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  1. lili liked a post in a topic by Lily in Cruel World   
    For me, it feels like she is telling someone of more wealth and society than she had to just relax and live a little. To be suburban instead of white collar.  That's how I see it: "have something to drink and be lower class with the rest of us."
  2. clementines liked a post in a topic by Lily in Life Is Beautiful   
    I'm surprised at all this backlash. First of all, we have one minute of a song and are already saying it's lame? We don't know how these lyrics fit in with the rest of the song. I LOVE this song so far; can't wait to hear the whole thing. As for Big Eyes and I Can Fly, man, those were gorgeous. I agree, the lyrics weren't the best, but they are amazing songs (to me).  This is soothing, magical, and expressive - I love it. She never disappoints. 

    She definitely makes a k sound - I think you're right. And it makes a lot more sense! Also, I don't think it's "stay where we're going," but "say where we're going."
  3. ultrababy liked a post in a topic by Lily in Terrence Loves You   
    Oh ... god. Listening to this song makes me so sad and so happy at the same time. How does she always outdo herself? And I LOVE that I can relate to the feelings of loss in this song, but the lyrics are still obscure enough to belong to Lana.  She always personalizes her songs so only she can truly understand them. This is a gorgeous song. Wow wow wow
  4. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Lily in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    From interviews, we know that whoever K. was, he lived with her in a trailer park, lived a double life, was most likely arrested, most likely died, was handsome and magnetic, and told her she was the "most exotic thing he'd ever seen." There are also many references to a "golden grill" - be it symbolic or true.
    SOooo, with that in mind!
    We know for sure there is
    For K. 
    For K. pt. 2
    From interviews, we know we can add
    Born to Die
    Video Games
    Blue Jeans
    as she stated those were all for the same person - most likely "the same God-damned person" she says she writes for.  
    What else?!  
    My theories, based on the lyrics and repetitive words, would include (with keywords):
    Dark Paradise (he's dead, and it seems K is dead or on death row, so this fits)
    Queen of Disaster ("golden grill")
    I Still Love Him (from the description, something tells me this is about K. and not JFK)
    Backfire (the reference to Sid and Nancy seems to be a theme in K. songs; "in our trailer park for two")
    Without You (like Dark Paradise, the death theme fits here - and she cries EVERY time she sings it live)
    Million Dollar Man ("you said I was the most exotic flower" ... everything else makes sense, too)
    Off To The Races (maybe a stretch ... the mention of gold coins makes me think of gambling, and Video Games has hints of gambling, as well)
    From the lyrics of all these songs, my theory is that K. was white (I've seen theories he was black, which FITS, but then how is he like "James Dean for sure"?); that he was either a gambler, drug dealer, or in a gang; was arrested for robbery then again for "double homicide"; is either on death row, committed suicide in prison ("heading off for death row; didn't stick around, no")
    Some other possibilities:
    Young And Beautiful
    The Man I Love
  5. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Lily in Salvatore   
    I love this song so, so, so much! She has nice Italian pronunciation, too -- and while I love her Spanish additions to songs, I think I like the Italian better. So soft and dreamy. What a romantic song. This is the kind of moody, dreamlike song I'd love to play for a first-dance at my wedding. It's so gorgeous. I think this album is going to be above and beyond anything we've heard yet. 
  6. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Lily in Salvatore   
    He said that, and it was a translated interview -- he said that with both of them being famous, they had to stay at home most of the time and not go to parties. But according to her previous interviews, home is where she wants to be. I remember one interview where she said she would never leave her house if she didn't have to.  
  7. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Lily in High By The Beach   
    I love this song soooo much. Until the video I assumed it was to one of her bad boys, and I loved it then too, but I like it even better now. I don't know how I didn't catch the meaning sooner. What a perfect little "fuck you" to everyone who tore her apart for so long. 
