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blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in LANA SLEUTHING
As one of your resident "old farts" on the board I need to chip in. The thing I keep realising as I get older is that my parents had no fucking clue what they were doing while raising me. I was a problem child (not like Lana, drinking and partying was my sister's forte) in that I just didn't listen to my parents. I snuck out, talked back, lied, and ran away at one point. And after my step sister went to live with her dad, and with me behaving badly, my parents threatened me with boarding school. I think at that point, because I couldn't go anywhere else and they were at their wits end with me, that was their last resort. My parents weren't rich so it would have nearly bankrupt them if they sent me. They just didn't know what else to do.
Rob and Pat probably were the same, struggling to keep their child under control but at their breaking point. No parent wants to send their children away for someone else to raise them, but when you're at the point where you have no control over them but you don't want to see them dead, you do what you have to do. I hated my parents throughout my teen years because they even tried to send me away. But I didn't understand why until this last year. As I get closer to becoming a parent myself I realize that parents are usually just stumbling around in the dark trying to find their way to raise a good child into a better adult. It's difficult and there is no "manual".
I'm sure Rob and Pat were heartbroken they had to send Lizzy away because it meant they screwed up as parents and they were losing their oldest daughter but it still would have been better than the alternative. She would have been in the hands of professionals who knew what they were doing. Besides we probably wouldn't have LDR without boarding school
Soso liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in LANA SLEUTHING
As one of your resident "old farts" on the board I need to chip in. The thing I keep realising as I get older is that my parents had no fucking clue what they were doing while raising me. I was a problem child (not like Lana, drinking and partying was my sister's forte) in that I just didn't listen to my parents. I snuck out, talked back, lied, and ran away at one point. And after my step sister went to live with her dad, and with me behaving badly, my parents threatened me with boarding school. I think at that point, because I couldn't go anywhere else and they were at their wits end with me, that was their last resort. My parents weren't rich so it would have nearly bankrupt them if they sent me. They just didn't know what else to do.
Rob and Pat probably were the same, struggling to keep their child under control but at their breaking point. No parent wants to send their children away for someone else to raise them, but when you're at the point where you have no control over them but you don't want to see them dead, you do what you have to do. I hated my parents throughout my teen years because they even tried to send me away. But I didn't understand why until this last year. As I get closer to becoming a parent myself I realize that parents are usually just stumbling around in the dark trying to find their way to raise a good child into a better adult. It's difficult and there is no "manual".
I'm sure Rob and Pat were heartbroken they had to send Lizzy away because it meant they screwed up as parents and they were losing their oldest daughter but it still would have been better than the alternative. She would have been in the hands of professionals who knew what they were doing. Besides we probably wouldn't have LDR without boarding school
Elina liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Dum Dum
I belong to bygone era,
like the scarlett o'hara,
of the downtown scene,
I just wanna dream, I just wanna drink.
I am a popular singer,
wham-bam zinger,
Mansfield ringer
From the hollywood silver screen.
luna de miel liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey
From IMDB: The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities.
Before we journey down the rabbit hole that is the Source Family, their leader Father Yod and the influence all of this may have had on Lana Del Rey and her album Ultraviolence, here is some background information of who they were and what they did:
There are also many excellent articles on Jim Baker, Father Yod and the Family available online. While I will be linking some of them here as references, I will mostly be focusing on the Family and their own personal interpretations of what was going on during the time they were active as I believe this is where Lana gathered most of her inspiration from. There are a lot of negative articles written about what actually was going on behind closed doors at the Family homes and while I'm sure some may be accurate, and will lend support to some theories, the writers of the articles were not a part of the Family and did not experience first hand what went on. While most former Family members do have criticism toward Jim Baker, the man, they speak very highly of Father Yod as their Earthly Spiritual Father, enough so that I don't doubt they would embellish. I recommend reading all evidence and articles with a grain of salt as all of it is personal anecdotes and there is no solid facts to back up any claims made.
I encourage every member of Lana Boards to dig in and discover any other pieces of evidence you may find regarding this topic. I will add to this post as new evidence is found with credit to the finder!
