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Everything posted by bummersummer

  1. ...um? https://twitter.com/sykojuicee/status/724681094130483201
  2. Lemonade, pretty much on repeat since sunday.
  3. @@Flipflopfan i tend to agree with @@slang's comment on this. anyway, ours are outsiders' opinions, of course, so any of us could be right, or (more likely) neither. but i kinda think you're rationalizing your own disappointment with her - with how you think she should dress, behave, talk, etc. - by attributing it a removable cause: if she drops the depressive/bipolar 'act', or if she stops being depressed, she'll change and rise up to your expectations. which is probably easier to do re: a celebrity we've invested quite a bit of time and money in than saying 'i don't like it, but this is how she is & probably won't change, take it or leave it'.
  4. Lemonade is so ridiculously good, like goddamn. Hold Up, Don't Hurt Yourself & 6 Inch are just & Freedom is the best song in the album imo.
  5. bummersummer


    if expressing indifference towards a dead celebrity's accomplishments/persona while still wishing them eternal rest is disrespectful now, la de fucking da. anyway, he's dead, so i'm pretty damn sure he's not offended. if you are, that's your own problem. and that's the last i'll say on this matter.
  6. bummersummer


    i will do and say whatever the fuck i please.
  7. just read a post about how UV (song & video) could have been inspired by Jim Morrison & Pamela Courson's relationship, and a lot of it does make sense... other than what's mentioned there - getting together when she was 18 / 'Jim raised me up' + their complicated & often violent (due to his drinking) relationship / 'he hit me and it felt like a kiss' + her futile attempts at getting married / the lone bride theme from the video / 'loving him is never enough' - a few other things also fit: - 'Jim brought me back' / 'I could have died right there' : hinting at her heroin dependence & overdoses? - 'I can hear sirens, sirens' : she famously called the fire fighters & the police after founding him dead in the bathtub in their apartment in Paris - 'yo soy la princesa' : Jim wrote many songs dedicated to Pam & in the most notable one, 'Queen of the Highway', he called her a princess - the 'white lines' reference : they snorted heroin (China White) together, which was reportedly the cause of his death - the only thing i can't quite figure out is the Woodstock reference, because The Doors never performed there & afaik Jim and Pam never attended anyway, i also think the Source Family & other Manson-like cults theory makes a lot of sense, but i thought this was interesting nonetheless.
  8. unpopular opinion, but i'm really not a fan of that hair color. she still looks stunning, though.
  9. sooooo. what's this upcoming controversy gonna be about this time? we should take bets.
  10. shit, i'd been waiting for their album ever since they released the Julian mv, but then forgot all about them. long story short, listened to Lucid Dreaming for the 1st time last night and immediately became obsessed with Glitter & Peppermint. i NEED to catch them live. how come there aren't any upcoming dates, aren't they gonna do any festivals this summer?!
  11. it's supposed to be slightly awkward, most of the things we do in private / only share with our closest friends are. for all we know, this is something she filmed at the time to share with, idk, Francesco, or her sister, or *gasp* James Franco. and besides, if y'all are expecting a finely tuned sense of the ridiculous - from Lana, of all people - i'm afraid you're in the wrong fandom.
  12. Pretty sure it's 'The King's Jackal' by Richard Harding Davis, presumably from the same old edition / collection as this one from the same author :
  13. Ultraviolence is probably my favorite video of hers & definitely the one i've watched the most, by a large margin.
  14. Barrie wouldn't fit the "eyes of blue" line though and, to be honest, he seems like the opposite of "cold" to me; from an outsider perspective, 'clingy' would be a more appropriate adjective, in my opinion. Francesco though, now that's another story re: both references... again, in my opinion. OR it's about no one in specific at all, or a mix of different people; who knows. - and it's interesting to me how so many people here say they always go back to BTD/Paradise & UV and almost never listen to HM anymore; it's the opposite for me, it's probably been more than a year since i last listened to BTD/Paradise, while i'll play UV & HM several times a week.
  15. Neil Young - "Sad Movies" it's an unreleased gem song, and as far as i know there's no studio recording, only live versions BUT i need this cover in my life. please make it happen @@god.
  16. Neil Young - Journey Through the Past
  17. bummersummer


    was the calciatore vs cacciatore debate ever conclusively put to rest? jw.
  18. i tried hard to like Salvatore, i really did, but i can't. the lyrics often give me 2nd hand embarrassment & the tarantella-ish melody sounds awkwardly forced, kinda shoehorned to fit the 'italian theme'. least favorite song on Honeymoon.
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