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Everything posted by kik

  1. I often translate English songs in French and it's impossible to make a Lana song pretty in French with just a general translation. It just sound totally retarded, but it's very funny! Ma pelotte goûte le RC cola Mes yeux sont grands comme des Joe Louis Je trippe sur les p'tits vieux Ça a toujours été de même Fak fais pas ta face outrée (That's my ugly french canadian redneck version) Sorry it's a spanish thread but I couldn't resist. La partie en français dans Carmen est tellement malaisante / the French part in Carmen makes me so uncomfortable. C'est risible / it's laughable
  2. If they play it on Saturday, they will get those albums at least the day before and... some employee could get their hands on it, who knows.
  3. FYI the Urban Outfitter of Montreal (on St-Denis) will play the album at 3pm on Saturday September 12th. I just went there and asked. The guy was not sure what I was talking about and went to see the manager. He said it won't be a party like some UO in the US (no drink or merch). They will simply play the record. Who cares, I'll bring my own booze and folding chair
  4. I like the underexposed shot and how her lips catches the light, it's so sensual and mysterious.
  5. Absolutely. She doesn't need more controversy from idiots who actually don't understand cultural appropriation and its nuances. Now excuse me, I have to go burn my kimono-inspired silk robe.
  6. ^I agree. It has something modern-geisha about it. The only little negative point is the hair. I would have liked a discrete small and delicate flower arrangement dangling from the side of her head. Just a personal preference. I find it too plain. A hairdo similar to this one would have killed me tbh (but without the sticks to keep it "minimalist" and modern)
  7. kik

    Cœur de pirate

    Her new album is out. Bilingual (English/French). I like it. Favorite tracks: 1. Oceans Brawl 2. Carry On 3. Crier tout bas http://musique.coeurdepirate.com/album/roses
  8. Ground control to Major Tom Can you hear me all night long Ground control to Major Tom
  9. Could somebody send me a PM with the link to get the song? I've been searching for half an hour, I got the High By The Summer tumblr page, but the song won't play.
  10. With rich pastels from early 90s!
  11. I feel people are blaming me for asking myself too many questions and analyzing Lana's background to find answers to the questions I have about myself and why I am me. I find it sad that some people might think I'm invading her private life to categorize her or judge her negatively, when all I am trying to do is to find answers, find comfort. Somehow, I envy them for not feeling the need to ask themselves those questions.
  12. I wonder what it is to wake up in the morning and happily go to the office, pour yourself a coffee in that ridiculous little miss sunshine cup and wait to get back home to watch The Voice as the highlight of your day. Not asking myself where I come from, where I'm going, what's the point of getting out of bed every morning after a terrible night sweating like a pig because I can't even shut down my brain at night anymore. People who don't give a shit about the meaning of life are the happiest according to some fucking statistics.
  13. I wonder how it feels to be a happy imbecile
  14. Talking about laundry, I wonder if she finally figured it out
  15. I loled as well, like 4.5 seconds after being pissed for being mocked about my interests. What an improvement. Gotta call my shrink to let her know I'm a real grown up now!!!!1
  16. Personally, it's because I have a strong interest in psychology and human behavior.
  17. Oedipus complex: In psychoanalysis, an unconscious sexual desire by a child (ages 3–6), especially a male child, directed to the parent of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by hostility to the parent of the same sex. In Neo-Freudian psychology, the Electra complex, as proposed by Carl Gustav Jung, is a girl's psychosexual competition with her mother for possession of her father. Freud thus considered the feminine Oedipus attitude ("Electra complex") to be more emotionally intense than the Oedipal conflict of a boy, resulting, potentially, in a woman of submissive, less confident personality.
  18. Titanic Soundtrack RIP James Horner
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