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  1. Lily liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in High By The Beach   
    Noticed this aswell, but maybe the letter was typed by the same person who typed the Born To Die lyircs
  2. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Lily in What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?   
    Lana's music helped me through two major traumas - the death of my grandmother, and finding out my long-term boyfriend had a double life.  I was able to identify with her lyrics in a way I have not with any other artist. She helped to "normalize" the shock and pain I was going through.  Her lyrics have inspired me very much to take more chances in life, to be more free, to be more relaxed about dating, to open up. I can definitely say that Lana's music has helped make me into a stronger woman. She makes me think and feel things that I needed to think and feel, if that makes sense. 
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Lily in Lana Questionnaire   
    1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era?
    Right before the Great Gatsby came out. I heard Young And Beautiful and was hooked.
    2. First song(s)? Young And Beautiful, then I bought the BTD/P album.
    3.what did you think? I fell in love with her music so fast it left me breathless!
    4. Your favourite song(s)?
    I have SO many, but the one that I always come back to is Born To Die. Ultraviolence, Yayo, Tired Of Singing The Blues, and Young And Beautiful are close, though. 
    5. Least favourite song(s)
    Video Games is the one I always skip. 
     6. What song(s) "grew" on you?
    Gods and Monsters, Cola, Guns And Roses
    7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now?
    Lana Del Rey
    8. Favourite Album(s)?
    Totally depends on my mood!
    9. Least favourite(s) 
    10. Favourite song preformed live?
    Born To Die (and Carmen at the Jazz Cafe)
    11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded?
    Bought Born To Die Paradise Edition
    12. Favourite song quote/lyric? 
    So many! One that I frequently turn to, though, is simply "sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why."
  4. brooklynbaby91 liked a post in a topic by Lily in BREAKING: Lana Del Rey Gets Bangs   
    I was so, so, SO happy when I found out these were fake. I'll support her no matter what, because she's the Queen, but ... no. The bangs weren't working for her, in my opinion. Hid too much of her gorgeous features.  
  5. brooklynbaby91 liked a post in a topic by Lily in What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?   
    Lana's music helped me through two major traumas - the death of my grandmother, and finding out my long-term boyfriend had a double life.  I was able to identify with her lyrics in a way I have not with any other artist. She helped to "normalize" the shock and pain I was going through.  Her lyrics have inspired me very much to take more chances in life, to be more free, to be more relaxed about dating, to open up. I can definitely say that Lana's music has helped make me into a stronger woman. She makes me think and feel things that I needed to think and feel, if that makes sense. 
  6. Lily liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in What has Lana done for you and how has she changed you?   
    I don't know if a thread like this has been made already, but I'm really interested in this topic. Also, when I ask this question, I'm not asking how she changed your life. Just a slight difference.
    Edit: decided to leave my bit out
  7. Lily liked a post in a topic by futuretro in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    I'm not kidding this is the best thing she's ever done and I'm dying
  8. Lily liked a post in a topic by evilentity in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Sleepy, but beautiful. (Though that is perhaps her laziest DIY style video.) 
    The tone and timbre of her voice have always been the biggest draw for me. I could probably listen to an entire album of Lana Mmmm-ing and scatting.
  9. Lily liked a post in a topic by alexzdelrey in BREAKING: Lana Del Rey Gets Bangs   
    i think she looked best when the BTD era started. But this is all good. I wonder when Lady Gaga's gonna copy her again and get bangs.
  10. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Lily in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    All I know is, I can't wait until September.  
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Lily in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    All I know is, I can't wait until September.  
  12. Lily liked a post in a topic by HunterAshlyn in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    She did kind of "explain" this saying that she chose to do it because she could do it in "one take" and that it was like a standard to her. She could just go in the studio and do it quickly. Tbh, I always thought she rerecorded it for an "official" release so that she could perform it again. But she's never performed it.
  13. Lily liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    It's not too likely that she'll put one of the unreleased ones on the record since she said her label was suprised by her performing them and that the band isn#t allowed to play HM songs live at the moment.
    However, she kept Serial Killer when she tok UATW and YCBTB from the playlist, she frequently performs it and it seems to be one of the current show-highlights, as it's also a fan favourite.
    So I guess it could be very likely that she'll put it on the record as a bonus track for the deluxe version or uses it as the Itunes/target/vinyl/whatever exclusive track.