  8. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Lily in Terrence Loves You   
    Oh ... god. Listening to this song makes me so sad and so happy at the same time. How does she always outdo herself? And I LOVE that I can relate to the feelings of loss in this song, but the lyrics are still obscure enough to belong to Lana.  She always personalizes her songs so only she can truly understand them. This is a gorgeous song. Wow wow wow
  9. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Lily in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    From interviews, we know that whoever K. was, he lived with her in a trailer park, lived a double life, was most likely arrested, most likely died, was handsome and magnetic, and told her she was the "most exotic thing he'd ever seen." There are also many references to a "golden grill" - be it symbolic or true.
    SOooo, with that in mind!
    We know for sure there is
    For K. 
    For K. pt. 2
    From interviews, we know we can add
    Born to Die
    Video Games
    Blue Jeans
    as she stated those were all for the same person - most likely "the same God-damned person" she says she writes for.  
    What else?!  
    My theories, based on the lyrics and repetitive words, would include (with keywords):
    Dark Paradise (he's dead, and it seems K is dead or on death row, so this fits)
    Queen of Disaster ("golden grill")
    I Still Love Him (from the description, something tells me this is about K. and not JFK)
    Backfire (the reference to Sid and Nancy seems to be a theme in K. songs; "in our trailer park for two")
    Without You (like Dark Paradise, the death theme fits here - and she cries EVERY time she sings it live)
    Million Dollar Man ("you said I was the most exotic flower" ... everything else makes sense, too)
    Off To The Races (maybe a stretch ... the mention of gold coins makes me think of gambling, and Video Games has hints of gambling, as well)
    From the lyrics of all these songs, my theory is that K. was white (I've seen theories he was black, which FITS, but then how is he like "James Dean for sure"?); that he was either a gambler, drug dealer, or in a gang; was arrested for robbery then again for "double homicide"; is either on death row, committed suicide in prison ("heading off for death row; didn't stick around, no")
    Some other possibilities:
    Young And Beautiful
    The Man I Love
  10. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Lily in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I think the person is K. Most of her really sad songs seem to be about him, and she said Born To Die, Blue Jeans, and Video Games are all about the same man, who matches K. 
  11. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Lily in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    ... or do you? Does it play a role in how you appreciate her music?
    For me, I started out just loving her voice, but at some point I became - let's face it - obsessed. I found I could relate to her and her music on many levels, but there were SO many things I could not relate to that I found fascinating because they were so different from me.  
    Ways I relate to her:
    Her undercurrents of depression, understanding of loss, deep love, falling for dark and sad men, fascination with death, love of Whitman, similar age, love of the 1950s, need to have alone time yet doesn't like to be alone, health issues, ability to maintain love for someone who no longer loves you back.
    Ways I don't relate:
    Her past alcohol and drug use, living on the edge, her independence at a very young age, her apparent sexual history seems kind of wild, hip hop references, love of Brittany Spears. 
    But no matter what, everything she does is interesting to me and adds to the legend that is Lana the Queen. What about you?!
  12. renaissance liked a post in a topic by Lily in Dallas show CANCELED   
    I feel SO bad for Dallas fans, but I'm upset with everyone on facebook complaining that it's Lana's fault. Everyone on this thread made excellent points. 
  13. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Lily in What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?   
    Lana's music helped me through two major traumas - the death of my grandmother, and finding out my long-term boyfriend had a double life.  I was able to identify with her lyrics in a way I have not with any other artist. She helped to "normalize" the shock and pain I was going through.  Her lyrics have inspired me very much to take more chances in life, to be more free, to be more relaxed about dating, to open up. I can definitely say that Lana's music has helped make me into a stronger woman. She makes me think and feel things that I needed to think and feel, if that makes sense. 
  14. BabyBlue liked a post in a topic by Lily in Life Is Beautiful   
    Sometimes just typing lyrics out differently makes a big difference. (And the adjustment to awake/away and stay/say.) I'm also guessing that "don't be that way" is following a lyric that the trailer cut out. Which would make it look like this: 
    ... don't be that way
    don't you pretend you're not awake: 
    your soul's on fire. 
