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Everything posted by kik

  1. FINALLY A CLEAR ANSWER! I will get so emotional, my IQ will drop considerably and I could be dumb enough to wait in the wrong line or something... Thank you Buster
  2. Is there two separate lines? One for regular GA and one for Silver VIP? Where is the Silver VIP line? Next to the main doors or in front of ticket booth? What I don't understand is if we gotta pick our ticket at the booth around 2pm, how do we get back in line without loosing our spot? The number system?
  3. Gold VIP tix for Montreal are not selling well at VIP Nation. The venue is selling some of these premium seats at regular price ($120 instead of $325). You cannot have a seat closer to the stage than that. I check almost every day the venue map to see how sales go and to try to understand how the game works. It's a 15 000 seat venue and it's far from being sold out, but the only tickets left are nosebleed and from time to time, they release tickets in better sections or like right now, they have very few in the best seated section (the hockey players bench).
  4. kik

    Lana's Lashes

    Anybody tried lash extensions?
  5. lol @ my disappointed face.
  6. kik

    Cœur de pirate

    Again, I need to calm the fuck down. (marijuana can help)
  7. I'm so grateful for bumped threads like this one
  8. kik

    Lana's Lashes

    The result will be different depending on your natural eye shape. She glues them on her own lashes instead of lid skin, either for comfort, or a lack of proper technique. Even for professional photoshoot, it's not glued "properly", so maybe she's more comfortable doing her lashes/mascara herself than letting a MUA do it.
  9. kik

    Milk & Bone

    These two voices together take me to another place. They are amazing and complete each other perfectly. There are just too many great albums coming out lately, it's overwhelming and I think I'm gonna die.
  10. It doesn't want pictures of this rag in its system. You have a very smart phone.
  11. I'm not sure exactly... I read that it was an abusive relationship. There's a code word subs use to stop the whole scenario/session when it becomes uncomfortable and she used it, he didn't give a fuck and kept going. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
  12. Seems like a great novel for suburban soccer moms who haven't had sex since 1998. The movie is great for people who won't open a book if there's no image. I so loled about how the BDSM community was scandalized by the way the relationship was portrayed. It's fiction, not a documentary about how to practice BDSM safely. I'd like to go see it at the movie theater just to spot which couples are gonna rent a motel room after the show.
  13. Because you remain an alcoholic all your life in most cases. Sober or not. It's mental. Alcohol was like one of her first lovers, the ones you usually never forget.
  14. Poltergeist Carrie (1976) Ichi the Killer - B Movies (both are so bad they are great!): Killer Klowns From Outer Space <3 Rabid Grannies - I watched Night and Fog for the third time yesterday. I know it has nothing to do with fictional horror movies, but it's an horrific film-documentary about holocaust. I remember watching it at school, I was 15. The poetry and the music in the film makes it stand from other documentaries on that topic. Very moving.
  15. Dat vibrato - 3 grand poètes, 3 interprétations MAGISTRALES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEAGoLHMMoA
  16. I just bought a ticket to see ^Pierre on June 18th. It's gonna be a piano-voice concert. The venue is so beautiful (I love the beech wood, the organ) and I've read the acoustic is perfect. I think I'm gonna cry. I also bough a ticket to see Dumas on June 12th, one of my favorite Québécois singer/songwriter/composer. This plus Lana on June 4th, that month is gonna be absolutely amazing. I might also go to Governors Ball on June 5-7 but I'm not sure as I would have to rush from MTL to NY after Lana's concert that night or early in the morning the day after. Wish she could give me a lift lol! Oh and I have nobody to go with, so... Whatever. Here's Dumas. Not Alexandre. I love his sound, love it love it love it! The vocals, well... nobody's perfect. The lyrics are great.
  17. My post was directed to people who judge her because they don't understand her. I don't need him to tell me who is Lana either, but somehow I'm glad she found a friend who understand her and with whom she can probably be totally herself. Is it real, meaningful and deep friendship? I don't know. It's not really possible to know. We live in an individualistic society. Everybody use everybody all the time with different level of genuineness in their feelings. If some people judge my friend negatively because of his/her awkwardness, you can be sure I won't stay quiet. I'll try to make people understand why this friend is like that so they become at least more tolerant. Lana is a grown up girl, she can choose whoever she wants to hang out with and she's not naive. Creating bonds with people is always risky. A risk of being disappointed in the future. I think by her tattoo, she knows she gotta be careful with whom she gets emotionally attached with. What's important is that she enjoys the present moment with him, that she has fun doing that movie project and not expect this friendship to necessarily last forever. Friendship starts, friendship ends. I've been disappointed by friends and vice versa. C'est la vie! You didn't offend my sensibility at all and I absolutely don't think you are one of her pathetic fans btw What I find nice about what Franco said is that it is useful for people who try to understand Lana, but are a bit confused with her complex personality. Girl, you're entitled to your opinion and I don't appreciate you less because we disagree. I'm not here to tell you how you should feel about their friendship, but I'm expressing my point of view. We're discussing, that's all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97Nud5Jcm5w
  18. I don't know James Franco. I've never heard of him before he became friend with Lana. I don't know his personality, I don't know his attitude, so I can't tell about his condescending tone, but I think he's goddamn right about her. I also think most of her fans are clueless and a bunch of them are seriously pathetic. I mean, how dumb can one be to think that her writing is 100% autobiographical. Music journalists asking her to explain her poetry. I mean, seriously?! Way to go if you want to kill the magic. Just reading the amount of stupid comments on her Twitter/FB/Instagram accounts confirms that. When I read comments on posts made by some indy artists, like local ones who chose not to go mainstream, I find them way more spot on and relevant. There's more of a genuine exchange between the artist and his fans. Going mainstream when you're so marginal must be very difficult. I personally don't see many things positive about it.
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