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  1. evilentity liked a post in a topic by violets in Instagram Updates   
  2. evilentity liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    love.... you did come from money
  3. evilentity liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    I think something good that has come from this is that we've had awesome discussion where we brought up important issues. It has been really, idk concerning and disheartening reading a lot of people's posts (thank you for dismissing valid discussion with the dozen of posts saying we are lacking reading comprehension skills), but I hope this can open up a place for more conversation about women in the music industry and artistic freedom.
  4. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    thought about it a bit and came to the conclusion that this whole thing is even dumber than previously thought.
    lana handles criticism from an army of snobby male critics without speaking out and never protests when men say disgusting things about her (eminem, anybody??) but god forbid a 17 year old girl express her thoughts about her work or ann powers to criticize her even a little bit in an article. jesus christ. i’ve never seen a clearer case of internalized misogyny in my entire life
  5. evilentity liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    Thank you for writing this. I wholeheartedly agree and feel the frustration and complications.
  6. evilentity liked a post in a topic by wittycatchphrase in Instagram Updates   
    Now that I've had time to digest this a bit more, I'mma say my piece.
    Short version/ Summary:
    Girlfriend is in her feelings right now (and I'm sad for her) but she made a major mis-step that she could have used as an opportunity for growth but instead quadrupled down; I'm disappointed in her but will still support her musically because nothing can take her music and its meaning away from me; Twitter cancel culture is going overboard but there is validity behind the points POC (including myself in there) have made; I don't consider Lana racist but she does not recognize the privilege she has experienced compared to the women she included in her post; Lana thwarted her own intended meaning of her post by the aggressive tones throughout, especially in the beginning; both this and her response overshadowed the rest of what she had to say about the perception of her glamorizing abuse, which she made valid points about.
    Longer version:
    I'm genuinely sad that Lana was clearly hurt by something that led her to make the post in the first place. I do believe her *intention* was not to openly dismiss the women she named, but once you put your words out there, you have to realize they're not quite solely yours anymore, and can be open to interpretation. Which I'd imagine was the point of sharing it in the first place, as it was labeled as a "question for the culture." A lot of people who end up being involved in race-related interactions don't have the intention of going there, and I don't believe Lana did. But intent only goes so far. It seems like a lot of people here don't want to hear it, but the POC who shared their concerns made valid points about the racial bias and Lana's inability to see how, despite her own legitimate difficulties in the industry, she has benefited from her privilege in ways the other artists she named have not.
    While some may say it's not up to her to "correct" what she meant to say, the way she responded in those four follow-ups, after spending the day deleting comments (whether it was her or her team is irrelevant) was more tone-deaf than the original post. A lot of the more blind stans will say this is unimportant (which is concerning), but I do believe she lost some fans of color, and that is sad. Because it didn't have to be that way. Lana could have more maturely addressed her mis-step rather than leaping into quicksand with those four follow-up comments and her #fuckoff post. And doing so doesn't automatically mean she would have "catered to the public" or "backed down." She had an opportunity for growth, and she didn't take it, opting instead to react from a place of anger and low vibration. It's not "ICONIC" or a "kween" moment, as now this is what people (GP though I know no one here cares about that) will focus on, rather than her legitimate concerns about the general perception of her glamorizing abuse. She played herself, and it baffles me that stans don't see that. I'm legitimately concerned that stans are all "haters don't have reading comprehension! lolz" when Lana herself clearly has the inability to comprehend how her word choices contributed to this mess. It's not a good look, and while it's not career-ending, it's at least a derailment/ distraction of sorts. And I don't want that for her.
    Lastly, I still love her and support her music because she/ the music means so much to me.  
  7. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    idk i read her statement not as overtly racist but not really recognizing how her own privilege, as a wealthy white woman in america, played into it.  she has done and said racist stuff in the past.  even very recently.  i posted whole things on lanaboards months ago about her blindness to racial dynamics in her 3 part video throwing shit at cops and laughing with no fear of being shot and killed.  compare that to beyonce making a video with powerful statements about Black resilience in the face of racist policing and police brutality and getting a bunch of republicans talking about lynching her or how shes "anti american" or some shit.  she wore a headdress in the Ride video while saying "i believe in the place america used to be" (presumably referring to... idk the '70s?  def not pre-colonialism).  she dated a TV cop who engaged in racial profiling on his stupid tv show and said hes "one of the good ones".....  there's a precedent for people thinking she's ignorant and blind to the racial subtext of the shit she puts out.
    i think Lana specifically referencing mostly Black women - then proceeding into an angry post ab the backlash she's gotten -  reads as her slating those artists as her competition, or not getting backlash, or having advantages over her or whatever. which would be dismissing those artists experiences.  re-reading it, i can see how possibly she didn't mean it like that.  but i dont think its insanity for people to read the subtext of a white woman complaining that these (more) popular Black artists are more successful than her or not as attacked as her or something.  she really made it sound like that.
    i also think its an incredibly white privilege-y thing to say "oh well this definitely isnt about race."  i think race dynamics play a much larger role in society than a lot of white people are willing to acknowledge.  part of what's interesting about this generation is how these issues ARE coming into the mainstream consciousness more.  and i think Lana, if she wants to be taken seriously like she says, should pay more attention to that.  idk, is she not not racist or not not anti-racist?
