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Everything posted by Lirazel

  1. I agree. Remember Lana's playlist with Smells or HSB in it? Sadly, I think that 60% of people who claim to love Cobain are like that. They see him as this god of rebellion, being tr00 and suicide (unless they believe he was murdered). I like Kurt a lot, he's got a special spiritual meaning to me, but the fact that everyone more or less is into him really irks me - it's just so damn easy to be his fan!
  2. I never liked Children of Bad Revolution. Such meh song.
  3. Lirazel

    Lana Facts

    @@Shila well, Rob and Chuck do support her... But maybe she knows both of those things (because Lana's mother might be less supportive).
  4. @ sorry for not getting it. I've seen so many things like that said on tumblr that I've pretty much lost my sarcasm detector when it comes to people I don't know.
  5. I find such posts very problematic, because it's not like Lana forced you to make any choices - and yet some people would blame her art for your behaviour. I don't like the idea of artist censoring herself, because someone might get inspired to make her mistakes (to an extend, obviously - stuff like eminem wanting to punch Lana or rapping about murdering his named wife I find disgusting). I'm writing an novel, in which I'm sorta doing with my life what Lana does with hers in her music. In case it gets published, should I get worried about inspiring tumblr teenage girls to self-harm (bc they twisted the meaning of my words)? Maybe, but I can't kill my own voice for their sake. I've been suffering in silence for too long... Sorry for rambling.
  6. I don't approve of Constantine's comment towards Me.I Am Mariah AT ALL, but you do realize that had this saying been true, this board would have no point? Though I agree with it in the meaning that there's no need to be bitchy toward others just because they like different stuff than you
  7. Frankly, I find Tim Burton to be really overrated. The only movie of his that I've seen and would consider classic is Edward Scissorhands. He's okay, but not that great. I hope that this movie is gonna be more like ES quality, than Dark Shadows. I'm excited for Big Eyes, but not because of it's director, if it makes sense. I'm happy that we're gonna get another Lana song <3
  8. if they ever got together (wtf, Lana is SO ClSHET), they would kill each other over Lana's lack of interest in feminism. I have no idea why people ship them, other than the fact that they're both tumblr darlings.
  9. Lirazel

    Lana Facts

    I'm aware that we jnow nothing about them, but something feels iffy.I'm mostly analyising them on basis of Lana's lyrics social media are a bonus. The thing is I haven't heard one story from Lana about her mother supporting her. Not gonna condemn her, but I'm curious...
  10. Lirazel

    Lana Facts

    And he supports Lana on twitter, while Patricia (was it her name?) is nowhere to be found. I only remember the one photo of Lizzy/Lana with her parents... Been thinking about it, but couldn't remember the song title. Thanks for bringing this up!I'm starting to think that Lana's family is straight from Flowers in the Attic: loving father who's extremly close to his daughters and cold mother, who's more like a rival to them. Lol
  11. Lirazel

    Lana Facts

    Yes! Also wonder how the boarding school issue ties into this.
  12. I've been genuinely interested in watching this movie. I love the woman's artwork, and she seems fascinating. So happy that Lana is featured in it.
  13. Lirazel

    Lana Facts

    Another reason to be curious about their relationship...
  14. Lirazel

    Lana Facts

    Those are good - haven't been aware of some of them!
  15. BLESS YOU. Dude is as disgusting as always, and he only gets away with it because of his identity AND the fact that he's got legions of stupid, -ist 12 y/o boys and assorted dudebros. Wait, what other songs? I remember like one, by some no-name.
  16. I've recently rewatched Revolutionary Girl Utena and literally cried... Second fave anime after Neon Genesis Evangelion, which means so much more to me than just another cool cartoon. It's such a shame that Utena isn't as well-known as NGE, it's just as good and deep. Also, people want shows with properly portrayed lesbians and bisexuals, and when they get one, they pretty much ignore it... Such a shame.
  17. ...loving him is never enough Also: http://jessicaexplainsitall.tumblr.com/post/93582544264 http://dreamingtilltheend2891.tumblr.com/post/90387464038/baconstache-before-listening-to-lana-del-rey
  18. @@leaked_version agree. That's why this era has nothing on BTD one, or even Lizzy Grant's exploits... This is SO like a fanmade clip compilation. Pretty weak.
  19. I think that she could write autobiography of herself as the Lana Del Rey character... which would explain everything and nothing I really want both the book and biography to happen. I suppose that there's high chance that even if Lana did say that she plans to write an autobiography, it would join Britney Spears' one...
  20. I love all of your edits! Could you please post the photo from Is this Happiness? I love it <3
  21. I so relate to her on that level. Can't wait for the documentary!Might be the best thing to come out of this era.
  22. I was bored of it after second listening. My least favourite song on Ultraviolence, I think (I might be forgetting some other flop song, tho). Ultraviolence is a great record, but it has nothing on Born To Die when it comes to being iconic. At this rate, I can't see Lana surpassing the first era's imagery.
  23. Bless you for this post, I agree completely. And I've always loved the quote from Slant. Of course now we know that Lana is not into feminism because she cares more about ~the creation of universe~ and not puny little human problems like societal discrimination, but the fact that she sings about abusive relationships wasn't a reason to slam her. That's the reason I fell in love with her - she was the first pop star who had similar outlook on life and love as me, and wasn't afraid to express it.
  24. Hmm, it's true that she ignores it - but to me the "i don't give a fuck" part implies that she's clueless. She wouldn't make some of choices if she was aware that it's not JUST about her. And her quotes about feminism kill your point (not that I think that she HAS to be feminist, but how ignorant she is on the topic). Not to mention the objectification of non-white women and their bodies in Tropico, the warbonnet from Ride etc. Like the kiss photo. It relies on ages-old appropriation of female sexuality - especially non-heterosexual one - for male gaze. So if Lana was more socially aware, she would know that what she does is harming - even opressing other women, that she's playing into the image of '(not really) lesbian for your pleasure'. Instead, what Lana probably thinks is "wow, I'm so controversial... not only I kissed other women, but also my sister! The photo is beautiful, and IDGAF about what anyone thinks about me". And if she knows all of that and yet doesn't give a shit... I don't want to think that she's that stupid, or selfish, or cruel.
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