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Everything posted by kik

  1. You're a freaking cat gurl, if you ever write your bio, call it Nine Lives
  2. I can imagine her modeling for Irina Ionesco or replacing Helen Mirren in the movie Caligula.
  3. Sounds like Philippe Katerine
  4. She's too insecure, she hates her boobs, when she does her sexy moves on stage it looks forced and not very sensual plus she can't act. Non merci. Wait... I just re-watched Poolside and I withdraw my words....
  5. A studio version. She would fail live
  6. I'd like to hear her version of The Great Gig In The Sky.
  7. I knew it! Glad you liked it
  8. I remember she posted a picture when she missed the UO event in NYC, but she didn't give details in the caption and somehow I assumed that she drove all the way from LA, but didn't get there on time lel. Edit: I just checked her IG (I don't really follow random Lana fans but I stumbled on her IG last summer and followed her and the situation got me curious now (am I really stalking a potential stalker?)) 15 weeks ago, she posted pictures of a road trip from LA to NYC. No picture of the NYC lineup or the M&G itself. Then, she drives back to LA and she posts pictures of her waiting in line for the LA M&G, but no pictures of her with Lana. How strange... I mean, if you get kicked out in NY, you don't line up again in LA a few days later thinking you're gonna make it.
  9. ... on a lighter note, I was in Florida with my mom for Christmas and she asked me if I wanted to see the giant Christmas tree in the city of Delray Beach and I said yes. *giggle*
  10. kik


    Easy with the blush ffs...
  11. No specific order: Cola American Music to Watch Boys To Salvatore West Coast Shades of Cool Video Games Born to Die Religion Terrence Loves You God Knows I Tried The Blackest Day Old Money Yayo (AKA) She can ditch Blue Jeans and Summertime Sadness.
  12. - I would like an ultra minimalist decor. Or a galactic one. I didn't like all the spotlights on her last tour, that was too much, way too much. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it.
  13. Sometimes I doubt my sanity, then I find people like you who save me a $100/h session with my shrink, thank you! That was quite entertaining too. Bravo
  14. Wow, some people really failed their anal stage… I can imagine your poor parents having to deal with the tornado of emotions you've got when you realized Santa Claus didn't really exist. It must be hard not to be able to enjoy the peaceful feeling of giving someone the benefit of the doubt.
  15. So, to everyone who got a paradise tattoo on your hand inspired by Lana, you are officially a crazy fan
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMphQizbk2o
  17. Personally, I see her upper lip bigger and the tip of her nose less pointy. Is it photoshop, is it the light, is it new injections? Whatever. What makes me uncomfortable is someone transforming the morphology of someone else to fit their own idea of beauty. If that is the case. I think this picture has nothing special.
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