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  1. Jaeden xx liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I don't think she ever would, I don't think she should either it would be awkward and messy, her leaving her label is a great chance to swap to Marina Diamandis though
  2. finalgirl liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I don't think she ever would, I don't think she should either it would be awkward and messy, her leaving her label is a great chance to swap to Marina Diamandis though
  3. theresanameforitinjapanese liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    she said she felt like she had outgrown it, which I can understand she was 18 or 20ish when she created it and was 33 when she dropped it, but with 'marina diamandis' I don't think you have to take a massive leap to realise 'marina and the diamonds' and 'marina diamandis' are the same thing, so now anyone that has to introduce her would have to still say 'marina, previously marina and the diamonds' which makes her sound like she was in a band even more
    another theory was that 'marina' fits better on artwork, which I sort of understand, trying to fit 'marina and the diamonds' and 'ancient dreams in a modern land' would be a bit of a nightmare
  4. Tana Mongeau liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I don't think she ever would, I don't think she should either it would be awkward and messy, her leaving her label is a great chance to swap to Marina Diamandis though
  5. Jaeden xx liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    she said she felt like she had outgrown it, which I can understand she was 18 or 20ish when she created it and was 33 when she dropped it, but with 'marina diamandis' I don't think you have to take a massive leap to realise 'marina and the diamonds' and 'marina diamandis' are the same thing, so now anyone that has to introduce her would have to still say 'marina, previously marina and the diamonds' which makes her sound like she was in a band even more
    another theory was that 'marina' fits better on artwork, which I sort of understand, trying to fit 'marina and the diamonds' and 'ancient dreams in a modern land' would be a bit of a nightmare
  6. BluebirdXO liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    same! I think the mixing for FROOT is wrong for me, the demos are great
    also what is everyone's opinions on Marina's name change? I see why she did it but I wish she went for 'marina diamandis' instead, it would be easier to search, I know people near the coast had a bit of difficulty getting tickets when they searched '[location] marina tickets'
    also feels a bit rude for her to essentially trample on the other marinas spotify and apple music, she already had to change the logo once because it was similar to the other marina and I've never seen anyone talk about this:

    I'm sure it's just a coincidence but you know what they say, imagery is artistic property, please respect your fellow artists.
  7. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    she said she felt like she had outgrown it, which I can understand she was 18 or 20ish when she created it and was 33 when she dropped it, but with 'marina diamandis' I don't think you have to take a massive leap to realise 'marina and the diamonds' and 'marina diamandis' are the same thing, so now anyone that has to introduce her would have to still say 'marina, previously marina and the diamonds' which makes her sound like she was in a band even more
    another theory was that 'marina' fits better on artwork, which I sort of understand, trying to fit 'marina and the diamonds' and 'ancient dreams in a modern land' would be a bit of a nightmare
  8. Jaeden xx liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    same! I think the mixing for FROOT is wrong for me, the demos are great
    also what is everyone's opinions on Marina's name change? I see why she did it but I wish she went for 'marina diamandis' instead, it would be easier to search, I know people near the coast had a bit of difficulty getting tickets when they searched '[location] marina tickets'
    also feels a bit rude for her to essentially trample on the other marinas spotify and apple music, she already had to change the logo once because it was similar to the other marina and I've never seen anyone talk about this:

    I'm sure it's just a coincidence but you know what they say, imagery is artistic property, please respect your fellow artists.
  9. brandon liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    true, this isn't helped when she also slagged off Dr. Luke and Katy Perry and other female artists that work with his 'hit factory' that 'good pop songs come out [of] but have no originality', people must have had severe whiplash
  10. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    same! I think the mixing for FROOT is wrong for me, the demos are great
    also what is everyone's opinions on Marina's name change? I see why she did it but I wish she went for 'marina diamandis' instead, it would be easier to search, I know people near the coast had a bit of difficulty getting tickets when they searched '[location] marina tickets'
    also feels a bit rude for her to essentially trample on the other marinas spotify and apple music, she already had to change the logo once because it was similar to the other marina and I've never seen anyone talk about this:

    I'm sure it's just a coincidence but you know what they say, imagery is artistic property, please respect your fellow artists.
  11. brandon liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    same! I think the mixing for FROOT is wrong for me, the demos are great
    also what is everyone's opinions on Marina's name change? I see why she did it but I wish she went for 'marina diamandis' instead, it would be easier to search, I know people near the coast had a bit of difficulty getting tickets when they searched '[location] marina tickets'
    also feels a bit rude for her to essentially trample on the other marinas spotify and apple music, she already had to change the logo once because it was similar to the other marina and I've never seen anyone talk about this:

