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Everything posted by DinahLee

  1. DinahLee


    honestly I took "Holding Back" from Serpentina and ran. I kinda warmed up to The Devil but it took sort of a long time. There are maybe 2 others songs I quite like but not enough to remember the names and I feel like that says a lot...but I'm also not a huge fan of III. Now The Altar & Goddess... a mastermind.
  2. I really believe Trans-Am as a real title\concept as much as Tropico.
  3. I think my favorite part is the fact we don't even have the original picture (??), just that enlarged and edited version trying to re-write what's on the front.
  4. You guys need to let that LQ picture of a piece of paper Go.
  5. The food chain really did fuck some of you up, hun??? Anyway. Even if this thread looks like and endless vortex of discussing the same themes, I like to participate! Love + Fear sessions had a really boppy and decent album buried in there. Not sure how we got what we got in the end (ok I know "2 main emotions! concept!" etc instead of "Ok so this is a collection on BANGERS! ENJOY xx") but don't matter what happened in the room, that album would always lack personality or just bring her worst tendencies. Edit: by the way, do we have everything from L+F? I believe there's a snippet of "Ordinary World" (?) leaked but no full song, but that's it?? Now Ancient Dreams... there's a lot to unpack there. Especially because I hear the album as 2 different things being merged together; the "social commentary" part but also the songs that were personal and about her recent heartbreak. Purge the Poison & New America are bad (from lyrics to production) while the title track & Man's World are sort of... You can ignore the lyrics and bop along\vibe. Venus Fly Trap is pretty good and balanced out. But the more personal songs are mostly truly great gems, sorry: Flowers, Goodbye & I Love You but I Love Me More are songs she's selling the fuck out of them. Highly Emotional People is a career highlight from every point of view (lyrics, production, vocals). I will say I don't really care about Pandora's Box and can't remember how it goes at all BUT I do like the concept\metaphor... and the deluxe ones: Pink Convertibles is the same crap from the social commentary and I have no idea why people were craving it, Free Woman is useless and Happy Loner is cute but if we really decided to go with personal songs only... we'd be here saying WHERE THE BOPS AT??? Oh and unpopular opinion maybe (?) but Cuz I'm a Woman should have been part of the album. It fits perfectly between the themes, the song is catchy and it just works. The whole cringe discourse is complicated when Marina herself has hinted that she cringes at stuff like... Obsessions. Which I personally see as one of the greatest songs ever created (no hyperbole). And at same time, while Electra Heart is one of the albums that I'll take for THE REST OF MY LIFE, stuff like "Teen Idle", which used to be something super deep and close to me, now sounds... silly. "Sixteen and burning up a bibble \ feeling super super super suicidal" is iconic but... cringe. Sometimes I think she just ran out of things she wanted (or........better: HAD) to say. When she gets it right, she gets it right and I know she's still talented as fuck and whenever she's ready, there will be more stellar albums to come.
  6. tbh I have no idea of how NTMT Copyright works but if it is in Capitol hands and they skip the opportunity of repressing the album for the 10th anniversary and make some easy money (i'm literally saying just repress the original album).............. they truly hate her. Not only the Vinyl resurgence but the DEMAND from fans and general people who enjoy the record and how it has been out of print since 2014................... If it's on her own hands then...... good luck. She did a great job with the show it seems.
  7. I think that's more about lana saying she did 1 take and then went on for something else (but I'm also pretty sure we do have alt. takes for Pretty When You Cry so it's like... lol). Of course they then adjust it even with mininal production, but they can also just take the vocals and place over a different beat (especially something that is so "raw" and basically just vocal + guitar).
  8. Honeymoon was kinda messy as hell and... it was a different kind of messy when she was around. Ngl I miss it. Thinking about when people finally found the title track music video that she casually didn't release because "nothing happens in it".
  9. Lust For Life is probably the most interesting process to take a look because It's the only record that kept evolving and changing until the deadline\release, while everything else feels like there's a giant gap between her actually finishing the album and it being released with little changing between said moments. At same time, I don't know if the it is something that changed TOO MUCH or if she just kept adding songs. The way she mentioned before something along the lines "I had to put everything in it\couldn't scrap anything" (sorry can't remember direct quote, but I believe this is mentioned somewhere in the thread already) strikes me as if she just kept recording and wanting to make sure the record was going to show exactly how she felt at that right moment (Summer 2017), which is also the explanation she gave about removing Yosemite ("being too happy while she's not there yet"). Most of her albums were pretty "short" if we take the story about her """"""""not liking\caring""""""""" that much about Deluxe versions, so Honeymoon giving us 15 track felt like a huge deal and then Lust For Life with its 16 tracks (which was something that streaming was making more commom as well, these long ass albums from 2015-2017) was very "wow". There's the story about it being originally 18 tracks and then removing 2, but we also know that Next Best American Record and Yosemite were supposed to be part of it, then removed, and that happened late in the process (the BAR music video and her mentioning Yosemite in interviews nnn). Then we have Roses Bloom For You (which was probably scrapped early\don't think it ever made the cut, just something she created as an intro and then didn't care) and "4 political songs" (which sounds like something she also created later and just couldn't make up her mind about putting them on the album or not, but with When The World... and God Bless America already making the cut, makes sense she didn't want it to be "too much") To sum it all up; I don't think things changed THAT much, she just added songs and kept "diluting" some of that visual\world that was built during the making of the album. We know she did Love and BAR White Mustang early, then Lust For Life was probably picked as a single because of the feature. If the album wasn't probably delayed until July, with the original May release we'd probably have a shorter tracklist and maybe different mixes, but hardly believe there would be something we haven't heard.
  10. It... sounds like Beautiful People Beautiful Problems, doesn't it? As some sort of "Melody Pass" over bare beat\instrumental. Since we have the early demos of that, I think it's unlikely TO BE some sort of demo but... yeah
  11. We NEED pussy to leak so we can get the Metafiles and find ALBUM TAG - TROPICO
  12. I still believe there’s a bigger overlap between Tropico and Paradise than we give it credit for. When she first mentioned “Will You Still Love Me When I’m no Longer Young and Beautiful” and “In the Lands of Gods & Monsters” she mentioned it was for her second album. Around one month later she mentioned there was going to be a Born To Die re-release. At that point she probably was planning the visuals with Mendler (including the Ride video) and making up the concept for a short film using all the songs, especially as she announced it with the “Bel Air” music video. Don’t think she’d rush record a whole album just trying to make a movie. Now I want the conspiracy about Trans-Am album featuring the January 2013 tracklist yeah yeah
  13. DinahLee