Here is the original post that I made in the Ultraviolence lyrics thread so please have a look at that for an idea of what started all of this:
So hopefully now you have an idea of the Family, we'll jump into the evidence we have. Some of it will be stuff that I and other users have already posted on the UV thread, some will be new. Please note, this section will be updated as more info is discovered.
The Source Family and their Influence on Ultraviolence
General Evidence
Lyrical Evidence
While I believe some songs on UV are inspired by the Source Family, I don't think that all songs were inspired by them. So you won't see Old Money on this list for example, as it is clearly written for the Great Gatsby, inspired by the character of Daisy and written as an epilogue to Lana's Young and Beautiful.
I also believe Lana is inspired from many different things and she weaves them into her own story, either by becoming who she is writing about or imagining herself in a similar situation. She has said before that is in the habit of writing about several things in a song and tying them all together. For example, Video Games being about two different men, etc. So while some lyrics fit the Source theory, others will not as they are probably influenced either by her life or something else.
Cruel World
Shades of Cool
Brooklyn Baby
Aesthetic Evidence
This section is about the pictures used for Ultraviolence vs pictures from The Source Family Archives as well as the soundscape Dan Auerbach and Lana came up with. Lana had stated that her new take on the UV album was "Unlistenable" with many different sounds, tempo changes, etc. Some of the Ya Ho Wha recordings sound very similar to how Lana re-did UV with the layered sounds, experimental vocals and tempo changes.
As I stated above I will continue updating this post with more evidence as I find it. Please feel free to post any similarities you might find and I will happily add it with credit to you!
Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey
From IMDB: The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities.
Before we journey down the rabbit hole that is the Source Family, their leader Father Yod and the influence all of this may have had on Lana Del Rey and her album Ultraviolence, here is some background information of who they were and what they did:
There are also many excellent articles on Jim Baker, Father Yod and the Family available online. While I will be linking some of them here as references, I will mostly be focusing on the Family and their own personal interpretations of what was going on during the time they were active as I believe this is where Lana gathered most of her inspiration from. There are a lot of negative articles written about what actually was going on behind closed doors at the Family homes and while I'm sure some may be accurate, and will lend support to some theories, the writers of the articles were not a part of the Family and did not experience first hand what went on. While most former Family members do have criticism toward Jim Baker, the man, they speak very highly of Father Yod as their Earthly Spiritual Father, enough so that I don't doubt they would embellish. I recommend reading all evidence and articles with a grain of salt as all of it is personal anecdotes and there is no solid facts to back up any claims made.
I encourage every member of Lana Boards to dig in and discover any other pieces of evidence you may find regarding this topic. I will add to this post as new evidence is found with credit to the finder!
Here is the original post that I made in the Ultraviolence lyrics thread so please have a look at that for an idea of what started all of this:
So hopefully now you have an idea of the Family, we'll jump into the evidence we have. Some of it will be stuff that I and other users have already posted on the UV thread, some will be new. Please note, this section will be updated as more info is discovered.
The Source Family and their Influence on Ultraviolence
General Evidence
Lyrical Evidence
While I believe some songs on UV are inspired by the Source Family, I don't think that all songs were inspired by them. So you won't see Old Money on this list for example, as it is clearly written for the Great Gatsby, inspired by the character of Daisy and written as an epilogue to Lana's Young and Beautiful.
I also believe Lana is inspired from many different things and she weaves them into her own story, either by becoming who she is writing about or imagining herself in a similar situation. She has said before that is in the habit of writing about several things in a song and tying them all together. For example, Video Games being about two different men, etc. So while some lyrics fit the Source theory, others will not as they are probably influenced either by her life or something else.
Cruel World
Shades of Cool
Brooklyn Baby
Aesthetic Evidence
This section is about the pictures used for Ultraviolence vs pictures from The Source Family Archives as well as the soundscape Dan Auerbach and Lana came up with. Lana had stated that her new take on the UV album was "Unlistenable" with many different sounds, tempo changes, etc. Some of the Ya Ho Wha recordings sound very similar to how Lana re-did UV with the layered sounds, experimental vocals and tempo changes.