    I'm sure it's just a coincidence but you know what they say, imagery is artistic property, please respect your fellow artists.
  12. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    true, this isn't helped when she also slagged off Dr. Luke and Katy Perry and other female artists that work with his 'hit factory' that 'good pop songs come out [of] but have no originality', people must have had severe whiplash
  13. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    this too! the pitchfork one is gross. I didn't mean to sound unsympathetic or anything, just that her not explaining the concept probably didn't help her situation, though probably more with her fans than her critics.
  14. theresanameforitinjapanese liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    this is giving me ‘you have to be mentally ill to be a cop’ vibes, surprised she’s left it up since pretty much all the tweets are people educating her about conservation.
    sea world IS horrible, keeping whales IS disgusting, but this really seems like an american centric issue that marina seems to think it’s universal, not all zoos and aquariums are perfect but most of them are about conservation & research, and they save animals from circuses or those that have been injured in the wild and can’t live independently. 
    good for her being on her animal rights era but I wish she wouldn’t spout misleading accusations on her platform 
    yesss, also how you’d improve the album in retrospect!! my biggest gripe with electra heart is she didn’t rearrange the deluxe, she specifically said she wanted fear and loathing as the outro & the tracks to tell a story 
  15. evalionisameme liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    true, this isn't helped when she also slagged off Dr. Luke and Katy Perry and other female artists that work with his 'hit factory' that 'good pop songs come out [of] but have no originality', people must have had severe whiplash
  16. Jaeden xx liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    this is giving me ‘you have to be mentally ill to be a cop’ vibes, surprised she’s left it up since pretty much all the tweets are people educating her about conservation.
    sea world IS horrible, keeping whales IS disgusting, but this really seems like an american centric issue that marina seems to think it’s universal, not all zoos and aquariums are perfect but most of them are about conservation & research, and they save animals from circuses or those that have been injured in the wild and can’t live independently. 
    good for her being on her animal rights era but I wish she wouldn’t spout misleading accusations on her platform 
    yesss, also how you’d improve the album in retrospect!! my biggest gripe with electra heart is she didn’t rearrange the deluxe, she specifically said she wanted fear and loathing as the outro & the tracks to tell a story 
  17. peli liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I didn’t say it was a slur, I’m from the UK I know it’s not a slur, I called it a code word, because people say stuff like ‘oh he’s y’know a bit… camp’ when they mean an effeminate gay man, maybe it’s regional. I didn’t know that mostly gay clientele went there so thank you for the context /gen
    she went to the hotel after the song was dropped that’s why I mentioned it. 
  18. Mash Tragic liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    honestly idk how to articulate how I feel so sorry if this is a mess, but I have real gripes with ‘Owned by a sheik who killed thousands of gay men. I guess that's why he bought the campest hotel in L.A. then’

    in the uk ‘camp’ is often used as a (outdated and low-key homophobic) code for ‘gay’/‘effeminate’ so I guess she’s implying that he’ll put up with having a ‘gay’ pink hotel if it makes him profit? but isn’t she just implying that having a pink hotel isn’t masculine, therefore literally enforcing the patriarchy she’s criticising in the same song? idk I hate the vibe the line gives off.
    am I missing some kind of point? I don’t know the hotel’s history other than it’s pink and Marilyn used to live there, is it some kind of symbol in America? I’d genuinely love for other opinions on that line
    asides from that she literally went to that hotel & posted pictures of herself eating in it, aka giving that man money??? learn what boycotting is

    I do love the production it’s actually one of the best, but the lyrics are clunky in parts for example ‘if you have a mother, sister… or a friend’ compared to ‘I could be your sister, I could be your mother, I could be your neighbour, I could be your lover’
    also ‘centuries ago you called me a witch, now you call me a bitch’ girl I know you got that from a tweet or something, pay your royalties like Lizzo 
  19. AllForYou liked a post in a topic by Tana Mongeau in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    no you're fine don't worry, I was just expanding on what you said
  20. Tana Mongeau liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    true, this isn't helped when she also slagged off Dr. Luke and Katy Perry and other female artists that work with his 'hit factory' that 'good pop songs come out [of] but have no originality', people must have had severe whiplash
  21. Tana Mongeau liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    this too! the pitchfork one is gross. I didn't mean to sound unsympathetic or anything, just that her not explaining the concept probably didn't help her situation, though probably more with her fans than her critics.
  22. Lasso liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    this is giving me ‘you have to be mentally ill to be a cop’ vibes, surprised she’s left it up since pretty much all the tweets are people educating her about conservation.
    sea world IS horrible, keeping whales IS disgusting, but this really seems like an american centric issue that marina seems to think it’s universal, not all zoos and aquariums are perfect but most of them are about conservation & research, and they save animals from circuses or those that have been injured in the wild and can’t live independently. 
    good for her being on her animal rights era but I wish she wouldn’t spout misleading accusations on her platform 
    yesss, also how you’d improve the album in retrospect!! my biggest gripe with electra heart is she didn’t rearrange the deluxe, she specifically said she wanted fear and loathing as the outro & the tracks to tell a story 
  23. Tana Mongeau liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    right? I'm also mad we didn't get more of the b-roll footage, she fumbled making them herself then fumbled an opportunity of just posting them to tumblr and letting her fans make their own edits. I think that b-roll footage should have been used in the title track's music video, that video was such a letdown when I saw it (it's still iconic though)
    I think they were more sub-types under the archetypes (a bubblegum bitch being under teen idle), but I agree, I'm glad she realised that early on though
    edit so I don't double post: one thing about the 'british press hated electra heart' whilst true, and likely due to misogyny, she did badly explain the concept in the beginning. people thought it was an alter ego, then she had to retract that. (maybe she wanted it to be an 'alter ego' at first and then realised people didn't like that idea and decided to retcon it)
  24. FkaTwinks liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    right? I'm also mad we didn't get more of the b-roll footage, she fumbled making them herself then fumbled an opportunity of just posting them to tumblr and letting her fans make their own edits. I think that b-roll footage should have been used in the title track's music video, that video was such a letdown when I saw it (it's still iconic though)
    I think they were more sub-types under the archetypes (a bubblegum bitch being under teen idle), but I agree, I'm glad she realised that early on though
    edit so I don't double post: one thing about the 'british press hated electra heart' whilst true, and likely due to misogyny, she did badly explain the concept in the beginning. people thought it was an alter ego, then she had to retract that. (maybe she wanted it to be an 'alter ego' at first and then realised people didn't like that idea and decided to retcon it)
  25. AllForYou liked a post in a topic by FkaTwinks in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I don't get how she even fumbled that
    they were potato-quality photoshoot B-roll footage set to GarageBand edits of existing album tracks
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