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Everything posted by LAman

  1. LAman

    Regina Spektor

    I listened to Bleeding Heart, and I'm not really into. I don't think it lives up to any of her previous songs. I may change my opinion, but I hope the other songs to come will be better tbh. Hope my opinion changes lol
  2. LAman

    Regina Spektor

    OMG can't wait to listen to the new song! I'm so glad Regina is coming back! She is seriously a musical genius
  3. LAman


    I love this song so much, but I cringe during the chorus. I wish that Lana could remake this song and change up the chorus. I think about this every time I listen to Waimea. Don't get me wrong, everything else in this song is literally perfection, I just feel the need to get this off my chest! Please Lana, remake this song with a new chorus, but keep these golden verses, I'm begging and praying
  4. That rock version of HM is killing me! All these new additions to her show is making me so fucking excited for Ohana Festival
  5. I wish I didn't know about this music video now, it's too soon. I wanna hear about it a little before it comes out, now i have to wait aaaaaaaaaaaa. I feel like it will be released in december
  6. Like they didn't expect crazy Lana fans to exist smh
  7. Are there any more pics of her new hair besides the one in this thread? I feel like we need to see more with face before making an opinion
  8. Doesn't she have a personal hairdresser? I'm surprised she went to a salon lol, makes her more...down to earth?
  9. LOL i thought the vocals were better than usual, she sounded really good
  10. I believe you! It's awesome to hear about Lana encounters on here. It sucks that you couldn't get a photo. This story makes me not want to meet Lana lol, but regardless, I'm happy you did and gave us the details!
  11. I love that movie! I saw it around the time that I discovered Lana, so I associate those two. It's nice to see that actor in pics with her. Perfect for salvatore
  12. here is more video footage from lanasdaily https://www.tumblr.com/video/lanasdaily/140150857229/500/
  13. I love it, she looks like a hot buccaneer. I hope she shows up at the Grammys tomorrow!
  14. I feel like this shot was filmed more recently, like filmed a couple months ago. Anyways, I think we all agree that this video wasn't intended for Freak, she looked really beautiful though, especially when she was next to the record player.
  15. If I remember correctly, that's when she announced the end of her career, or so people thought... EDIT: Nevermind, that was before Tropico premier
  16. Do you guys have an idea of how much these tickets will cost? I want to go, but on a tight budget
  17. I always imagined that the Freak mv would be shot at a typical Americana motel with lots of kinky sex scenes (the sex scenes would be multiple different kinds of people in different rooms). It would be the motel version of AHS Hotel lololololol
  18. If Lana is singing to Freak in the video with that same outfit then I'm pretty sure it's not footage from the UV era. Maybe the video was shot before the HM sample video.
  19. I think she said Italia because its Rolling Stone Italia. It doesn't mean she made a mv for Salvatore, but I could be wrong.
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