As I stated above I will continue updating this post with more evidence as I find it. Please feel free to post any similarities you might find and I will happily add it with credit to you!
blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey
From IMDB: The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities.
Before we journey down the rabbit hole that is the Source Family, their leader Father Yod and the influence all of this may have had on Lana Del Rey and her album Ultraviolence, here is some background information of who they were and what they did:
There are also many excellent articles on Jim Baker, Father Yod and the Family available online. While I will be linking some of them here as references, I will mostly be focusing on the Family and their own personal interpretations of what was going on during the time they were active as I believe this is where Lana gathered most of her inspiration from. There are a lot of negative articles written about what actually was going on behind closed doors at the Family homes and while I'm sure some may be accurate, and will lend support to some theories, the writers of the articles were not a part of the Family and did not experience first hand what went on. While most former Family members do have criticism toward Jim Baker, the man, they speak very highly of Father Yod as their Earthly Spiritual Father, enough so that I don't doubt they would embellish. I recommend reading all evidence and articles with a grain of salt as all of it is personal anecdotes and there is no solid facts to back up any claims made.
I encourage every member of Lana Boards to dig in and discover any other pieces of evidence you may find regarding this topic. I will add to this post as new evidence is found with credit to the finder!
Here is the original post that I made in the Ultraviolence lyrics thread so please have a look at that for an idea of what started all of this:
So hopefully now you have an idea of the Family, we'll jump into the evidence we have. Some of it will be stuff that I and other users have already posted on the UV thread, some will be new. Please note, this section will be updated as more info is discovered.
The Source Family and their Influence on Ultraviolence
General Evidence
Lyrical Evidence
While I believe some songs on UV are inspired by the Source Family, I don't think that all songs were inspired by them. So you won't see Old Money on this list for example, as it is clearly written for the Great Gatsby, inspired by the character of Daisy and written as an epilogue to Lana's Young and Beautiful.
I also believe Lana is inspired from many different things and she weaves them into her own story, either by becoming who she is writing about or imagining herself in a similar situation. She has said before that is in the habit of writing about several things in a song and tying them all together. For example, Video Games being about two different men, etc. So while some lyrics fit the Source theory, others will not as they are probably influenced either by her life or something else.
Cruel World
Shades of Cool
Brooklyn Baby
Aesthetic Evidence
This section is about the pictures used for Ultraviolence vs pictures from The Source Family Archives as well as the soundscape Dan Auerbach and Lana came up with. Lana had stated that her new take on the UV album was "Unlistenable" with many different sounds, tempo changes, etc. Some of the Ya Ho Wha recordings sound very similar to how Lana re-did UV with the layered sounds, experimental vocals and tempo changes.
As I stated above I will continue updating this post with more evidence as I find it. Please feel free to post any similarities you might find and I will happily add it with credit to you!
blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Ultraviolence
Sorry, this is going to be a long one lol bear with me here.....
So I was watching a documentary about this hippie cult in the 70s in LA called the Source Family. While watching I couldn't help but be slapped in the face with how well it fit in with Ultraviolence. I was connecting dots like a motherfucking pro. I recommend watching it to see what I mean (it's on Netflix USA), or you could read these reviews here to get the gist:..
Basically Jim Baker was a very handsome, very charismatic, but notoriously violent man that ran away from his wife and child to LA and founded this cult as Father Yod and had many beautiful young men and women join him to live in "peace, love, drugs and rock and roll". He was popular within Hollywood and was very rich and even robbed banks to fund his vegan restaurant, psychedelic band and his "family"..."He basically turned Sex Drugs and Roll and Roll into a religion" is a quote (paraphrasing) from the film. Kinda sounds like the same church Lana would subscribe to...
From the doc, the first things that popped out at me were:
1) "He used to call me DN that stood for Deadly Nightshade" sounds just like the people in the documentary talking about their hippie names and what they were called in the commune. Names like Galaxy, Orbit, Harvest Moon, Sunflower etc...