    I wouldn#t get too many hopes up, but with this particular songs it seems more likely than with every other unreleased one.
  14. Lily liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    UATW is still there, but she doesnt sing it often like SK, and i dont think SK is on the album tbh, she sings it because like u said is fan favorite and a highlight on the setlist, with the moan and shit lol 
  15. Lily liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    Lorde is a publicity hound. She loves being in the spotlight
    Yet she only had one album where all during the run-up to it, she name dropped Lana a million and one times then after she made it, seemed never to mention her again
    (used her then tossed her out like most people in Lana's life), Lorde just fired her management and is dating one person after another in the public eye ala Taylor Swift.
    The comparison is what??? No one will remember Lorde a few years from now. So she is using her Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame as long as possible.
    When she sings a song about Royals and then has a hit, much like the Clash found, whining about not having becomes hard to do when the public knows they know have. That is the problem
    Lorde has. Also, she is not unique so there is nothing overly special about her. She acts like she is a younger Lindsay Lohan.
    Leave them wanting more, the most successful entertainment slogan ever.
    as for the comment on Stevie Nicks- money is relative to someone like Stevie Nicks or Elton John when one lives expensive one needs more money than the average person.
    They say Elton spends $50 grand a month on flowers. More than most people make in a year. His prerogative to do so, So in his older age he is still touring all the time in arenas
    and will do so even when cutting back, and he has hundreds of songs he wrote that royalties come in.
    Mike Nesmith of the Monkees always refused to do a long time reunion with the others because he was rich off his mother's invention of wite-out. Mom died, times changed, no one needs
    wite-out anymore and after Davy Jones died, Mike immediately re-upped with the Monkees and now does autograph signings to rake in the bucks. Where was Mike when Davy was alive, and Mickey and Peter could have used the big money for a real reunion? (Nothing wrong with money, but it's all relative to the individual.) imho
  16. Lily liked a post in a topic by Creyk in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    I love Lana so much It bothers me when I read something mean about her
    For that reason I don't really read what others write about her outside of this forum. 
    Lots of people don't get how great she is, and it's their hard loss
  17. Lily liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    People seem to forget, Lana does not need money. So she does not need to tour nor make money from merchandise and doesn't live the life of a celebrity (press 24/7/365).
    Not needing money frees people who are creative to do as they wish and not be beholden to, money making ventures solely for the sake of money
    The artists listed above for the most part, all need to make millions to sustain their celebrity life style where they waste millions of dollars in a cycle (Britney Spears, etc. And yet, with all the costume changes in her act, constantly there are reports she lip syncs the whole show, making it more like one of the tribute shows or circus shows using a stars music.
    Lana doesn't need the money (and there is nothing wrong with her having money.) Stevie Nicks needs money so she sucks it up, reunites with Fleetwood Mac and they tour together, much
    like the Eagles do, who hate each other but rake in 100s of millions to sustain their lifestyles (nothing wrong with that, it is how they need to bring in money and do so to do so)
    I think for instance, let's use Kate Bush as an example- Kate disappeared for basically a decade or two, hasn't toured since 1979, barely ever toured to begin with, came to America I think only 3 times
    (had the pleasure of meeting her each time she was here), hates to fly and it takes a long time on a boat.
    She comes back (was it because people like Lana have claimed her territory?) or did she need money? Fame or money, there had to be a reason (most likely both, and most likely not only the money coming in for the shows, but Kate specifically did not allow cameras/selfies saying she wanted people to enjoy one on one the experience, but come on, obviously a life concert release will happen
    (Perhaps a pay per view in the movie theatres (Fathom events in USA???) then PBS then all the other ways things are released all without leaving the UK
    Yet no word on whether or not she will ever do any more concerts especially any outside of England. It seems doubtful.
