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About Goddess

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  • Birthday May 4

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  1. Oh my God... she really did that This is her best album, hands down
  2. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Oqvx2DWC8/?igshid=1c76hr0752f9b Does this look like lana to anyone else?
  3. 1. Born To Die 2. Ultraviolence 3. Honeymoon 4. Paradise 666. Lust For Life AKA would be in the top 3, not exactly sure where though. Honestly I'm surprised LFL has ranked so highly with so many people. It's really hurt my stanning for Lana? And people keep mentioning how less and less followers are reading the threads. The NFR songs all sound good so far except for the collaborations. But I've noticed a lot of her music isn't aging well for me. I'm not sure why. Like her older albums used to sit so highly in my mind but the tracks just aren't aging well. Maybe that's what people mean when they say the material is immature. Although it's happening with her more "mature" content too. Anybody else experiencing this?
  4. I think Heroin is the most honest song Lana has ever written
  5. Why are tracks 8 and 15 missing from itunes preorder?
  6. 2 years is long to me because I don't stan for any other artists and have never waited for albums to drop from anyone. Lana had me on a 1 a year schedule and then she didn't. I understand everyone's pov is different. Plus it was just a thought I had. It would be fun to recreate an 'album drop' (for a month or two of waiting mid-dry season) -and the leaker would get to make a track list that they thought flowed. Or have LB vote based on song names. I don't have the means to do this so it will probably never happen anyway.
  7. I think if we ever have to wait for an album a really long time again like 2 years, someone with a lot of unleaked should just drop an 'unleaked album' of 14 tracks all together at once. It would be fun.
  8. She's doing this all for the fans but I ain't a fan of how she's doing this. Fuck "soon".
  9. It seems more & more like that theory that this album will cater to every type of fan is legit. So far we have Love that sounds sort of BTD/Paradise-ish. We have LFL that is a bop and more uptempo. And we have confirmation we are getting an acoustic song called Yosemite. I wonder if there will be a rock/surf swing song more like the beginning half of Ultraviolence on it too.
  10. Lana has said that she takes two different guys and puts them into one song before. I have always thought that she's done this when changing from first to third person. With this in mind, BAR is one of the songs she does this with. So when she is singing the intro about the architecture & houses of holy "he was cool as heck," I think she is talking about her boyfriend- and then when she switches to "but You were so obsessed & You did it all for fame," I definitely think she is talking to herself/Lizzy. Another reason I think this is because of "how does it feel 'now that it's over'," which makes it sound like the person she is talking to GOT their fame & is still searching for something else / not satisfied with it. Which isn't really true for any of her boyfriends, at least not to the extent that she has made it- famous. This honestly could have been the turning point- this song- that made her realize she needed to search for something else now. A Lust For Life instead of the glory & fame she had always been after before. She knew she needed new inspiration and a new goal or drive to live her life. It could have been the starting point of the new album & why there were rumors this had been the original title. ----- A theory on Your Gal, I haven't looked into the exact dates but is it possibly that she wrote this song while on tour with Jimmy Gnecco? I remember after her tour with him (or during) she released the title song of Ultraviolence and they had to asure the Jim in that song was not related to him. I've always found it strange that there just happened to be a second Jim in Lana's life. But anyways, the lyrics in YG go "been on tour too long, had too much time to think," and then in the bridge it says "late at night, baby your my sign, call me late if you want to get high.... late at night you and I can get to know one another." What if this was written with the excruciating pain of having your long time crush and/or ex lover on tour with you, thinking about them constantly, knowing that they are sleeping in the hotel room across the hall from you, hoping to get that call in the middle of the night & maybe do drugs again together like you used to. "You and I can get to know one another..." Again. I wish I was your* girl.
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