2) All the references to violence, hitting, etc fit with Jim Baker's history of violence, although I don't know if he was inclined to hit women...
3) Quite obviously.... "You're my cult leader" = Father Yod
4) The way she's talking about her Jim in the song is nearly identical to former members of the Source describing what it was like to be around their Jim, saying it was like they felt like they were kids again with him being their really cool rich foster dad who smoked a lot of drugs and lived a hedonistic and open lifestyle. The conditions they lived in despite the cult having lots of money, was near squalor with people living in cubby holes and in some instances being denied medical attention and treatment as it went against their beliefs. A child even reportedly died after being denied treatment for an infection. Jim was very strict with all of his commandments despite all the love he had for his "children". He even broke his own commandment of one woman for every one man when he decided to be polygamous and his original cult wife Ah-Om (aka Robin) said she felt as if he "had skinned her alive" when he took 13 wives. His treatment of Robin was very poor but even now she speaks highly of him and that her love for him took on an otherworldly dimension that was out of her control and listening to her talk about him is very similar to how Lana sings about her Jim in UV.
I think the inspiration from the Source Family could also bleed into the rest of the album, lending to the Southern California psychedelic surf twang throughout, even referencing the polygamy that was going on in SoC:
"And when he calls. He calls for me and not for you"
and what Father Yod was all about:..
"He prays for love, he prays for peace.And maybe someone new"
There might be connections in other songs, I'm still slowly working my way through the album and to be honest I still have the first 5 songs on repeat, so I'm not as familiar with the rest of the album. Oh and I know it probably doesn't mean anything but they reference taking "Black Beauties" in the movie about 10 minutes in.
And with this recent instagram selfie with Chuck with the caption "Sister Wives" the Source just fits a little too well:
Not only is Sister Wives a polygamy term, they're even dressed like Father Yod's wives. In fact I'd say Lana's really leaning towards a 70s flower child look this era, wouldn't you? Oh and not to mention... Yod/Jim fits Lana's Daddy type to a tee. Heck they even called him that! (lol Barrie and his beard actually look like a member of the cult tbh)
Some pictures....
I don't think all songs are necessarily related to the Source but I think Lana may have been heavily influenced by them along with Jim Morrison, Kurt, Chet Baker, Jim Jones, Jim Beam, etc, and from her own life. Especially since the documentary came out in 2012 when she probably would have started to conceive what her next album would be.
I also believe that she took influence from her own experience with Atlantic Group and how she relates that to the 70s cult experience. To be honest, sometimes I feel like Lana writes songs like she's posting to Tumblr or Pintrest or some shit. Just name checking all the things that influence her and weaving a story around them. Like she's writing her own fan fiction through songs. Actually I still think all the songs written around "Every Man Gets His Wish" are about Lana's life as if it were blended with the movie True Romance. She even took a picture of her and Mike M. compared to Clarence and Alabama so clearly she is identifying with the Character there. It's basically her own blend of reality and fanfiction. But that's a post for another thread lol...
Anyway before I go on and on, because I could with all these "connections" I found in this doc...Has anyone else seen The Source and what are your thoughts on this?
Tana Mongeau liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind
I want what you're on dude...
Elina liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Blizzard
This sounds like it could have been written about her mother.
revadece liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind
I want what you're on dude...
lili liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind
HOLY SHIT I love you and want to have your babies... I just realised TWO things from your post:
1) Lana Del Rey = Wool of the King =Woolridge... like whatever! How did I not catch that before???
2) Lana being a lone bride marrying an unseen man (or her absentee cult leader?) is so similar to the Source yet again! Isis Aquarian considers herself to still be a wife to Jim Baker aka Yahoweh as an "Aquarian Nun" It seems like Isis is the one to coin that phrase as there really isn't much when you google, but interesting nonetheless...
Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey
From IMDB: The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities.
