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  1. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in January 2013 photo of Lana's notebook shows "Guns and Roses" lyrics   
    did u not see that litter she wrote a fan? She like capitalises letters halfway through words

  2. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in May Jailer Appreciation Thread   
    I really like the May Jailer era, honestly. Everything about the music was perfect, like how her voice sounds so fragile and full of honesty. You can really feel her pain in some of the songs too.
  3. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Heaux in May Jailer Appreciation Thread   
    I love Sirens. Its so soothing, i always listen to it when i feel sick or when i have a headache.
  4. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by ultraviolenced in May Jailer Appreciation Thread   
    I checked, and I don't think there's a thread for this, so this one's for the May Jailer era music.
    Sirens and the other albums need more appreciation.
  5. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in May Jailer Appreciation Thread   
    the sirens era (even though it never really 'happened) was the most honesty and truthful imo. the lyrics are heartbreaking and Lana's voice is so tragic. I just wish Lana would properly acknowledge it in interviews like she does with LDR. I'm hoping that an interviewer will ask her about why the album(s) was/were dropped. and we need the real names for all the songs & official artwork for Sirens, goddamn it!
  6. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by bdelrey in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    How about we talk about Lana's pole dancing  SEXY!!!   also the whole gods and monsters part felt like i was watching i know who killed me apparantly lana and lindsay shared their dancing moves during their sleepover
  7. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    It's cool, i liked it, especially after a couple more watches and letting it sink in. I can see how someone may not be into it, it's not for everyone and i doubt she expected it to be.
    I do worry about fans claiming it's "not a film" though, like as if somehow a short film can only be told in one way for it to be considered a film, ridiculous.
    It was hyped up for months so on initial viewing i can see how it may not meet "expectations", however for me the film was exactly as i was imagining so i cant say i was surprised by what it turned out to be.
  8. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I was the good catholic girl my nana raised me to be for ages, while my friends were partying and screwing around. They lead happy, balanced lives. Look at me, I'm fucked up and sad and lonely for keeping celibate for so long. Now that I feel free and ok to do what I want with my body, it is too late. I can't find a girl who will be in a relationship with someone so problematic. The majority of the religious beliefs out there mess more with your head than being raised in a brothel, I say. There is no sin in enjoying sex.
    [i am not a virgin but feel I wasted my teen years trying to be "good"].
  9. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    @ I have to agree.  The fact that she added "...which is annoying" is what makes you realize she cannot be serious and was having a laugh.  Her interviews are always divisive, she knows it, and she doesn't care!
  10. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Miguel3Zero in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Lana likes to throw bombs at journalists. I think that she is witty, with a great sense of humor. Why writing long analyses of a sarcastic joke. She has not had more sexual partners than any average 29 years old (good looking) person. Admire your writing tho.
  11. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Nightmare Boy Online in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I can't believe that this thread turned out to be a thread about sex and whether having sex with a lot of lovers is bad or good lol
    Lana gave a very interesting interview, which i personally enjoyed. Her last interviews where all pretty much the same questions so this was a good change.
    I don't care about Lana's sex life. Everyone is free to do what they want who are we to judge Lana? What i din't like is what a read on the internet after i read the interview. I mean she had previously had so much critisize for the i wish i was dead thing she said, which obviusly from her reaction it was something that she didn't like. Why did she make a statement like this? I am not talking about stating that she has slept with many guys, she is not the first nor the last artist to admit it. But saying she slept with guys in the idustry but none of them helped her, which is annoying? She is destroying what she built after the snl. I have read terrible things about her on the internet over the past 2 days and i am sad and mad with those people. But Lana herself gave them the right to tell this things..
    Personally i don't think she meant it, i think she was being sarcastic, explaining what her song meant. But the media seems to hate her she could avoid this. I just hope all this new hate won't bring her down.