    I don't believe this is the end. 
    Come on boy let's go, 
    we can hit the road
    we don't have to say where we're going.
    We can go anywhere. We can go anywhere, right now;
    life is still so beautiful. 
  15. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Lily in Salvatore   
    I love this song so, so, so much! She has nice Italian pronunciation, too -- and while I love her Spanish additions to songs, I think I like the Italian better. So soft and dreamy. What a romantic song. This is the kind of moody, dreamlike song I'd love to play for a first-dance at my wedding. It's so gorgeous. I think this album is going to be above and beyond anything we've heard yet. 
  16. Lily liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Salvatore   
    This is definitely my favorite song out of the songs that we hadn't had yet. The atmosphere is wonderfully dark and dreamy, and the melody is hypnotic ! Too bad about the hit and miss lyrics. But some ligns like "Dying to the hands of a foreign man, happily" is so ... I can't describe it, it's so simple yet so evocative !
  17. Lily liked a post in a topic by ILostMyself in Salvatore   
    Total agreement here. Thank god I'm not the only one with a dirty mind lol.
  18. Lily liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Salvatore   
    Wait... are people doubting this is about Francesco
  19. Lily liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Salvatore   
    I feel like that was the point. Like, she mentions being with a foreign man (and also in Miami. Maybe he was just Italian-American, although I got pure Italy vibes in places, especially because of Francesco) and I think it was all contrasting, like an American woman being with an Italian man (a la her and Francesco 
    Also, and especially, referencing this date in particular 

  20. Lily liked a post in a topic by lernerderrey in Salvatore   
    soft ice cream is kinda tacky surreal, kinda like pink flamingos 
  21. Lily liked a post in a topic by lernerderrey in Salvatore   
    i think shes using "soft ice cream" cuz its nostalgic, surreal, and sonically pleasing
    DOT. COM.
  22. Lily liked a post in a topic by C0neyIslandKing in Salvatore   
    I hope it's baby blue, like a reference to Backfire, it would be nice continuity along with the name!
  23. Lily liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Salvatore   
    This song killed me and took me to heaven

  24. Lily liked a post in a topic by leenb in Promo Single: "Terrence Loves You"   
    I definitely know what you are talking about. That song is full of themes of loss. I kind of tear up a bit when she says 'I lost myself when I lost you'. Reminds me of the time I lost someone very important and dear to me.. sigh
    After several listens, I'm in love with this song. I like it much better than Honeymoon
  25. Lily liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Promo Single: "Terrence Loves You"   
    Hm. I think you are kind of right. I also don't think it's "just" about the end of a relationship, like a general break-up.
    The "I lost myself when i lost you" sounds like it's really a heavy loss and the bridge, which seems like she tries to "reach" someone who's lost, like the ground control is trying to reach Major Tom. Another hearbreaking part is "I don't matter to anyone", like she would have lost the only person who really mattered to herself and who helped her getting over problems with other people/feeling lonely.
    BUT I don't think it's a seperation because the other person died. The "you are who you are" and "I won't change you" parts wouldn't make sense in this case.
    If we assume Terrence is really supposed to be influenced by Terry Bowie, could this mean the person in the song lost someone to a mental illness?
    This would explain why you have to deal with the fact that you maybe can't change the person back to who he/she was before and why you would try to "reach" them like you try to reach someone who's far away. Still getting trashed when she hears his tunes would mean she remembers him like he was before, doing things he did before the illness.
    This would make the title"Terrence Loves You" seem even more heartbreaking, since it would be kind of something someone says to a relative/partner of a mentally ill person. "He's not the way he was, but he still loves you!"
    BTW I love how the song, even though it has some really sad lyrics, doesn't actually sound like a dramatic sad song and has these jazzy saxophone-lines and guitar-strings.
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