    You did a better job in expressing it all xx
  14. DinahLee


    She is... a popstar. She never hid the fact she wants to be successful and 90% of the "shtick" (I don't think that's the best term but you get it) is about being a celebrity and a huge star followed by paparazzi and the y2k shit. Literally about tabloid obsession and so on. The thing is; she's killing it while doing the "basic sound". Out Of Time is literally everything some of these girls were TRYING and FAILING, and she does it looking effortlessly. I'm sure the album will have different gems all around. Troubled Paradise is fantastic, a little hodgepodge of genres and sounds but everything works. This album is shaping up to be much more cohesive and well constructed. She keeps evolving as an artist: visuals are getting better and better, she keeps showing her RANGE, doing her lyrics... eveyrything is aligning. I find it tiring and awkward as fuck when people try to box her as "Hyperpop!" or anything like that, and the constant Ayesha digs as well. They were friends, Ayesha never said anything negative about Slayyyter or viceversa, and they created GREAT songs together, but everybody gotta move on. They already did.
  15. I'm screeching at how 2015-2022 was literally about how useless her team was and right now that they're doing INTERESTING STUFF............people will complain and say that's.............. "not lana-ing"??? What's Lana-ing anyway??????? Making shit up on the spot and never looking back again???
  16. Has someone checked Birthday Cake?
  17. Honeymoon is dead and breathless???
  18. The original tweets mentions “registered” as if it’s something recent, do we have any info about it? Also interesting the claim comes from UMG because I’m sure she was the one to own the masters? I don’t know I also feel like we had this conversation not long ago nnn. If Interscope/Universal is indeed registering and taking these AKA songs down… I think it might be coming.
  19. Imagina having only 1 album under your belt from 10 years ago and yet you're still top billed for these basement performances. Legends only luvs xx
  20. DinahLee


    As far as I’m aware, Fader is a “independent label” but Universal does distribution for them. Might be wrong thought, but it sounds unlikely she’d record a full album and then jump to another label.
  21. She's... at the heart of Amazon Forest.
  22. I saw people commenting today that the show would be 1 hour long, but like I said, it's speculating\I think. Let's hope for longer tho!
  23. I think the set-time for tomorrow will be shorter than Lollapalooza 2018 sadly. Anyway, don't forget people that "Multishow" (cable TV channel) will be streaming the show. Start lurking around to find a great stream of said channel. She's programmed to hit the stage at 20:20 local time (19:20 NYC, 16:20 LA, 00:20 LDN)
  24. She spent like over an hour talking to fans and taking pictures and so on. they sang Video Games and Lust For Life, she sang along to LFL. Did small choreo for A&W (probably confirmed) and looked a bit disgusted when someone suggested Wildfire Wildflower
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