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  1. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by mid july in Instagram Updates   
    a win for the.. how would she say.. culture? 
  2. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    she unfollowed win edwards
  3. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Okay but her abusing fans does NOT sit well with me at all. I get that she's obviously hurting, but she needs to be very, very careful here.
    Many fans worship the ground she walks on and being told they're essentially a horrible person by their idol can have very serious consequences.
  4. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Instagram Updates   
    people are actually praising her and thinking this is some sort of bad bitch behavior she is clearly losing her mind this is way out of character even for lana...
  5. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Instagram Updates   
    yeah honestly this is really a nail in the coffin for A LOT of people 
    she managed to piss off everyone else and her own stans while she was at it... ?? 
    this is honestly so incredibly frustrating 
  6. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Instagram Updates   
    Let's not pretend this is out of nowhere though... The good sis has been unravelling since NFR promo when she snapped at that random woman. She cancelled a bunch of concerts, she lost AOTY, she posted that really passive agressive letter on Mother's day. She's probably angry and sad over something and quarentine is not doing any good to our mental health in general. I bet she's feeling on the edge or sum, and this might not be the best way to handle her emotions but eh it happens. We all post shit on social media when we're angry or sad. 
    Also she broke up with the cop 
  7. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Bro nobody cares if you think you're so above it all, stop
  8. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    i'm really missing when the only thing people had to complain about was sean larkin, hawaiian instagram moms, and her mother's day posts. this is actually nervewracking for me. 
  9. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by gotdamnmanchile in Instagram Updates   
    are we pinning this on drugs or mental illness
  10. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Instagram Updates   
    lana cant really play the victim and say feminism doesn't have a place for her when it is literally structured for cis white women nobody actually gives a shit about you being submissive girl 
  11. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    exactly, there was an objectively problematic tone to the whole thing, even though i agree with what she was trying to say
  12. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Instagram Updates   
    Girl, shut up.
    She shouldn't have written that paragraph about "pulling the race card" either. Looks tone deaf again. 
  13. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    ik someone needs to stop her
  14. Nightmare liked a post in a topic by lesterdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    fka and lana unfollowed each other... i cant do this shit no more.... 
  15. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by lesterdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    fka and lana unfollowed each other... i cant do this shit no more.... 
  16. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Idk if this has been mentioned but apparently Lanz and Twigs unfollowed each other
  17. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by lesterdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    fka and lana unfollowed each other... i cant do this shit no more.... 
  18. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Upsetting and distressing
  19. forfree liked a post in a topic by lesterdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    fka and lana unfollowed each other... i cant do this shit no more.... 
  20. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Having the opportunity to have a sleepless night and really re-think about the whole situation and everything that unfolded yesterday was not the best experience. Nevertheless, I think it was somewhat eye-opening. 
    I still feel as though that the wording was very, veeery, poor and there was absolutely no need for Lana to namedrop any of these successful female artists to make a point, as it actually made it look like she was victimizing herself and that was frankly insensitive to the hardships any and all of the women she mentioned actually went and are still going through. It made her come across as selfish, insensitive and to a certain extent quite ignorant on other important issues.
    But, getting passed the first paragraph, I feel like the rest of her letter is actually spot on. She specifically called out female indie writers in her post for the way they treated her and are still treating her today, in regards to the her lyricism and her so called "submissive" image/persona. I don't know if many of you guys have been around since 2011-12, but what she said hit close to the bone to me. Back in those days, these same indie writers they legit made a sport out of hating Lana and making up stories about her to further their narrative that she was this dumb, self-destructive, inauthentic industry plant. Which I think Lana still hasn't let go, regardless of the recent critical acclaim she has received over 'NFR!'. She clearly has harnessed strong resentment towards this specific group of people.
    It all definitely came out wrong, but I feel like it comes from a place of personal frustration of being apart of the industry, as it's the first time she actually directly alluded to the whole thing.
    Still, I wish Lana had a PR person, this is way too messy even by her so called standards.
    And that was my last post on the topic, I've already lost/pissed off enough LanaBoards acquaintances as is. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
  21. lesterdelrey liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    honestly i hope Lana goes scorched Earth.  i think she is tone deaf, full of privileged ignorance, and pretty foolish to be intentionally calling in this sort of shit when she clearly cares way too much what her haters think - but no fucks given Lana would be a million times more engaging than whatever she's been serving recently.  there's plenty of people who are problematic as fuck that are still authentically themselves and end up being kinda bad bitches.  she said "fresh outta fucks forever" but it's clear she gives several fucks.  if she wants to express herself however she wants, which i think she should, she's gotta be willing to face whatever people respond to it with.  it's like damn.  you cant want to express yourself but be afraid of backlash.  there's artists i really respect who have received a million times more backlash than Lana but just stick to what they believe because that's authentic for them.  i worry about her self image bc she's a fucking uber successful millionaire pop star thats worried about what people on the internet write about her??????  good god girl get a grip
  22. Gone user liked a post in a topic by lesterdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    september fifth.... so we’ll be getting the new album July 5th of 2021 yall omg!!!
  23. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by lesterdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    september fifth.... so we’ll be getting the new album July 5th of 2021 yall omg!!!
  24. BluebirdXO liked a post in a topic by lesterdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    I'm just saying she could've made the same point without name dropping these stars... I agree that the past criticisms of Lana were extremely unfair and misogynistic, but making this post right after Doja, Nicki, Beyonce and Megan made billboard history and saying "can I please go back to..." just makes it like she's trying to steal their shine LMFAO. It just don't sit right with my spirit, but I forgot how far up Lanas ass some of her stans are so imma just eat my food chile
  25. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by lesterdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    omg i hate to be THAT bitch but.... im not really feeling the way she went about this? like I get what she's trying to say but she could've made the same point without dragging Doja, Nicki, Beyoncé, etc. into the mix. imo it kind of looks bad when she's pointing to all the successes of these black women and making it about her??? especially after dating a goddamn cop this is bad optics tbh...not to mention we cannot take on the hive and the barbs ctfu 
    at least a new album is confirmed tho 
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