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Everything posted by bummersummer

  1. no. you can't live in a democracy and simultaneously tell people they don't know how to vote, or voted for the wrong reasons, when you don't agree with the results & try to change the rules so you can give it another shot. that is quite simply NOT a democracy & would be the source of far bigger problems than Brexit because it would set an incredibly dangerous precedent. it baffles me how so many people aren't aware of or choose to ignore this.
  2. the campaign for 'leave' was essentially based on xenophobic / racist / anti-immigration sentiment & in pure economic terms the UK gain nothing from leaving the EU. this gives power to the far-right all over Europe & puts the EU in a precarious position (this last point not being necessarily bad when it comes to their usual undemocratic neoliberal decisions tho).
  3. i just read that the son who sent all those horrific text messages to his mom while trapped in Pulse's bathroom died. just, fuck everything.
  4. @ oh i don't disagree with you at all. i'm not american, so their (i mean, a big part of their population's) obsession with guns is just baffling to me. i just think that, realistically, nothing's gonna happen yet again. the gun lobby is powerful.
  5. 20 upper middle class white children were slaughtered 4 years ago and, despite all the shock and horror, absolutely nothing changed. do you really think a relatively unknown young musician being killed is going to spark the political revolution that a group of dead children couldn't? i sincerely hope i'm wrong, but i don't believe it for a single second. and in related news, another tragedy happened / is happening in Orlando today...
  6. Carter & Cash is sf addictive. anyway, i can't say i'm a huge fan of all his music, but he has a great voice & is so so pretty to look at.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg07KCIQKXI Topless in your headdress Laying by the pool Cigarette perched on your upper lip Lizzy how'd you get so cool? Out on the porch Drinking beer, skipping school Listenin' to Mambo Nassau On a gloomy afternoon From here on out Everything's ruined I can't listen to anything new It all sounds dull coming after you
  8. this. is. my. jam. it's like, 'cocaine: the song'.
  9. i'd love a modern re-imagining of a California Sound record, basically a mix of surf music, folk rock & space rock/psychedelia. so not completely unlike UV, now that i think about it...
  10. i was actually in tears at the end of the episode. and Sansa is becoming such a great character, ilh.
  11. goddamn it, i didn't think that's possible but she manages to be worse than me when it comes to posting & deleting! did anyone save it?
  12. fun as that ending was, something tells me Daenerys did not (or will not) escape the 'Targaryen madness' curse. i mean, when your #1 solution to pretty much every problem life throws at you is 'burn 'em all'... Sansa was amazing in this episode. Jon is amazing, period. and i really, really like Yara Greyjoy.
  13. i don't see any problem with growing / leaning new things from the person you're with; i actually think it's rather natural and, from a personal perspective, a relationship in which that didn't happen is a relationship that wouldn't interest me for very long. in my opinion, the problem arises when said interest is automatically perceived as not genuine or just an attempt to please and/or imitate the significant other, which is what tends to happen when the 'influencee' is the woman. i also see a problem with the endless need to assess the depth - or lack thereof - of knowledge every time Lana (and most women in music) mentions an artist she likes: what is superficial? knowing 3 songs? the best-of album? and what is in-depth? rare bootlegs and the unreleased discography? and why does it matter when discussing influences? and, especially, why aren't male artists subjected to the same skeptic line of questioning?
  14. it's a shame this still needs to be said in this day and age, but it has everything to do with the fact that she's a woman. unlike a man in the same position, she has to prove that her influences are genuine and not just name-dropping, that the artists she admires and mentions aren't mere boyfriend suggestions (because, i mean, initiative and freethinking, in a *woman*?!), and she'll always be accused of inauthenticity and superficiality if, oh, i don't know, she doesn't know the date of release of some band's obscure b-side or the middle name of the drummer's 2nd wife. same reason why kanye west is pretty much unanimously considered a creative genius despite how many co-writers and producers he uses in an album, while beyoncé is 'just' a singer and a dancer who's 'obviously' had little input in lemonade's creative process.
  15. saaaaame. someone please make it happen, pretty pretty please with a cherry on top.
  16. OTTR demo is the only one i really, REALLY crave for.
  17. on a side note, and definitely not wanting to go all PC here, i just want to say this : people really should stop using 'bipolar' in the absence of an actual diagnosis, as if it were a qualifier. bipolar disease is absolutely not a glamorous, existentialist 'oh i feel so blue today, what ennui --- oh today i feel in sync with the universe', not to mention that nothing in her (public) behavior has ever been indicative of bipolarity, so it should really be kept out of the discussion. sorry, but i work in mental health and know just how harmful and counterproductive this stereotyping can be.
  18. @@Electric Body i think you're you're confusing how she is or was marketed, how her fans might perceive her and - a lot more importantly when it comes to the subject at hand - what she wants to be, or be seen as. and, in my opinion, the latter is what explains most of her post-BTD behavior.
  19. @@slang i think the 'problem' is that this is still a mostly pop-oriented board, in which success is essentially measured in terms of sales & general audience appeal / popularity. that's not positive or negative in itself, it's just how it is, but i think most of the frustration we often read here relates to that: what people feel she could be and achieve (given the relatively privileged position where she already stands when compared to others), if only she tried harder, promoted herself better, made music that's slightly less alienating, etc. personally, i agree with you - i get the impression that she doesn't really care about that aspect of the music industry; it's definitely not the type of recognition she craves & might even be something she more or less actively rejects. after all, when you think of most of the artists she usually lists as main inspirations, it's usually people who have / had a peculiar relationship with fame & the mainstream (Kurt Cobain, Lou Reed, Jim Morrison, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, etc.); i don't think that's a coincidence, so i'm not that surprised that pop stardom isn't really what she's looking for.
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