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About LanaBalkana

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  1. Honestly if they just release that vinyl and fully scrap lasso or whatever it’s now called, I’d be so fucking happy
  2. Shut the fuck up edit: let me explain. The US has a massive part to play for the way things are in Ukraine and Europe at the moment. The Budapest memorandum mandated Ukraine to give away its nuclear weapons to Russia, with the US (and other countries guaranteeing its security). In 2014 when Putin annexed Crimea, Obama did absolutely nothing. Trump then went in and stopped lethal military sales to Ukraine, undermining its military capacity to withstand an invasion. Then Trump got mad at Zelensky for not giving him info on Hunter Biden for him to use in his campaign. Ukraine has been teased with NATO membership and other types support by the US for decades l. Meanwhile the US started several middle eastern wars that led to millions of civilian deaths and a massive refugee crisis in Europe, which undermined the region’s security and led to the rise of the far-right. The US has been using Europe as a launchpad for its global operations for years hiding behind “securing the continent” clauses. Now they make it out as if Europe is piggybacking on US defence as if the US didn’t get anything out of this alliance. Honestly fuck American foreign policy.
  3. I can’t believe we have 300 pages of absolute NOTHING. The drought is so great that most days I can’t even remember that Lana exists, I haven’t listened to a Lana song in weeks. It’s such a bizarre “era”. It really feels like she doesn’t give a single fuck.
  4. Evil Zelensky, who didn’t want to bend the knee in a humiliation ritual to a bunch of clowns, crooks and couch fuckers who can’t find their ass with a mirror.
  5. Which just means he’s recycling sounds from 10 songs instead of just 5
  6. This is the original that was used without permission for this ai thing https://youtu.be/9Uf1ABk8GQM?feature=shared i have to say I don’t mind that sound. It gives me southern gothic vibes.
  7. I am still astonished how bad her lyrics have become. Like what is this…
  8. I have never been prouder to be Canadian 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 (I am not actually Canadian but I wish I was right now eh)
  9. I haven’t seen much hype about her feature apart from on here but I may be wrong
  10. I feel like it’s time to revert this to a “pre-pre-release thread”……
  11. I need haunting and I need sexy. Not even necessarily old-Lana style. Haunting like chemtrails, yosemite, paris texas, a&w, Candy necklace or sexy like taco truck and fishtail would be more than fine for me
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