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Pico Ocean Boulevard

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  1. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Barttender in Instagram Updates   
    I'm a little late, since I'm a busy. But...
    It seems sad to me that when she finally decides to put out things that bother her, her own fans question her sanity...
    Jesus Christ! Can't a woman change her posture or talk about what she wants without being labeled crazy? When deciding to deal with these personal matters now, does it not occur to you that she could be in a healthier place than when she was unable to deal with it?
    She talked about fragility and, in a way, about oppression / abuse. And what do I see are people saying to her "shut up"? That sounds offensive and oppressive as hell... I can understand why she got angry and told some to fuck themselves. I believe that part of her "blind reaction" to people's comments may have been triggered by those "oppressive" comments she received.
    Please, as much as she has expressed herself badly, in the use of words, and this has caused misunderstandings about her intentions, do not do with her exactly what she was complaining about in that post, for those who managed to understand her.
    As I said before, being a "straight white man", it is not for me to discuss issues related to feminism. It is up to me to just support them. I know that what she said provoked several discussions, because her words are not very articulate. But I'm not going to go into that, although I understand why some people are uncomfortable.
    I believe in her good intentions and I never saw her as vulnerable as in that video.
    Don't get me wrong... That's all I feel about this sad episode.
  2. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in Instagram Updates   
    One question: why you bringing this up now?
    Marina unfollowed Lana ages ago, way before this drama.
  3. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Instagram Updates   
    Why do y'all care about if Azealia says something. I mean, it's Azealia
  4. LittleLizzyCookies liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Fuck it I'm so drunk right now but this is gonna be a really good album and I liked all Lana albums, even LFL was overall a good album (maybe her weakest but still good).... so I don't think that she gonna disappoint me this time..and yeah slay me queen (maybe it's time to log off and go to bed lol)
  5. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Fuck it I'm so drunk right now but this is gonna be a really good album and I liked all Lana albums, even LFL was overall a good album (maybe her weakest but still good).... so I don't think that she gonna disappoint me this time..and yeah slay me queen (maybe it's time to log off and go to bed lol)
  6. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by violets in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    these concepts are amazing you guys but please dont get your hopes up im trying very hard myself
  7. necessary sacrifice liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Fuck it I'm so drunk right now but this is gonna be a really good album and I liked all Lana albums, even LFL was overall a good album (maybe her weakest but still good).... so I don't think that she gonna disappoint me this time..and yeah slay me queen (maybe it's time to log off and go to bed lol)
  8. gatadelrey liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Fuck it I'm so drunk right now but this is gonna be a really good album and I liked all Lana albums, even LFL was overall a good album (maybe her weakest but still good).... so I don't think that she gonna disappoint me this time..and yeah slay me queen (maybe it's time to log off and go to bed lol)
  9. love deluxe liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Fuck it I'm so drunk right now but this is gonna be a really good album and I liked all Lana albums, even LFL was overall a good album (maybe her weakest but still good).... so I don't think that she gonna disappoint me this time..and yeah slay me queen (maybe it's time to log off and go to bed lol)
  10. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by American Whore in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
  11. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by JamiDelRey in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Shots like these for the album cover in her old Mercedes done by Neil Krug in similar fashion to the UV shoot would be marvelous
  12. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Instagram Updates   
    Feel so sorry for her somehow...but yeah the wording could have been better and the name drop wasn't necessary but she is still human after all and yeah think that is good that she finally stood up for herself. She should be proud of her past records instead of being ashamed or whatever bc of critics and so on. Glad that she did even it all ended up in a fucking mess but that's somehow typically for Lana ...she just wanted to share her feelings/thoughts and now is she called a racist. Yeah the name drop wasn't necessary but these are the women who dominate the charts or are successful. If 6 white women or 6 aliens or whatever would be dominate the charts she would have used them as an example...hope y'all know what I mean...that "oh my god she named only women of color even though Ari is not but no matter what Lana is a racist and ewww suddenly can't read between the lines bc she is not not a racist bc she is " is bullshit.
    And yeah didn't were a fan until 2015 but I think that she still is hurt from the harsh critics which is only human and with NFR! the critics eaten up Lanas ass bc it was not controvers. I can understand Lana bc she only got "accepted" by critics if she is not a "trouble maker". At least that could be how Lana feels. She wants the freedom to express herself however she wants to without getting harsh critized if its not "basic"or " happy " or whatever.