    BEYOND the race thing, her whole point is that she wasn't glamorizing abuse.  WHY then, has she recently done things such as stop singing "Cola" bc of how it glamorizes a Harvey Weinstein-esque predatory relationship or "he hit me and it felt like a kiss"?  she clearly thinks those things are problematic.  i think its possible Lana has faced abusive or exploitative scenarios and relationships in her life, if her music is to be taken as autobiographical to some extent.  she literally started out singing about Lolita relating the story to herself.  which is straight up about an underage girl being abused and exploited by a narcissistic older man.  she may not be glamorizing it.  and i dont think acknowledging the reality of those dynamics is bad.  but she could use her story as a way to advocate for women instead of being "not not a feminist."
  8. evilentity liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Agree, agree, agree. She really was less than smart here, she should've just fine tuned her message and definitely leave anyone's name out of it. The whole post was kinda self-destructive in the first place tbh. Like she had to know her sentiment would be overshadowed by her mentioning those other successful female artists. It was really dumb.
    But then again, this probably why I don't like her poetry all too much, it needs fine tuning, she's too whatever with writing down her thoughts.
  9. evilentity liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Instagram Updates   
    I can't believe I went to sleep and woke up and the situation somehow got messier 
  10. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Mafiosa in Instagram Updates   
    yeah i think it comes down to her presumptuous tone and her whiny myopic paradigm
    like you could've said all that without trying to be cute. it comes off so contrived, everything she does on social media.
    i don't completely disagree w her sentiment. and she clearly wasn't dissing any of those women. but come on act your age...
  11. evilentity liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    So all the people who said they're happy she's happy a while back and now saying they're happy she's lashing out and acting how she was when she was at one of her lowest points. Which is it?
  12. evilentity liked a post in a topic by LanaTrailer in Instagram Updates   
    Ok, I wrote a little note with my opinion

  13. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    you do actually think redheads are the most oppressed minority.. and here i thought we were having a little jokesy joke together
  14. evilentity liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    This isn't a "moment" for her this is a breakdown. It's clear there's a lot of underlying things but please stop with the "OMG SASSY LANA IS BACK" she's clearly not doing okay.
  15. evilentity liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    It's in times like these I wish Lana had a PR person. I get what she's trying to say after she's been dodging people left and right today, but it's worded oh so poorly omg...
  16. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Instagram Updates   
    look, at the end of the day
    if Azealia Banks can act the way she does and still be relatively successful (or at least, still actively releasing music - thank god)
    Lana will absolutely get away with this
    and that does have to do with race lmao, but that's a different conversation
  17. evilentity liked a post in a topic by JamiDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    haven’t logged in on here since Honeymoon era or so but finally just got access to my account back..... this is such an embarrassing mess like BRO what ‍♂
  18. evilentity liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    People have criticised her for that. She's telling people with valid concerns to fuck off lol this isn't iconic, she's nearly 35, she should know better.
  19. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Instagram Updates   
  20. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Anthem in Instagram Updates   
    I'm not buying "this was poorly worded, she didn't really mean it like that". The poor way that she worded it actually makes this worse, because it shows just how ingrained her privilege and ignorance is that she can say these things and not even realize how damaging they are, because she doesn't have to care. 
    I needed to process the whole thing so I broke it down.. 

    I don't know, the whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I can't even appreciate her announcing a new album. I've considered her side time after time, but if you put this next to the mounting list of problematic things she's done, which is unfortunately happening more and more frequently, it is becoming really hard to want to support her. She is my favorite artist, but I'm starting to want to just listen to the music and not really bother with concerts or staying up to date with what she is doing because its really disappointing.
  21. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    you cannot tell me you think that was a well thought out refutation of the criticism leveled at her,, i refuse to believe it
  22. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Hounds Of Love in Instagram Updates   
    yall bringing horoscopes to this shit too i-
  23. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    why are people on twitter pretending she shut the haters down or some shit, maybe she could’ve if she had any social awareness whatsoever but this??
  24. evilentity liked a post in a topic by PinkVelvet in Instagram Updates   
    i totally get that, i just mean - countless male critics expressed similar things, or worse.  why she's still held up and pointing this message specifically at the FEMALE writers .. is so weird? 
  25. evilentity liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Instagram Updates   
    tbh it's her pop feminist notion that most of the problem is women tearing down women, that's why
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