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About yourman

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  1. Saying this on a forum for Lana del rey fans is wild. I’m genuinely happy for your sobriety. But don’t shame others.
  2. Lol somebody didn’t have a fun summer.
  3. I went to numerous Brat themed parties that weren’t even gays. After me repeating “bumping that” all night someone finally came up to me and asked why and if im asking for coke or something. They didn’t even know the music but understood what Brat was. It was a movement. AOTY.
  4. CHARLI SMASHED. Also Body!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  5. yourman

    Lady Gaga

    Is anyone else not like the most thrilled?
  6. not much there to say but another amazing album kintsugi “thats how the light gets in” only “negatives” are i feel Peppers and Taco Truck feel unfinished. They’re both absolute GOLD but in Peppers theres such a good build up with “im in loooove” and the chorus lets it down. And Taco truck should have been a full song. The latin production is so sexy and beautiful. VB was totally unnecessary.
  7. ok but can you? Mod note: User was given two warning points for this post and their previous one.
  8. the way the song is NOT resonating with me at all… 😩🥴🥹 it’s like Dealer like oh cool this is different but it won’t be on repeat. lyrics are 10/10
  9. So crazy how my opinions on IYLDNTM, black bathing suit and violets for roses are so opposite to yours.
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