    Maybe my brain goes wild today but I had a thought: We know that Lana was not the easiest child/ teen and she and her mother haven't a good relationship. I can imagine that her mother only could really show her love for Lana when Lana was not a trouble maker and more like a "good child" and maybe if Lana was more like a rebel/ trouble maker her mother was more like ice cold towards Lana for whatever reason but Lana felt not accepted and I think that this is always a issue for Lana in her while life. She never really felt that the critics or the culture accept her the way she is especially when she is more like a trouble maker or controvers. And in the last weeks/months was enough time for overthinking... and yeah it is just a thought maybe it is complete bullshit but yeah like Lana sings in Hope"There are monsters under my bed that I couldn't never fight off"....maybe this is her try to fight off those monsters??
  13. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I'm listening to Wait for Life right now and wow it would be amazing if we get a track like this....it is kinda surf noir especially the intro and it is somehow cinematic, beautiful & emotional.....doubt that we would get a track like this but wouldn't complain... and imagine some tracks would have a Wait for Life feel with E-Guitars , some psychedelic influences or with more tropical influences
  14. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    It would be nice if Lana would make an Insta live in like two weeks or maybe even three weeks to ask her questions about the upcoming album, the poetry books and if we'll get one or two spoken word albums, asking for Violet release date if we don't know it until then.....Hopefully, the Drama will be almost forgotten then bc don't want that people write stupid shit about her again bc of the recent events but yeah maybe it would be a risk to do a live stream in two weeks bc of the recent events..but it would be nice to see her live again and see her talking with her fans and getting more Infos 'bout the album  like how many tracks, who has shot the album cover & if we get music videos, what happened with WHF..is it even a song and if so is it scrapped or not or was it just a working title, will Yosemite be on it, what will be the lyrically & sonically direction of the album, will there be a title track, is she gonna release a single and when   ..so many questions...maybe I'm impatient and can't wait to know ore the album
    Edit: I forgot the most important question: What will be the Vinyl color?
  15. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Wait the white & canceled Lana del Racist is not making a country album.... but serious those people on twitter really lost their brain cells and if you don't know something you can google it at least and search for the meaning of it
  16. Hornymoan liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I'm listening to Wait for Life right now and wow it would be amazing if we get a track like this....it is kinda surf noir especially the intro and it is somehow cinematic, beautiful & emotional.....doubt that we would get a track like this but wouldn't complain... and imagine some tracks would have a Wait for Life feel with E-Guitars , some psychedelic influences or with more tropical influences
  17. admin liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I'm listening to Wait for Life right now and wow it would be amazing if we get a track like this....it is kinda surf noir especially the intro and it is somehow cinematic, beautiful & emotional.....doubt that we would get a track like this but wouldn't complain... and imagine some tracks would have a Wait for Life feel with E-Guitars , some psychedelic influences or with more tropical influences
  18. heroindealer liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    The MGK collab was for his album " Hotel Diablo" but yeah he deleted/ scrapped an early version of this album including their collab BUT apparently their collab is the only track from the early version which got not deleted. So it still exists. MGK called it an "Elite-Collab" and  he said "that song can come out whenever and still be relevant. So if anything, that one’s always there."
  19. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I'm listening to Wait for Life right now and wow it would be amazing if we get a track like this....it is kinda surf noir especially the intro and it is somehow cinematic, beautiful & emotional.....doubt that we would get a track like this but wouldn't complain... and imagine some tracks would have a Wait for Life feel with E-Guitars , some psychedelic influences or with more tropical influences
  20. Surf Noir liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I'm listening to Wait for Life right now and wow it would be amazing if we get a track like this....it is kinda surf noir especially the intro and it is somehow cinematic, beautiful & emotional.....doubt that we would get a track like this but wouldn't complain... and imagine some tracks would have a Wait for Life feel with E-Guitars , some psychedelic influences or with more tropical influences
  21. Lanalouis1 liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I'm listening to Wait for Life right now and wow it would be amazing if we get a track like this....it is kinda surf noir especially the intro and it is somehow cinematic, beautiful & emotional.....doubt that we would get a track like this but wouldn't complain... and imagine some tracks would have a Wait for Life feel with E-Guitars , some psychedelic influences or with more tropical influences
  22. ItGirl liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I'm listening to Wait for Life right now and wow it would be amazing if we get a track like this....it is kinda surf noir especially the intro and it is somehow cinematic, beautiful & emotional.....doubt that we would get a track like this but wouldn't complain... and imagine some tracks would have a Wait for Life feel with E-Guitars , some psychedelic influences or with more tropical influences
  23. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I'm listening to Wait for Life right now and wow it would be amazing if we get a track like this....it is kinda surf noir especially the intro and it is somehow cinematic, beautiful & emotional.....doubt that we would get a track like this but wouldn't complain... and imagine some tracks would have a Wait for Life feel with E-Guitars , some psychedelic influences or with more tropical influences
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