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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. I still think she might get a best new music from pitchfork. We will see soon, though. I (out of boredom) relentlessly browse album of the year, and I tend to find the first scores for a big new release trend down the middle, maybe a little lukewarm, and then on release the score jumps up significantly, most glowing reviews seem to come out then.
  2. I imagine it will be at least a little higher than BB in the end. Lol @ the guardian saying BB is her best album tho. Thats some good crack they on. Lol
  3. Me!! Only heard the singles and the CN snippet a million years ago. I honestly wish I hadn’t listened to any of the singles because they all would have slayed me so hard in the context of the full record. Like I should have at least held off on the grants. It’s an incredible opening track and it would have been amazing to hear it for the first time with the whole record. this is the first time in a while that I haven’t sought out a leak of one of her records and honestly I’m content waiting till Friday. I’m feeling like a serene queen.
  4. She’s clearly not talking about anything that she herself has uploaded to band camp/SoundCloud or is still on streaming. Earnhardt, dust bowl, golden age, you can still listen to all those things through official avenues so that’s clearly not what this is about.
  5. It would make a lot of sense. A song a lot of fans have been begging to get an official release for years and it makes sense with how much popularity it seems to have gained, even amongst people who are more casual Lana listeners.
  6. The grants is a wonderful opening track, it really sets a wonderful tone, and the practicing background singers are a slay, like you’re walking in on something you’re not supposed to be hearing/seeing, which is the vibe of the whole album.
  7. Is there any reason that we are calling BOZ a liar today and have decided the surprise was scrapped or is it just the usual chaotic meltdown that leads to wild speculation that some people take as fact?? this is a serious question I could not possibly keep up with this thread lol
  8. Maybe we haven’t heard hide nor hair of candy necklace because we are getting it Friday on the OG album release date and her team threatened death to anyone who might dare say anything or spoil it.
  9. domandapiano


    The new remix of airborne ashes is so fxcking good. The original is obviously good as well, it’s just an amazing song.
  10. domandapiano

    Kali Uchis

    the original cover is gorge and evocative of the music for sure.
  11. right? We literally have weeknd songs talking about drugging, raping, and being violent against women and somehow he has become one of the most massive stars on the planet. And those early albums with those songs are often still considered his best. I don’t even dislike him and he’s got some great songs, but my goodness the double standards… anywayzzzzz I’m not listening to any leaks unless it’s full top to bottom HQ leaks where I can have the full album experience.
  12. I was stressed about that line last night because of all her past controversies, but upon resting, waking up, and working out, I’ve decided it doesn’t sound as bad as it did when I was high in bed. Critical acclaim no longer cancelled!
  13. domandapiano


    Honestly I’m so looking forward to this. Nymph was severely underrated imo.
  14. I’m sure I won’t care for it, but I was OBSESSED with him when he was on American Idol. His voice has always been good, I just don’t necessarily care much for his songs.
  15. The song is pretty and it’s actually something I can see myself listening to quite a bit…. but it’s also a pretty basic piano composition that I could probably churn out as an improv on any given Monday, like it’s mostly just satisfying chord changes… no shade…
  16. It’s so wild that this is real. When all those pics of him in the studio came out and everyone joked we were getting rob grant 1 but we actually are lol. Insane. What a time to be alive.
  17. She absolutely snapped. So hyped for the record after those songs. Leikara ljóð, in particular, is incredible and one of the most immediately moving things I’ve heard this year.
  18. Is the 6 song project still coming this year or nah?? also devastated at nettles being cut. God hates this fag on this day
  19. Exciting!! It’s been far too long.
  20. you make good points! Which is why I made sure to mention nothing I was saying was a fact, just a thought that popped into my head after seeing so much progress made by queer humans being challenged so openly and defiantly.
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