    Personally, I prefer seeing a singer singing and if I want to see a show, I go to Broadway and see one there. Seems Kate Bush did 1/2 the show in a performance piece with helicopters fish and water and drowning etc. But that is not concert. That is show. And she ignored every single song that got people to like her in the first place. (it would be equal to Lana not singing any single song from anything she has so far done, and will do the next five years). I do think that was a slap in the face by Kate Bush to those that spent thousands worldwide to attend the one and only place she was singing at. Most of which bought the tickets prior to having any idea what she was doing. (but she had costume changes and a stage show, oh boy!)(sarcasm)
    Last time I really cared about costume changes was Elton John at the height of his popularity and seeing how outrageous his next one would be. (The entrance in 1976 MSG in NYC dressed as the Statue of Liberty has to be the greatest, no one can top that along with dressing as Donald Duck in his Central Park NYC show).
    as for length, if Lana did 2 more songs, people would want 3 more. If she did 10 more songs, people would want 20 more.
    How does the saying go? It's not how long it is...
    as Rick Nelson wrote and sang "Seems you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself"
  18. Lily liked a post in a topic by a11111 in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    Sponsorship it's not irrelevant because the complexity and the length of the show it's about money among other factors. Artists like Gaga, Taylor and Perry can put up a huge shows with a lot of people involved and in the same time they can keep the ticket prices reasonable. Lana is loved by many but she's not sufficiently mainstream to attract those sponsors for her shows. 
    I criticized her for many things but the ES tour is good taking in account what I said before. But Lana has a different kind of artistry, her music isn't suited for dancers and costume changes, and if you are a fan you would understand that. If you are a casual concert goer I agree that you can be disappointed because of your unrealistic expectations from her show.
    I didn't say to worship her or not to express your opinion here, I said only to not go to her shows if you don't like it because I doubt that Lana will change her shows significantly. That's her, if you like it take it, if not leave it.
  19. Rem liked a post in a topic by Lily in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    1. It's not the 60s anymore, but people still do short shows. I just saw Brandi Carlile for the second time, and her show was maybe 10 minutes longer than Lana's. Whenever I'm at a long concert, no matter how amazing, I want to go home. It's smart to keep people wanting more.
    2. I can't speak for a single LDR show other than the one I just saw, but Lana definitely didn't spend much time in the crowd, and the music was going the entire time. She went to the crowd twice, and kept it to a couple of minutes altogether - if that - and the entire audience seemed thrilled. It's refreshing to see an artist engaging her fans that way, and rare. 
  20. Rem liked a post in a topic by Lily in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    me too Lana can do no wrong in my very biased book! 
  21. tiffanydale liked a post in a topic by Lily in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    I understand that, but there's more to it than that. Let's not forget that Lana has openly talked about her struggles with severe anxiety and stage-fright, and she's only recently started to sound seriously amazing live. Some artists can handle stage-fright (like Madonna) and others can't.  It's possible she just can't do more than 13 or so songs without struggling.  I'd rather have a short, amazing concert than a long, crappy one. On that note, her voice might not be able to handle more, either. I used to perform classical and opera concerts locally, and the most I could ever do was 12 songs. Then my voice went to hell.  If Lana has a similar problem, she has every right to stop when she feels like it. Plus, it's common knowledge that her concerts run short. I knew that when I got my tickets, and it went longer than I expected, to be honest. I'm definitely not trying to argue or be a brat, but I just think there are a lot of elements to take into consideration. Whatever she chooses to do is her prerogative. No one is being forced to see her or pay money without checking into how long her concerts generally run. 
  22. a11111 liked a post in a topic by Lily in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    1. It's not the 60s anymore, but people still do short shows. I just saw Brandi Carlile for the second time, and her show was maybe 10 minutes longer than Lana's. Whenever I'm at a long concert, no matter how amazing, I want to go home. It's smart to keep people wanting more.
    2. I can't speak for a single LDR show other than the one I just saw, but Lana definitely didn't spend much time in the crowd, and the music was going the entire time. She went to the crowd twice, and kept it to a couple of minutes altogether - if that - and the entire audience seemed thrilled. It's refreshing to see an artist engaging her fans that way, and rare. 
  23. Lily liked a post in a topic by toshi in Songs Lana should cover   
    I'd love to hear a full cover of I Love Paris.
  24. Lily liked a post in a topic by brooklynbaby91 in Francesco Carrozzini talks about his girlfriend Lana Del Rey in a new interview   
    His girlfriend, Lana Del Rey, mother of legendary Italian Vogue editor Franca Sozzani.

  25. Lily liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Francesco Carrozzini talks about his girlfriend Lana Del Rey in a new interview   
    You say that like it's a turn-off for Lana.
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