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Everything posted by Lirazel

  1. This thread is gold. I remember thinking that I like Wildest Dreams for like 5 minutes & then I realized that it's only because it's a Without You ripoff I'm weirded out that more media sites didn't create major drama bc of the similarity of those two songs, the Ride copy etc. If it was the other way - Lana getting ~inspired~ by Taylor, they would drag her to hell to and back. Fuck that fake bitch and her red lipstick (sorry, I just dislike Swiftie in general)
  2. I can't get excited for Honeymoon. I'm tired of Lana doing usual slow Lana songs. I really was hoping for something as good as BtD.... not the same, but as good.
  3. Yeah, it broke my heart! He could have them released for free and/or have the money go to the Amy Winehouse Fundation. He wasted her hard work
  4. Honeymoon (the song, obviously) was meh
  5. I'm so confused about wanting this. Owning a book of interviews with Lana is very tempting, but I dislike Franco and from what I know he's a shit writer And I know that this book is gonna be expensive for me because I will have to get it delivered to Poland for me... sighhh not sure if worth it. Hope that ebook leaks. Like I know I already will kill my wallet for the Susan Klebold book, not sure if want to do it for Franco even though Lana is involved :/
  6. What are you refering to in the Grimes part? I've always had a mild dislike for her, so I'm curious...
  7. Delicious, hands down
  8. I like it. It's okay. Is it confirmed that it's gonna be on Honeymoon?
  9. I love Dark Paradise, both the demo and BTD version. The second one is a classic "love stronger than death" song, but Lana style and that's why I love it. The first line of refrain's lyrics is iconic and I love how it describes Lana's art in general.
  10. YASSSSSSSSSS Here comes legitimate Born To Die successor. This album will slay our lives. Can't help but think that Ultraviolence was an unpredicted effort of being in shitty relationship with Barrie, especially since she lost interest in it so fast...
  11. wanted to quote this too! Hoped that someone would know who she was talking about... can't be Jimmy Gnecco, right? I think that she met him too late for this to be possible, but I'm still thinking about the K= imaginary person created around her various boyfriends idea.
  12. Sad is happy to me. I love it. When I write something bittersweet, I smile. I can relate so much.
  13. I love those photos. So perfect!
  14. I was so shocked to see a topic on her... even tho I'm not a stan, lady is amazing!!! So beautiful and full of class. Her first record is iconic and she's going strong. Glad she dropped that awful pop music she had about 2005-2007 and went back to her roots.
  15. It's totally possible... cause I share plenty of other things with Lana. Personality > taste in old men And I totally like the Jimmy Gnecco/dude from Born to Die video type <3
  16. Just skimmed through the article... it's not very interesting to me. Glad that we might get new record soon, but I'm very meh about the jazz sound. It's one of my least favourite genres...I like The Other Woman, so I guess not all hope is lost? The photos are okay - not iconic, but not the Maxim crap either.
  17. I haven't seen the movie yet, but that's how I feel. I doubt that I will change my mind, though. I LOVE those kinds of emotional/thoughts vignettes, so sue me.
  18. It's like the fandom's most popular opinion!
  19. I can't believe that the big eyes/big lies thing is real... The songs are heavenly. I can really see how Lana has entered the main character's mind. It's like a diary in song form.
  20. Who knew we would be getting an tryiumphant getting-out-of-abusive-relationship anthem from Lana? I love this and relate so much!!!
  21. I expected something so much worse from your comments... I'm glad I was wrong. I LOVE the look of the sorta emo girl sitting next to the baloons. Beautiful. The scene with women trashing shit up was also good.
  22. I love being a Lana stan. So many wonderful things happening <3
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