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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. Was hoping for at least one song that didn't leak.... but okay.
  2. She been had a nose job since like Poker Face. LOL
  3. The slow down preview sounded 10X better than this. Ew. I WANT THAT SONG INSTEAD.
  4. I'm just gonna say it... BECAUSE IT WAS BORING. like let's be real. ... she can take her time. She doesn't have to put a song out, but it'd be appreciated.
  5. SarcasticBeauty


    I'm indifferent to the song at the moment. BUT THAT BRIDGE OR BREAKDOWN OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED IS FIRE.
  6. Let me have hope that she's returning to that era just a smidgen.
  7. They seem to always do something weird... well to me. But I'm excited! Hopefully they get another hit like Use Somebody or Sex is On Fire.
  8. WHERE'S THE NEW ALBUM KOL??? lol. But I love them also. Especially 17.
  9. lololol she needs to just put that out as a single. But on a serious note I agree. But who's FAD?
  10. I understand what you mean. I just... Idk when is Lana happy? lmaoooo like all her pretty much released stuff is kinda sad. Even if they aren't sad, they sound that way lol. It's kinda her image.
  11. They don't JUST record 7 songs. They record like 20 or 30 and then pick from those. So yeah, they kinda can. But le sighhhh, we have to accept it.
  12. So basically the same songs but with one new one. I was hoping for a whole new list. But I guess.
  13. It seems like that's happening with a lot of artist. Kanye for example. He doesn't write the same he use to. Lana hasn't either. Its sad when they lose the spark. That's what I thought. I'm sitting here like... didn't she say those were throwbacks.
  14. It was definitely Blue Jeans and National Anthem for me. When I first heard it I was like wow! She's telling such a fuckin story! She's so descriptive and I just felt like these beats and strings, this sound was crazy good. When I heard the album tho Million Dollar man was so beautiful. Unreleased wise, I would have to say Noir. And that's probably because its so raw and emotional, but still told one hell of a story.
  15. I enjoy the song. It's not her most lyrical, or anything. ButI like it. The chorus is less than desirable. But I enjoy the verses.
  16. I actually like it. I mean its a grower. I listened to it twice and was like.... I don't.... but then I listened again. THEM VERSES ARE FIIIIRE sounding. The chorus was soso. But deal-able. I'm not a monster or stan or anything. But I do like Gaga.
  17. SarcasticBeauty


    Interviewer: That’s awesome! There are so many good songs on The Altar! I really like “Weaker Girl” a lot, I think that’s my favorite. That’s going to be my new song for when I need to feel empowered. Banks: Oh GOOD! That makes me really happy. That’s like, my heart. Can you imagine? At shows?! Like, everyone singing, “IMMA NEED A BAD MOTHERFUCKER LIKE ME!” When I wrote that, that’s all I was thinking was, I’m just going to hold the mic out and have everyone sing.
  18. Okay, so listening again through some great headphones. On the first chorus she does say "Life's been killing me" BUT on the other choruses she's saying "Love's been killing me". It's "All the cash unpaid, all the love we made." You have to listen closely but she is saying "Your problem with commitment is, the bane of my existence." And are we sure it's "Nowhere to kiss it." I think it's "Know where to kiss it."
  19. LMAOOOO DEAD! I HAVE LISTENED TO IT. I just for some reason deleted that part out of my mind..... oh. Well nevermind. That song is okay.... Okay well DAMN Well I want..... Say Yes To Heaven. (Those choruses are cringey and don't really match the "Every dance I'll dance" part. But the verses sound to die for.
  20. I want Trash Magazines (By the Sea) now. Cuz I mean at least its poppy. I'm not gonna beg for it like I did for Resistance tho. But it'd be nice to have it.
  21. This has to be on a Lana highschool playlist with Prom Song, Dum Dum, Paris, and Baby Blue Love. lol But I def agree, its so fucking cute.
  22. ITS "LOVE's been killing me."
  23. NOT that TRASH. I'm talking about Pop Lana.
  24. WELLLLLL basically the Melanie fandom on Twitter and shit fucked us. Melanie got some annoying ASS fans. No wonder she doesn't like to meet yall. Tf. We can't get any leaks because of them.
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