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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. I’m glad she’s giving us stuff to have meltdowns about, she’s so sweet she knew only giving us 70 some days until the album comes out doesn't give us much time to have a lot of meltdowns so she’s delivering
  2. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    Not her reposting the picture disk vinyl that she tweeted, with a filter I love her energy today ready for another RCS post
  3. Then again, “Cherry Blossom” would be a good rebuttal of “she only makes songs based on domestic abuse” but I can’t see an album where Dealer and Cherry Blossom belong together
  4. Yeah not to be negative but I don’t want Cherry Blossom on RCS It’s a beautiful song (one of my fave unreleased) but I want fuck you vibes. She’s angry. She wants revenge. a lovely lullaby is none of that
  5. Cherry Blossom doesn’t sound very ‘I want revenge’ of her though Though, a mid summer lullaby being reworked by Zach could be stellar
  6. It’s not confirmed, but she did post a pic of herself on Instagram with lyrics from Cherry Blossom
  7. I keep seeing comments saying she hasn’t done promo, but they PUMPED out Facebook and Instagram ads, have a whole village of merch, countless magazines and interviews, she performed on late night TV, and they put her name in the sky. They’ve definitely been doing their job of making her new album known (and all the negative press is helping too because fans who didn’t know the album was coming see her name every time they blink) she’s never done a ‘promo free’ era. NFR and COTCC (the two ‘no promo’ eras) both have multiple high(ish) budget videos, so so much merch, and have had events for album release day. (NFR had the ice cream truck and COTCC had the sky advertisement.) I think RCS will either be absolutely no promo, album dropping in June, or it’s going to be delayed a little so the label can plan promo
  8. during the mojo photo shoot (that featured the cast) they said “production” or something like that, hinting at multiple things being shot and I’m pretty sure they were doing photo shoots around the time they both tweeted the rock emoji, but honestly they’ve been shooting so much stuff since July (TJF preview) that hasn’t seen the light of day yet that it’s hard to tell what the visuals for RCS will be
  9. I wonder if she’ll have her cast on the album cover (assuming the selfie she posted isn’t the album cover)
  10. i believe it’s dropping in June. As sad as it sounds, I’m gonna need more confirmation than just her word until I believe it’s a Tuesday
  11. The way we have less time until RCS than we had for the Chemtrail title track announcement, and the album (87 days for Chem and less than 80 for RCS)
  12. i love the consistency in the fonts this era I hope her grungy, UVish look was used for RCS promo
  13. I just got an email from Lana’s store telling me her album is out (as if they didn’t just send my confirmation email for the vinyl) and under the LDR village section I noticed the ”Lana Del Rey store” has super fancy font, and along with the “Lana Del Rey apothecary” font, both feature flowers VERY similar to the RCS announcement. I really can’t wait for the this new album and to see the direction she goes it better come June 1st
  14. Here’s to our first full week in a new pre-pre release thread and here’s to 5 6 weeks of silence at this point, her next post could be about COTCC, (unlikely since she was over it day 1) BTIG, (I hope we get word on it soon I’m super excited for it!) or RCS
  15. ROCK CANDY ? SWEET June 1 seems too legit to be a lie
  16. tap music did like it! I followed them just so they’d show up on the top!
  17. The biggest problem with Chemtrails, and potentially this album, is how long she takes to submit the songs to be pressed to vinyl. If she had submitted the songs in July to be pressed she could have had a 2020 release, but she was hesitant until at least October (at the book signing she said she wasn’t sure about dealer yet, but it was still track 8) and didn’t submit the album until the end of October, early November. I’m sure we could get the album around June, but she has to be sure enough of the album to actually submit it to start the vinyl pressing. the fact that she gave a date less than 12 weeks away means maybe it already is being pressed, but nobody has said anything about a new batch of Lana songs being mastered so it seems slightly unlikely
  18. I mean to be real she had to have been over the COTCC era. These songs are at least a year, a year and a half old now. She’s always writing. Same thing happened with NFR, minus FIILY, the album was done 5/6 months before the album came out, and she had already worked on the follow-up (then called WHF) maybe she submitted the album for mastering or vinyls when she tweeted the rock emoji? Or maybe she got the mastered songs back? So many possibilities!
  19. Just dropping in to say I still love this album immensely. I’ve listened since day 1 of the leak and I’m still streaming it nonstop and patiently waiting for my vinyl to get here so I can enjoy it that way RCS might have taken over our minds but Chemtrails is still a masterpiece that should have been given more time to shine
  20. I agree, I really want a powerful and iconic picture taken for the album cover. I want it to seep “fuck you, I want revenge” idgaf vibes. I can see the picture being the single cover.
  21. Pretty sure it was during LMLYLAW but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was with it!
  22. me either! I can’t wait to buy three more album variants I lowkey still believe it’s gonna be here around June. Usually I’m completely on Team Realistic but yeah, I do think it’s actually going to be here soon
  23. The ‘Rock Candy Sweet’ insert on the selfie announcement has to have been planned before she used it yesterday there’s too much thought into it. That was a pre-planned logo she was waiting to use for announcing the album. The font was likely created along with the COTCC initial promo (the red font with the rose that was on her merch). It has the same vibes. Super fancy exaggerated font, with roses she’s been planning this it’s coming so soon
  24. no she typed 1 on both her story and the Instagram post she meant the 1st
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