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About bellamafia

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  • Birthday 10/20/1996

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  1. At 1:27, what version of Young & Beautiful is that? It haunts my dreams and I need it!
  2. West Coast somehow makes UV more listenable I hate Love its very boring and I guess I just expected her to do something different. The video was a snooze (like the Freak MV) I hated Guns and Roses but it grew on me I love her laid back style, she looks more relaxed
  3. When I hear her rendition of Blue Velvet I could die, i love how angelic her voice sounds even though it makes me very sad
  4. I hate Brooklyn Baby, the part at the end when she sings with Barrie saves it. Something about it makes me feel weird.. One of my favorite songs is Your Band is All the Rage. It sounds honest, vulnerable.
  5. Ride, Old Money.. but Your Band is All The Rage always gets to me.
  6. Those clips from the Jump video with Michael Mizrahi in the beginning kinda.. does anyone know where the full video is? I know i've seen it before but I can't find it?
  7. About the interview MM did with Lana back in Jan of 09... I think they knew each other. My theory is that maybe he was seeing her on the DL.. because he was with with someone else. Could explain all the "woman on the side" references we get. It makes sense if he got married not long after they split. I also have this crazy theory that he was seeing her after he got married. Her tweets on her MissDaytona account seem to be directed (or indirected) to someone on there. I could just be over thinking it. Also, about "Afraid" being about MM... doubtful. I think that song is about the 7 year relationship. I don't think Michael Mizrahi because of the teenagers line.. wasn't he like 10 years older than her? Facebook. I have proofs.
  8. She keeps in touch with MM's mom... & apparently his wife.....
  9. Frances had a sweet 16... oh wait "Suicidal 16" party. Thats pretty hypocritical? lole
  10. I tthought West Coast was about the record executive or whatever .. because you know he was the love of her life. Shades of Cool could be about Barrie.... i'm sad they arent together anymore
  11. I think Old Money is about the 7 year relationship she had. I don't think it was a full on 7 years, maybe that's why she says "But if you send for me you know I'll come, And if you call for me you know I'll run. I'll run to you" Because he's the love of her life, she'll leave everything behind if he needs her / wants her back. I think West Coast and Shades of Cool are also about him.. any chance that he's cuban? I cant help but think that maybe k & this guy are the same person.
  12. Does anyone know where Lana said that Barrie was a dark character? I assumed Black Beauty was about him for that reason.. I'd like to know who FMWUTTT is about ...
  13. someone make a thread for all of the "Daddy's" that have been in her videos...... the one in Ride & the one in West Coast are my faves..
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