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Chicken Parmesan

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About Chicken Parmesan

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  • Birthday 02/11/1873

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  1. Ive come back from the grave to inform you this is incorrect and your opinion is invalid
  2. wish she wouldve done handmade heaven, to be human, and believe in love. theyd sound interesting acoustic i think. end of the earth is my fave but i dont rly wanna hear it in acoustic its already perfect also i rly like the karma acoustic, its rly cute but i still cant get over the chorus. "oh my god i think its karma" is just such a weak line
  3. there were some really good moments on l+f but lines like "when you stay over you eat all of my food" are unforgivable. so sad she did a cover of that instead of handmade heaven wtf
  4. already a little annoying but what a SERVE. i hope this song gets rly big and maybe nfr can get some extra attwntion
  5. lmao chill, we can voice our criticisms while still stanning marina. if we all just sat here and agreed on everything no one would get on this forum
  6. yes will be bopping to handmade heaven and end of the earth until death
  7. okay this is disrespect end of the earth did not deserve that
  8. no more suckers, karma, life is strange, orange trees, and too afraid are unlistenable for me. i looooove marina but sis.... no more suckers is 3 mins of pure cringe
  9. name a worse marina song though too afraid and no more suckers are close contenders imo
  10. human by ellie goulding 13 year old me was quaking to the lyrics. lights/bright lights is such a cute album and human is such a pretty little song,, what a bop next letter: J
  11. damn tho this cover grew on me quick, might even be my favorite album art of hers
  12. whyd she have to perform her worst song on tv ): she couldve done handmade heaven or end of the earth
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