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house of balloons

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  1. That Venice Bitch liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    women always get the blame for their partners' fuck-ups, nothing new here 
  2. revadece liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Alphabet Song Game   
    xarella almandyne - lovesliescrushing
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    i know it wasn't nice of me to make fun of the doom prep weirdos but i really need a bunker 
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    it would basically cut them off from the global financial market, meaning no international bank transactions. and since Russia is heavily dependent on exporting, their currency will drop even harder and it will fuck up their capital outflow. 
  5. Embach liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Guess The Abbreviated Lyrics   
    text book!
    from honeymoon:
  6. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    i never said that, i just said the soviets were part of the allies, you know, the ones who took down nazi-germany?  saying they helped the nazis just because they too were a dictatorial regimen is…
  7. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    uh, yes they did. they were hitler’s first lost battle (operation barbarossa) AND they invaded berlin, ww2’s final battle, some would even say they won the war. so ultimately, they did end up in the right side of history. 
  8. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    the united nations isn't a military alliance, the NATO is, and the ukraine is not a part of it. the us will get involved only if putin gets greedy and furthers the invasion to one of the bordering NATO countries.
  9. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    the reason a ukranian-russian war is more damaging to the world is purely economical. the ukraine is one of the biggest wheat producers and exporters in the world, alongside other resources, which will lead to inflation in importing countries, which is a large part o the world. same for gas, oil, etc. the barrel price is already at its highest since 2014, and gas prices are 60+ percent higher than they were before the war. investors are leaving the territory and stock market is going down. and considering how things are looking in china/taiwan, things aren't gonna get any better. 
  10. house of balloons liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I mean if you want to waste your time acting like you're so above a discussion that you clearly can't stay away from, then by all means, continue 

  11. house of balloons liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I've never seen you anywhere on this entire site until this thread
    And now you spend all your time in here preaching
    Why is that
    If we're all so weird then why are you in here all the time (and only here)
  12. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    just because something has happened before doesn't mean it has to happen over and over again. colonizing a land is a crime against its people, it literally serves no greater purpose than to steal and kill. 
  13. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    not to be that person but i don't think countries still give half a fuck about covid when war is at stake  
  14. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    very well said. i've been also seeing a lot of people on reddit and twitter posting memes about the situation in the name of coping by the use of humor when in reality a coping mechanism isn't even applicable in this situation, not when you're not the victim of a war that will potentially leave hundreds of thousands of people dead, injured, and without homes. not to mention the inevitable economic crisis that has already started, a lot of countries that import wheat, corn, and oil have been going through major inflation (including my country) and people are already protesting and things could easily escalate to violence and even civil wars, coup d'état, etc. it's very damaging to belittle the situation while living in a safe country that'll probably go unaffected by making memes 'to cope'. 
  15. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    petitions rarely ever do shit, i don't understand why stan twitter thinks signing some online request will prevent a war that's been inevitable since the russian annexation of crimea. if life was that simple, palestine would've brought its land back tens of years ago. 
  16. ionut liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    and he got away with it  how come nobody hauled his poor ass to court? 
  17. Nightmare liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Charli XCX   
    a cultural reset if you ask me, lorde hasn't sounded this good in a decade 
  18. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Charli XCX   
    a cultural reset if you ask me, lorde hasn't sounded this good in a decade 
  19. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Charli XCX   
    a cultural reset if you ask me, lorde hasn't sounded this good in a decade 
  20. heatwaves liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Charli XCX   
    a cultural reset if you ask me, lorde hasn't sounded this good in a decade 
  21. boom like that liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Charli XCX   
    a cultural reset if you ask me, lorde hasn't sounded this good in a decade 
  22. rollwithme liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Charli XCX   
    a cultural reset if you ask me, lorde hasn't sounded this good in a decade 
  23. house of balloons liked a post in a topic by Semafori in Taylor Swift   
    it is a great time to be a drake and swift hater 

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