Before we journey down the rabbit hole that is the Source Family, their leader Father Yod and the influence all of this may have had on Lana Del Rey and her album Ultraviolence, here is some background information of who they were and what they did:
There are also many excellent articles on Jim Baker, Father Yod and the Family available online. While I will be linking some of them here as references, I will mostly be focusing on the Family and their own personal interpretations of what was going on during the time they were active as I believe this is where Lana gathered most of her inspiration from. There are a lot of negative articles written about what actually was going on behind closed doors at the Family homes and while I'm sure some may be accurate, and will lend support to some theories, the writers of the articles were not a part of the Family and did not experience first hand what went on. While most former Family members do have criticism toward Jim Baker, the man, they speak very highly of Father Yod as their Earthly Spiritual Father, enough so that I don't doubt they would embellish. I recommend reading all evidence and articles with a grain of salt as all of it is personal anecdotes and there is no solid facts to back up any claims made.
I encourage every member of Lana Boards to dig in and discover any other pieces of evidence you may find regarding this topic. I will add to this post as new evidence is found with credit to the finder!
Here is the original post that I made in the Ultraviolence lyrics thread so please have a look at that for an idea of what started all of this:
So hopefully now you have an idea of the Family, we'll jump into the evidence we have. Some of it will be stuff that I and other users have already posted on the UV thread, some will be new. Please note, this section will be updated as more info is discovered.
The Source Family and their Influence on Ultraviolence
General Evidence
Lyrical Evidence
While I believe some songs on UV are inspired by the Source Family, I don't think that all songs were inspired by them. So you won't see Old Money on this list for example, as it is clearly written for the Great Gatsby, inspired by the character of Daisy and written as an epilogue to Lana's Young and Beautiful.
I also believe Lana is inspired from many different things and she weaves them into her own story, either by becoming who she is writing about or imagining herself in a similar situation. She has said before that is in the habit of writing about several things in a song and tying them all together. For example, Video Games being about two different men, etc. So while some lyrics fit the Source theory, others will not as they are probably influenced either by her life or something else.
Cruel World
Shades of Cool
Brooklyn Baby
Aesthetic Evidence
This section is about the pictures used for Ultraviolence vs pictures from The Source Family Archives as well as the soundscape Dan Auerbach and Lana came up with. Lana had stated that her new take on the UV album was "Unlistenable" with many different sounds, tempo changes, etc. Some of the Ya Ho Wha recordings sound very similar to how Lana re-did UV with the layered sounds, experimental vocals and tempo changes.
As I stated above I will continue updating this post with more evidence as I find it. Please feel free to post any similarities you might find and I will happily add it with credit to you!
Cherry Blossom liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey
From IMDB: The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities.
Before we journey down the rabbit hole that is the Source Family, their leader Father Yod and the influence all of this may have had on Lana Del Rey and her album Ultraviolence, here is some background information of who they were and what they did:
There are also many excellent articles on Jim Baker, Father Yod and the Family available online. While I will be linking some of them here as references, I will mostly be focusing on the Family and their own personal interpretations of what was going on during the time they were active as I believe this is where Lana gathered most of her inspiration from. There are a lot of negative articles written about what actually was going on behind closed doors at the Family homes and while I'm sure some may be accurate, and will lend support to some theories, the writers of the articles were not a part of the Family and did not experience first hand what went on. While most former Family members do have criticism toward Jim Baker, the man, they speak very highly of Father Yod as their Earthly Spiritual Father, enough so that I don't doubt they would embellish. I recommend reading all evidence and articles with a grain of salt as all of it is personal anecdotes and there is no solid facts to back up any claims made.
I encourage every member of Lana Boards to dig in and discover any other pieces of evidence you may find regarding this topic. I will add to this post as new evidence is found with credit to the finder!
Here is the original post that I made in the Ultraviolence lyrics thread so please have a look at that for an idea of what started all of this:
So hopefully now you have an idea of the Family, we'll jump into the evidence we have. Some of it will be stuff that I and other users have already posted on the UV thread, some will be new. Please note, this section will be updated as more info is discovered.
