violence
    very elaborate promo,  UltraviolentJack  
    What makes you wet?
  20. Elle liked a post in a topic by Jack in Answer a Q with a Song Title   
    A Little Closer to God
    When do you know you done fucked up?
  21. Elle liked a post in a topic by Kitten in Charlotte, NC @ PNC Music Pavilion - June 13th, 2015   
    I said I'd swoop back in post-concert so I'd just like to gush a little. Not necessarily about the venue, mind you. I was told no camping or early arrivals but @@buster as your prophecy foretold, people arrived hella early and it was a-okay. My boyfriend and I parked a little over a mile away and walked all the way there just to get in line before parking opened. I wanna say we got there around 3pm, and we didn't get into the pit until like 7 since they took for-fucking-ever getting VIP in and opening our alleged ~fast lane~ gates. Waited for about an hour in the pit 'till the opener came on and in the meantime, I began feeling sick as hell and had to sit down for most of my wait. I'd been guzzling water the entire time, and snacked on a little something, but looking back on it now I probably didn't eat enough.
    But enough of that, onward with my story....
    After the initial wait was over and we actually got to hear some sick beats, it was, in one word, spectacular. As I'm sure y'all already know, Grimes opened for my date. She was joined on-stage by her two gorgeous dancers and another singer, Hana, who was doing backup vocals. I don't know what to say other than I was in awe and smiling like an idiot the entire time. Claire (Grimes' real name) had an overwhelming positive energy while putting on her portion of the show and it was downright charming. She's beyond awesome at dancing too. Couldn't take my eyes off her for a moment! As much as my poor little gay heart was looking forward to Lana, a big part of me was kinda bummed when she finished because she was just that uplifting.
    It's crazy how quickly people did Lana's stage-set up, and as they revealed the cityscape and the "DEL REY" I could FEEL the stranglehold of my own excitement, haha. Everybody was so excited when she came out. As for me, I cried a little because I'm a big baby and it was my first time seeing her in person. I don't wanna say it solidified my love for her 'cause I already knew I adored her but.. something like that. It's just a special moment seeing your idol on-stage. I've only ever been able to witness videos and pictures, but this was totally different. Intimate.
    Everybody was so enthusiastic. I believe it was after her first song, but she told us that we had a lot of energy. So meaningful to have her comment on that. All of us die-hards in the pit did our best to make her feel welcome and loved. Her entire performance, she gave us her absolute all. I have to say, she's better live than anywhere else, and I'm sure anyone can vouch for that statement. Footage or albums or what-have-you, they cannot compare to hearing her sing in person. The amount of talent is mind-blowing. From her first to her last song, I was like, in a trance.
    I thought I'd be sad if I didn't meet her, and to an extent I am. I had a letter I REALLY wanted to get to her if nothing else. However - and I may be dreaming big on this - at one point while I was waving my envelope around like a maniac, she was on our side of the stage and I swear she made eye contact with me in a sad "I can't reach you sweetie" way, and mouthed something. "I love you," maybe? Idk. I'm a hopeful person and that's what I thought I saw. I believe that the day will come when I meet her, too.
    Regardless, I'm so grateful to have been as close as I was in the first place. Not barricade, I'm pretty sure that was almost exclusively VIP people. BUT I fluctuated between 3rd and 4th row, which wasn't bad for my very first Lana experience. Especially when I wasn't forceful with anyone or anything. I had my boyfriend behind me as a buffer too, protecting me from shovers.
    Unfortunately, all the strength that her graceful, godly self had shined down upon me left me as soon as she left the stage. I felt like I was going to die. We were lucky enough to get a ride back to our car from some newly-made friends so that we wouldn't have to walk. Lucky for us, seeing as I wouldn't have been able to truck through it. Not even exaggerating, I probably would've passed out. My legs were already yelling at me for my first brush with standing in a pit for several hours and dancing. My head hurt and I was suffering from extreme nausea and desire to fall into bed.
    But after food, a good night's rest at our hotel, food, a safe check-out and trip back from Charlotte, and yes, more food, I'm feeling much better. Definitely able to look back on things with more fondness than before. Not that I wasn't already, just.. I WAS ILL. Anyways...
    Now that the droning on and on is over, time for the goodies. I didn't get TOO much because for the most part I was enjoying myself rather than worrying with my phone, but I have some photos and videos on my Twitter. My personal favorite capture would have to be the beginning of UV, which can be seen here, and I even got a dedicated Lana account to RT it. Mostly because I thought it was pretty great audio considering my place in the pit. Video was admittedly a little shaky, but it was hard to hold my phone way up high and steady it at the same time.
    Just thought I'd share the deets with anyone who might be interested. I tried not to embellish my story with any more rambling than necessary, but it's still probably really long. If you read all of it, you are a superhero and I love you.
  22. Jack liked a post in a topic by Elle in Stripper Playlist   
    Kinda Outta Luck hints at her being a stripper: motel singer or the silver pole, and of course Midnight Dancer Girlfriend.
    As for songs to strip to, def Mermaid Motel, West Coast, Body Electric, and there's this one National Anthem remix that I've had good feedback with..
  23. guardian liked a post in a topic by Elle in Stripper Playlist   
    Kinda Outta Luck hints at her being a stripper: motel singer or the silver pole, and of course Midnight Dancer Girlfriend.
    As for songs to strip to, def Mermaid Motel, West Coast, Body Electric, and there's this one National Anthem remix that I've had good feedback with..
  24. Elle liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Stripper Playlist   
    Oh Say Can You see always gives me that alcoholic prostitute looking for business on the corners of streets and alley ways vide ....
  25. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Elle in Stripper Playlist   
    Kinda Outta Luck hints at her being a stripper: motel singer or the silver pole, and of course Midnight Dancer Girlfriend.
    As for songs to strip to, def Mermaid Motel, West Coast, Body Electric, and there's this one National Anthem remix that I've had good feedback with..
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