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About bummersummer

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  1. if she said that, it's also patently untrue. i already followed her circa question for the culture drama & that's when she went with the zeitgeist and p much turned on lana, she was def all over her ass before that. maybe she doesn't listen to her now but to deny influence/inspiration when the internet is forever is... a choice.
  2. re: ethel cain, it's hilarious to me how she'll get really defensive whenever someone points out the obvious ldr influence in her music / aesthetic (like the pitchfork review of her album which was, lbr, on point) but won't resist inserting herself in the current ldr discourse in a ~i won't be outdone, but make it ironic~ sorta way, thus proving lana truly lives in her mind rent free
  3. this version of strangers is amazing!! i've been into her since her white silas days & was so bummed when she removed everything but the nightmares ep from streaming services. sad music for sad people in particular was so so good, but i guess since she's using at least strangers & a house in nebraska for her album, it makes sense. everything's still retrievable online anyway.
  4. i get what you mean. my point is that when you know your accounts are still "alive" the temptation to go check them out is a lot bigger, on your browser or briefly redownloading the apps or whatever, bc ~no one will ever know~ lol. if you're not super strong willed, deactivating is def the better option bc if you go back ppl will notice & also in 30 days the accounts are actually all gone lol. personally i feel like she's done with everything remotely resembling pop stardom, i see her becoming increasingly private / reclusive like most of the 60s/70s musicians she admires & doing little to no promo, so i get the impression this severing the connection with the fans (& by fans i mean the typical hyper demanding, with an extremely short attention span pop stan) is by design.
  5. i've seen a lot of comments like this here, on twitter, etc. & find them kinda funny / weird tbh. like, a lot of regular ass ppl deactivate or delete their socials bc while they're active the temptation to go back "for just a min" "just to see what's going on" is always there, so what makes you all believe a celeb would be different, especially since they know ppl are for sure talking abt them? also, maybe this was a therapist's advice? ppl aren't equipped to receive the insane amount of tribal hate OR love that celebs do, it's bound to mess with anyone's head so it seems extremely wise to remove yourself from the craziness when you're already prone to mental illness.
  6. this reminded me of a bbc think piece abt lana's "struggle to be mysterious in pop", specifically this quote i don't think that's the only, or even the main, reason for her to do this but i wonder if it contributed to her decision. a lot of hw actresses do the no social media thing & it only adds to their glamour & mystique, and she's been burned so many times bc of it maybe she just thought 'fuck it, let's try it another way' (agree that she seemed odd / sad in the video tho, my first thought before even reading comments here was that her speech was slurred & she seemed like she was about to cry throughout the whole thing)
  7. i don't think this is so much abt leaks - those can't be controlled anyway & are unofficial - but actual album / song releases by record labels that will then be considered as much a part of your official discography as what you released during your lifetime, even though you had no say in what's chosen / how it's edited or produced / etc. seeing what's happened to artists like lil peep, whose unpublished work is still being milked for a quick buck regardless of quality or artist intent, i have to say: good for her, i'd do the same.
  8. legit surprised so many people dislike breaking up slowly, it's quickly becoming one of my fave lana collabs & fits the vibe of the album perfectly (also the placement in the middle of the 2nd half of the record is flawless). after the hot mess that was lust for life collabs-wise, those in cotcc are a breath of fresh air!! def hft.
  9. why does her caption sound so melodramatic?! it almost reads like an s-word note ffs.
  10. i'm sad to say this, but she definitely falls somewhere among "minimization" & "veiled racism" in this pyramid. you (general you) have to understand that racism doesn't just happen out of malicious hatred, it can be born out of ignorance and/or sheltered privilege - and i definitely think that's her case. if so many poc are saying she's racist, it's for a reason & we (this we applies to white people) need to primarily listen to their voices here. any white person is racist, or has been in the past - how could we not, we were raised in a system that upholds and teaches white supremacy. unlearning that is something we have to actively do all our lives, and the most disappointing thing for me re: lana is not that she falls into some of the behaviors above out of ignorance, but that she refuses to listen and learn and keeps reacting/responding from a haughty defensive place while making the same mistakes over and over.
  11. why does she keep doing this to us!!!
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