The Source Family and their Influence on Ultraviolence
General Evidence
Lyrical Evidence
While I believe some songs on UV are inspired by the Source Family, I don't think that all songs were inspired by them. So you won't see Old Money on this list for example, as it is clearly written for the Great Gatsby, inspired by the character of Daisy and written as an epilogue to Lana's Young and Beautiful.
I also believe Lana is inspired from many different things and she weaves them into her own story, either by becoming who she is writing about or imagining herself in a similar situation. She has said before that is in the habit of writing about several things in a song and tying them all together. For example, Video Games being about two different men, etc. So while some lyrics fit the Source theory, others will not as they are probably influenced either by her life or something else.
Cruel World
Shades of Cool
Brooklyn Baby
Aesthetic Evidence
This section is about the pictures used for Ultraviolence vs pictures from The Source Family Archives as well as the soundscape Dan Auerbach and Lana came up with. Lana had stated that her new take on the UV album was "Unlistenable" with many different sounds, tempo changes, etc. Some of the Ya Ho Wha recordings sound very similar to how Lana re-did UV with the layered sounds, experimental vocals and tempo changes.
As I stated above I will continue updating this post with more evidence as I find it. Please feel free to post any similarities you might find and I will happily add it with credit to you!
The Siren liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Bad Disease
This just came on in my car while I'm waiting for my aunt. And its the first time I actually listened to the lyrics. Sounds like Lizzy was singing about her depression and fixing it by drinking
celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in West Coast
Regarding Lana being Cuban... I don't know why it's so hard for Lana fans to accept the fact that Lana is an Artist and uses her 'Artistic License' in writing most of her lyrics. Do you really think she was a prostitute in Nevada or that she burned a house down, or that she murdered her boyfriend and stuck him in a trunk? Just because she sings "He's crazy y Cubano como yo" does not mean that she's Cuban, it means she is using Artistic License to tell a story that's not even necessarily about herself.
Not everything she writes is autobiographical nor does it have to be. She even said in Prom Song that she likes to "make up stories about my life and put on very cherry balm" but even that could be a part of the story for all we know. Like Lana's tat says: "Trust No One" ...Even Ms. Del Rey herself.
It reminds me of when I started listening to Tori Amos at a young age and I didn't connect the fact that Tori was telling a story with her lyrics and that she didn't actually experience certain things she described in her songs. I was just too young to grasp the concept at the age of 11 that someone would make up stories and sing about them.
For example: Me and a Gun vs Professional Widow or Mr. Zebra. Me and a Gun is based on her real life experience being raped at knife point (Even Tori used her Artistic License to change details in a real story for the benefit of the song), where Professional Widow is about having power over a man and convincing him to commit suicide through his addiction. Mr. Zebra is about a woman poisoning a man through food. Both the last two songs I mentioned are notoriously known for potentially being written from the perspective of Courtney Love killing Kurt Cobain, though Tori has never confirmed or denied it. (Tori and Kurt were friends way back when). Again, Artistic License. Tori didn't actually poison someone or convince them to OD.
Tori is also really awesome at describing almost every song she has written and telling fans what it's really about or how she came up with certain lyrics. There's whole websites devoted to Tori's song meanings and what she has said about each one. Love her for that! I only wish Lana did the same instead of being so cryptic, but that's part of what makes her so enigmatic.
khomj liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in West Coast
Regarding Lana being Cuban... I don't know why it's so hard for Lana fans to accept the fact that Lana is an Artist and uses her 'Artistic License' in writing most of her lyrics. Do you really think she was a prostitute in Nevada or that she burned a house down, or that she murdered her boyfriend and stuck him in a trunk? Just because she sings "He's crazy y Cubano como yo" does not mean that she's Cuban, it means she is using Artistic License to tell a story that's not even necessarily about herself.
Not everything she writes is autobiographical nor does it have to be. She even said in Prom Song that she likes to "make up stories about my life and put on very cherry balm" but even that could be a part of the story for all we know. Like Lana's tat says: "Trust No One" ...Even Ms. Del Rey herself.