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    @@FormerLanaFan Its good you could get your opinions across, as everyone should be free to do so. Im glad you have strong beliefs about human sexuality. The problem isnt WHAT you believe, its your judgment of others who dont ascribe to the same beliefs. Sex, and what consenting adults do with their own bodies, should be of no concern to you unless the people in question are your partner, child etc. Especially in the case of Lana. You will never have any sort of close relationship with her so why concern yourself with how she has sex? If you feel disgusted with her behavior, fine. Dont support her anymore, but dont pass judgment.
  13. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by FormerLanaFan in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Live your lifes as you see fit but most of you will have to start to have some experiences before you are giving others lessons about life or sex.
  14. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in 18 Rolling Stone interview questions that didnt make it into the cover story: So Legit and age change mentioned   
    It amazes me every time I hear VG how she manages to be so 'in the moment' of a moment that's so long over - both of the relationship, and the drunkenness. She's usually associated more with David Lynch, but the song is a Bergman movie boiled down to its essentials in under 5 minutes. The fact that people call it 'anti-feminist' seems to be entirely and tragically missing the point.
  15. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LiamViljoen in 18 Rolling Stone interview questions that didnt make it into the cover story: So Legit and age change mentioned   
    They spend all day trashing a woman they've never met to prove they're smart and they call her a bore?
    Also Some others critisised her for only wanting to talk about herself. What a pathetic attempt at hate. I mean at least the others put some effort into their hate, it's an interview you dumbass she's answering the journalists questions.
    I swear to God sometimes we're the only sane people left on earth.
  16. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Aww, I feel you I just spent the last two years of my life in love with a "straight" girl who would sleep with me, cuddle with me at night, flirt with me, then denied it all when I finally confronted her. You are much younger than me so you still have time. I hope you will find another to love.
  17. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Pluto in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I really like this interview, I'll have to pick this magazine up.
  18. Shades liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  19. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Sal Mineo was a great guy who liked to screw around, mainly with guys, but few people think less of him because of that. Marilyn, on the other hand is still viewed as a slut by ignorant moralists. She was only liberated, ahead of her time, tame compared to today's girls... Double standards really suck.
  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by CherryGalore in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    How can it be too late? It's not too late until you're dead. You feel free and ok to do what you want with your body - then go be you 
  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Same here, TBH. I think I read you are also LGBT? The church made me hate myself. I still actually have a lot of internalized homophobia I need to deal with. I am scared to be in a proper relationship with another lady-loving lady. I think my life would be a lot different and happier if religion hadnt interfered.
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    @@Wilde_child I don't know your situation, but I don't believe that it's too late for you :hugs:
  23. kik liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I was the good catholic girl my nana raised me to be for ages, while my friends were partying and screwing around. They lead happy, balanced lives. Look at me, I'm fucked up and sad and lonely for keeping celibate for so long. Now that I feel free and ok to do what I want with my body, it is too late. I can't find a girl who will be in a relationship with someone so problematic. The majority of the religious beliefs out there mess more with your head than being raised in a brothel, I say. There is no sin in enjoying sex.
    [i am not a virgin but feel I wasted my teen years trying to be "good"].
  24. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I was the good catholic girl my nana raised me to be for ages, while my friends were partying and screwing around. They lead happy, balanced lives. Look at me, I'm fucked up and sad and lonely for keeping celibate for so long. Now that I feel free and ok to do what I want with my body, it is too late. I can't find a girl who will be in a relationship with someone so problematic. The majority of the religious beliefs out there mess more with your head than being raised in a brothel, I say. There is no sin in enjoying sex.
    [i am not a virgin but feel I wasted my teen years trying to be "good"].
  25. CherryGalore liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I was the good catholic girl my nana raised me to be for ages, while my friends were partying and screwing around. They lead happy, balanced lives. Look at me, I'm fucked up and sad and lonely for keeping celibate for so long. Now that I feel free and ok to do what I want with my body, it is too late. I can't find a girl who will be in a relationship with someone so problematic. The majority of the religious beliefs out there mess more with your head than being raised in a brothel, I say. There is no sin in enjoying sex.
    [i am not a virgin but feel I wasted my teen years trying to be "good"].
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