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Everything posted by NamiraWilhelm

  1. I honestly expected her live performances to get fewer and far between, since she's been so very... safe and casual in her performances of late. Half assed dress, loud backing track, randomly stopping singing in certain places, same old set lists and when was the last time she pushed a boundary e.g. belting heart-shaped box? I just hope she ups her game for the world tour.
  2. Sigh I just know this bitch is going to finally visit Australia when I'm abroad
  3. It would be nice if she had the ability to write a chorus but it seems to have escaped her. Even when she does do more than repeat the title we get 'My cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme, and all of my peaches'
  4. everybody's collection is pretty with pictures and I've compusively turned mine into an impersonal information database
  5. Someone ask adidas for the truth and if a catalogue of her modelling their stuff is coming
  6. After stalkers in your house and car, she can handle that shit
  7. she was in the zone, eyes closed, suddenly standing to her right is a creep leering over her xD fucking stans, man But erm, any set list or anything, anything unique sung?
  8. fuck me, I cannot BELIEVE all of this adidas gear ! It's fucking hilarious at this point. Confess to that sponsorship Lana
  9. One good thing, there are so many on eBay even for 30£ that it's basically devalued them lel.
  10. maybe we should all message chuck and tell her to burn Lana's wardrobe
  11. Saying it's merchandise that she's in love with somehow made it highly desirable and made me want it more before knowing what it is
  12. In case it's not been posted http://www.journaldesfemmes.com/loisirs/musique/1875230-lana-del-rey-interview/
  13. any full recordings of change around? Can only find them missing the beginning
  14. What a sweetheart, I can see why she spoke so fondly/maternally of him
  15. With the stream of new interviews, I'm wondering how the interview section is going, if at all? I mean if it's a case of nobody having the time, would it work to turn it into a community project? Open the section up to forum members, allowing us to create threads in it, threads that like in the latest news section require approval before posting? So that duplicates can be deleted etc... I don't know if that's viable, I suppose it might have been done by now if so. I'm just interested in seeing it completed, but can't promise I'll do a decent chunk myself, not with my shite wifi and travel habit...
  16. I think pawn shop blues being Chuck's favourite would make it a contender
  17. the high by the beach radio edit that appeared on some promo cds, did we ever get that, or is it unleaked?
  18. I want it all - nexus demo - Parker demo I have no confirm, someone might
  19. We don't have to worry about that with lisandro. Just have to wait.
  20. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXGfN4IgYRS/?taken-by=silvertinsel
  21. You don't need to justify yourself to people that go out of their way to be unpleasant to others. That's their issue, not yours. Retweeted.
  22. Why are you so nice to us @ when everyone else would hoard and trade the shit out of them Also I don't know how you manage to sweet talk all these people!
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