It reminds me of when I started listening to Tori Amos at a young age and I didn't connect the fact that Tori was telling a story with her lyrics and that she didn't actually experience certain things she described in her songs. I was just too young to grasp the concept at the age of 11 that someone would make up stories and sing about them.
For example: Me and a Gun vs Professional Widow or Mr. Zebra. Me and a Gun is based on her real life experience being raped at knife point (Even Tori used her Artistic License to change details in a real story for the benefit of the song), where Professional Widow is about having power over a man and convincing him to commit suicide through his addiction. Mr. Zebra is about a woman poisoning a man through food. Both the last two songs I mentioned are notoriously known for potentially being written from the perspective of Courtney Love killing Kurt Cobain, though Tori has never confirmed or denied it. (Tori and Kurt were friends way back when). Again, Artistic License. Tori didn't actually poison someone or convince them to OD.
Tori is also really awesome at describing almost every song she has written and telling fans what it's really about or how she came up with certain lyrics. There's whole websites devoted to Tori's song meanings and what she has said about each one. Love her for that! I only wish Lana did the same instead of being so cryptic, but that's part of what makes her so enigmatic.
westsidehighway liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in West Coast
Regarding Lana being Cuban... I don't know why it's so hard for Lana fans to accept the fact that Lana is an Artist and uses her 'Artistic License' in writing most of her lyrics. Do you really think she was a prostitute in Nevada or that she burned a house down, or that she murdered her boyfriend and stuck him in a trunk? Just because she sings "He's crazy y Cubano como yo" does not mean that she's Cuban, it means she is using Artistic License to tell a story that's not even necessarily about herself.
Not everything she writes is autobiographical nor does it have to be. She even said in Prom Song that she likes to "make up stories about my life and put on very cherry balm" but even that could be a part of the story for all we know. Like Lana's tat says: "Trust No One" ...Even Ms. Del Rey herself.
It reminds me of when I started listening to Tori Amos at a young age and I didn't connect the fact that Tori was telling a story with her lyrics and that she didn't actually experience certain things she described in her songs. I was just too young to grasp the concept at the age of 11 that someone would make up stories and sing about them.
For example: Me and a Gun vs Professional Widow or Mr. Zebra. Me and a Gun is based on her real life experience being raped at knife point (Even Tori used her Artistic License to change details in a real story for the benefit of the song), where Professional Widow is about having power over a man and convincing him to commit suicide through his addiction. Mr. Zebra is about a woman poisoning a man through food. Both the last two songs I mentioned are notoriously known for potentially being written from the perspective of Courtney Love killing Kurt Cobain, though Tori has never confirmed or denied it. (Tori and Kurt were friends way back when). Again, Artistic License. Tori didn't actually poison someone or convince them to OD.
Tori is also really awesome at describing almost every song she has written and telling fans what it's really about or how she came up with certain lyrics. There's whole websites devoted to Tori's song meanings and what she has said about each one. Love her for that! I only wish Lana did the same instead of being so cryptic, but that's part of what makes her so enigmatic.
Serene Queen liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight
I always thought she sang "I can be your wanton baby" instead of one time...
Hallo Heaven liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Maha Maha
Resident Hawaiian here. When I listen to it, it sounds absolutely nothing like Hawaiian (more Indian) but then again, Lana is Haole so... lol
I listened to it again (even though the song doesn't grab me so I barely made it through the first time) and the words I can hear are: Loa Loa Mahi Mahi Ah-hah-a-hah
Which, if it was Hawaiian would mean Much Much Strong Strong. Makes no sense. I'm guessing it's meant to be just nonsense words. Definitely no ancient Hula Kahiko chants going on here. Not on my watch anyway.
Oh and Mahi-Mahi is also a fish
IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey
From IMDB: The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities.
