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  1. kik liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I struggle with how famous she wanted to be. There's no doubt she was chasing recognition for years ("I don't have a backup plan"), and certain songs suggest that it got in the way of relationships, but did she want to be this worldwide popstar or just moderately known? Certainly if she were less popular she'd meet less criticism.
    To answer the question, I'm sure she does regret it because it differed from her expectations.
  2. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  3. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  4. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  5. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  6. kik liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    Be me being Mama June. 
  7. kik liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I'm surprised to find myself quoting cliché Pussycat Dolls lyrics, but it's a classic case of "Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it. [imitation Lil Jon voice 'Hey!']"
    Lana clearly desperately wanted to be famous, but isn't so sure about it now that she is. Her statements to the contrary-- that she never wanted to be famous-- are frankly revisionist bullshit belied by her past statements and actions. They instead reflect her newfound realization that fame isn't all it's cracked up to be and her projection of that feeling onto her past rather than an accurate representation of her disposition towards fame in the past.
    There was a good discussion about Lana's love/hate relationship with fame (loving the positive aspects of fame, hating the negative aspects) in another thread beginning around this post.

  8. Rebel liked a post in a topic by kik in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    She's not known enough around here and I fucking like it because when she'll become more famous, people will say "heyyy, she looks like Kiki!"
  9. kik liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I so wanna see this happen 
  10. kik liked a post in a topic by Rebel in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    yESS so here for you going FKA.
    I wanna go as Terry Richardson but I'm not balding.
  11. Rebel liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana to perform at Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles Oct 17 and 18   
  12. kik liked a post in a topic by Honeymooner in Lana to perform at Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles Oct 17 and 18   
    Here's my recording of her singing "Old Money."  Sorry it's kinda shaky; I was on maximum zoom.  Also, she kept disappearing behind that stupid column and the barrier at the left of the stage, but at least you can hear her the whole time.  Interesting how she changed one of the lyrics from "those summer nights" to "those Jersey nights..."

  13. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by kik in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I think I'm gonna try to recreate a FKA Twigs look.
    Edit: OMG the hair... I can do the same with mine. Never though it could look so cool!

  14. kik liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Favourite Lana Live Performances   
    1. Radio @ Scala

    2. Chet Baker w/ Mando Diao

    3. Echoing this
    4. Fuck you if this isn't on your list tbh
    With rock arrangement and Bob Dylan outro

  15. kik liked a post in a topic by buster in Lana to perform at Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles Oct 17 and 18   
    Bnewall1 - love your passion for Lana but saving a spot in line is not great concert etiquette. Depending on whether or not they let people in earlier, some people will have been there since the night before or early morning. Its not fair to make room for someone in front of the line for someone who is not "on-board." I have seen Lana 5 times and was front row for each one. That took travel time, packing nourishment, and above all else, getting there at 7am to secure my spot. There is a level of dedication that goes into securing that spot and if I am in that line, you can bet I will not allow making room for someone who is not "on-board."I've addressed it before and it was handled. Not trying to be a jerk - just want to be fair.
  16. Rebel liked a post in a topic by kik in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I think I'm gonna try to recreate a FKA Twigs look.
    Edit: OMG the hair... I can do the same with mine. Never though it could look so cool!

  17. kik liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana's Origins and "Authenticity"   
    This is very good, but I think that one important line is based on a misreading (that many others have also misread), not helped by the awkward way that Lizzy put it.
    The statement in the interview is:
    It's usually read as the lawyers and managers putting their heads together and coming up with the name 'Lana Del Rey', as though they were coming up with the name 'Coca Cola'. What she clearly meant (in my opinion) was that everybody she was dealing with thought her real name was not 'showbiz' enough (or 'Hollywood Sadcore' enough, or whatever), and she moved through all the names we know about - May Jailer, ...  - until she came up with 'Lana Del Rey'. It doesn't make sense that a bunch of people were needed to come up with the name, as such, and it's a major point, because for some reason, Americans seem to have a talismanic belief in the power of names - that the person who named a product deserves most of the credit for its success. 
    This is one of the two most damaging myths about Lana's origins - the other is that Rob 'bought her career', as though the worldwide music industry is a high school beauty pageant, that can be bought off by one rich father, instead of an international, multi billion dollar collection of corporations, where Rob's wealth would be laughed at.
  18. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by kik in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I think I'm gonna try to recreate a FKA Twigs look.
    Edit: OMG the hair... I can do the same with mine. Never though it could look so cool!

  19. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by kik in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I think I'm gonna try to recreate a FKA Twigs look.
    Edit: OMG the hair... I can do the same with mine. Never though it could look so cool!

  20. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by kik in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I think I'm gonna try to recreate a FKA Twigs look.
    Edit: OMG the hair... I can do the same with mine. Never though it could look so cool!

  21. kik liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Disembodied Poetics   

    I have been following Chris for a while now, not as long as @@evilentity, or as extensively, probably just since this past winter. However, I got really overwhelmed with this need to find out more, so I went on a whim in March and just messaged him:

    He didn't directly respond, but then this happened a while after:

    Really fucking fantastic guy, and absolutely inspirational. I have been convinced that the two fed off each other for inspiration and shared a fairly close relationship in terms of artistry. He still really enjoys her work, as a series of posts indicate on his personal Facebook, including one that explains "The Musical Genealogy of Lana Del Rey's New Single 'West Coast."

    I've inferred that she may still be a prominent muse in many of his pieces, new and old. If not a tale of unrequited/forbidden love, definitely a tale of the everlasting impression one can leave on a writer/artist, long after the imprint has been made. I don't know as much as evil does, but I do strongly urge anyone to check out the Facebook page, he updates it frequently, and really has a form of poetry that's just so eloquent, beautiful, and at times very uplifting or heartbreaking.

    Definitely kinda sorta in love with him. He was one of two poets in the last year that helped me find my voice again as a writer.
  22. kik liked a post in a topic by Auto-Tuned Loon in ISIL And Contemporary Terrorists   
    I think most of us now know about the Canadian terrorists and I've heard that they're forcing baby seals to give them their furs or they will kill them--it's repulsive! I mean, seriously, why can't we all get along? I'm friends with non-loons! And not all Canadians are terrorists, yes, I know that. One of my bird friends is a Canadian goose and she's so nice! But what's the point of the clubbings and terrorism?
    Share your thoughts and discussions in this thread.
  23. kik liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in ISIL And Contemporary Terrorists   
    @ I know your title is just descriptive. But what do you think about changing it to "ISIL and other contemporary terrorists"?
    Atheism does not have to be anti-religion. Religion is not the problem; it's people using groupthink to manipulate other people. You might as well try to ban all human organizations. (Actually, we've been there and done that, and anti-establishment proponents generally go on to try and establish their own brand of groupthink. So good luck with that.)
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