Before we journey down the rabbit hole that is the Source Family, their leader Father Yod and the influence all of this may have had on Lana Del Rey and her album Ultraviolence, here is some background information of who they were and what they did:
There are also many excellent articles on Jim Baker, Father Yod and the Family available online. While I will be linking some of them here as references, I will mostly be focusing on the Family and their own personal interpretations of what was going on during the time they were active as I believe this is where Lana gathered most of her inspiration from. There are a lot of negative articles written about what actually was going on behind closed doors at the Family homes and while I'm sure some may be accurate, and will lend support to some theories, the writers of the articles were not a part of the Family and did not experience first hand what went on. While most former Family members do have criticism toward Jim Baker, the man, they speak very highly of Father Yod as their Earthly Spiritual Father, enough so that I don't doubt they would embellish. I recommend reading all evidence and articles with a grain of salt as all of it is personal anecdotes and there is no solid facts to back up any claims made.
I encourage every member of Lana Boards to dig in and discover any other pieces of evidence you may find regarding this topic. I will add to this post as new evidence is found with credit to the finder!
Here is the original post that I made in the Ultraviolence lyrics thread so please have a look at that for an idea of what started all of this:
So hopefully now you have an idea of the Family, we'll jump into the evidence we have. Some of it will be stuff that I and other users have already posted on the UV thread, some will be new. Please note, this section will be updated as more info is discovered.
The Source Family and their Influence on Ultraviolence
General Evidence
Lyrical Evidence
While I believe some songs on UV are inspired by the Source Family, I don't think that all songs were inspired by them. So you won't see Old Money on this list for example, as it is clearly written for the Great Gatsby, inspired by the character of Daisy and written as an epilogue to Lana's Young and Beautiful.
I also believe Lana is inspired from many different things and she weaves them into her own story, either by becoming who she is writing about or imagining herself in a similar situation. She has said before that is in the habit of writing about several things in a song and tying them all together. For example, Video Games being about two different men, etc. So while some lyrics fit the Source theory, others will not as they are probably influenced either by her life or something else.
Cruel World
Shades of Cool
Brooklyn Baby
Aesthetic Evidence
This section is about the pictures used for Ultraviolence vs pictures from The Source Family Archives as well as the soundscape Dan Auerbach and Lana came up with. Lana had stated that her new take on the UV album was "Unlistenable" with many different sounds, tempo changes, etc. Some of the Ya Ho Wha recordings sound very similar to how Lana re-did UV with the layered sounds, experimental vocals and tempo changes.
As I stated above I will continue updating this post with more evidence as I find it. Please feel free to post any similarities you might find and I will happily add it with credit to you!
labelledejour liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey
Just found another relevant article from March 2012...
Billy Corgan Talks -- and Talks -- About 'The Source' Film, Ya Ho Wha 13 and How a Drum Circle Changed His Thinking
Billy mentions our dear Lana in the answer to the last question of the article. Interesting.
white gold liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Bad Disease
This just came on in my car while I'm waiting for my aunt. And its the first time I actually listened to the lyrics. Sounds like Lizzy was singing about her depression and fixing it by drinking
PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Las Vegas Shooting
Agreed. This is awful. I had two trips to Vegas planned over the next 6 months, including Lana. Not sure if I feel comfortable going now, even just for the memory of these poor people.
But as someone who lives with one of those people with a sidearm, don't be afraid of them... they are the ones who would most likely take down the person shooting in one of these situations and protect you. Many are ex military, police, or private citizens who want to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. I also have my gun license and own several guns myself. It is smart to learn to protect yourself, and I encourage everyone here to find something to help keep you and others safe, whether it is learning how to safely use and take care of a gun, learning martial arts, CPR training, or even just participating in those mudhero type fun-runs... Take classes and always keep learning. You never know when you will need a lifesaving skill.
I know it's hard, I am struggling with this too but don't let fear consume you...
"If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be that we're all ok
And not to worry because worry is wasteful
And useless in times like these
I will not be made useless
I won't be idled with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
For light does the darkness most fear"
I know I don't know many of you, but I love you. Take care today ❤️
I read the rest of your comments and I want to edit my message to clarify that I am from up North and our gun laws are a bit more strict up here, so I can't say I know anything about what is going on down in America in terms of gun control... However I am all for stricter gun laws and vetting for mental health prior to licensing as that is something that would certainly help prevent incidents like this.