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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    gaygamer needs to shut the fuck up and stop wailing over lana
  2. Danube liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    gaygamer needs to shut the fuck up and stop wailing over lana
  3. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    gaygamer needs to shut the fuck up and stop wailing over lana
  4. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    gaygamer needs to shut the fuck up and stop wailing over lana
  5. Shades liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    srry but i think u need 2 stop being so pretentious about chart music smh....
  6. Shades liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Baltimore Riots   
    Yeah, let's not with the name-calling. So here are some counterarguments:  

    False. In several of the recent incidents in the US that have risen to national attention the cops used excessive force immediately upon arriving at the scene. In one case, an innocent black guy was shot precisely because he was following the officer's orders! And BTW, I've seen plenty of white people "resist" arrest.
    But you reveal a really disturbing mindset that is sadly pervasive: That any minor deviation from complete and immediate submission to police justifies excessive force by the police, whether the police are acting on a correct understanding of the law or not. Civilians are expected to act perfectly, but our sainted police are forgiven almost any sin. That is almost completely backwards from the way it should be. Yes, cops are human, and will occasionally make mistakes, but as the manifestation of the coercive power of the state at the point of contact with the people, it is the police who should be expected to act with near perfection. Police in America have not earned the degree of reverence and deference given them by most of American society.

    First of all, COPS is a notoriously racist and classist show. Second... wow. Let me put this as gently and nicely as I know how. Broad generalizations about race based on anecdote and not evidence like these are basically the definition of racist generalizations. And once again there is almost certainly some unconsciously racist selective memory going on here. 
    But let's imagine for a minute your generalization was true. Do you not think black males would perhaps have some reason to react this way?

    "'Thugs'". In scare quotes. I'd suggest you read up on why the word "thug" is problematic, but your use of scare quotes suggests you know all too well. Interesting how you describe rioters as "bored, possibly unemployed" and "outside the American society" in order to demonize them, not to understand the frustrations and lack of opportunity motivating this. You are correct that some of these people "have built up some hatred towards their government and the police for half of their life time", but ask yourself why. One does not need to condone behavior to understand it, but understanding the cause of a problem is critical to addressing it.  

  7. Shades liked a post in a topic by Creyk in "Life Is Beautiful" - Soundtrack for The Age of Adaline   
    why shade Lana on her own fansite?
    A bit much
  8. Shades liked a post in a topic by Titan in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Yes because i'm able to admit that i'm wrong
  9. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Shades in Emile Hayne on Lana Del Rey Being A Favorite Artist To Work With, As Well BTD Being A Favorite Album   
    His work on BTD represents a solid 90% of his entire portfolio (past, present and future), so...
  10. Shades liked a post in a topic by evilentity in ISIS execute pilot by putting him in cage and setting him on fire   
    While I share your outrage at atrocities like this and would condemn them wherever they take place, I find it rather selective. Many innocents have died gruesome deaths, yes, even being burned to death, as a result of Western intervention in Muslim countries. Many Western nations have also tortured or been complicit in torturing sometimes innocent Muslims. But look at those uniquely violent Muslims!
    Then you're not listening. Tons of Muslim groups have condemned this and other acts committed by extremist groups.
    "They". Painting with an awfully broad brush here.
    This sentiment of guilty by association until proven innocent is extremely ugly, xenophobic, and racist. You condemn all Muslims for the actions of all other Muslims. You automatically assume that they support such acts if they do not publicly condemn them. You ignore that many Muslims have publicly condemend them. You do not require any other groups to condemn these acts to escape your suspicion. You do not hold yourself or your in-groups to the same standard. You do not hold yourself or others in your in-groups responsible for the actions of all others in your in-groups or require yourself or others in your in-groups to publicly condemn all bad actions by others in your in-groups.
    Do you see the size of the problem when they you represent 1.5 billion 1.7 billion of humanity? I believe the high majority of Muslims Westerners are moderate and peaceful, I believe the high majority will never kill or be a human bomb operate flying killer robots, but I also believe that such silence coming from such large community is scary in many ways. I believe they support the idea of Islamism Western interventionism as a way of life far beyond a religion, as a law, as a culture and as how a country rules their society. The majority will never act on it per say, but one thing is not acting on it and the other is reacting against it. That right there is what is scary
    The silence is just bizarre
  11. Shades liked a post in a topic by whitman in Lana Del Rey at Golden Globe Awards 2015   
    you all are too gay for me to deal with....She looks hot and stunning. That's all
  12. Shades liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Lana Del Rey at Golden Globe Awards 2015   
    Well apparently not only we have music critics and producers here but fashionistas and designers as well!
    Chill it's just a dress and she looks pretty+happy
  13. Shades liked a post in a topic by iwasborntodie in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Why are fans deciding what Lana's next album is going to sound like? Let's just wait for the finished product.
  14. Shades liked a post in a topic by Pensacola in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    (this will be a long post)
    Ultraviolence may not have been full of hits but it was by no means an unlistenable album. She definitely surprised (and turned) a lot of detractors who dismissed her as a record-label android.
    All of you guys whining about flop this, Ultraviolence shitty videos that, seem to have forgotten how rough Lana's start in this business was. She was accused of the worst things - being a fraud, being a liar, being untalented, and being a woman hater. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what was said about her. She somehow managed to come out of that and answer those people with a brilliant album (it may not be for everyone, I understand this) that showed her versatility as a musician and her moxie, not allowing the thirsty tendencies of record labels cloud her vision. Ultraviolence did not put a dent in her career. It earned her some clout and we ALL know it.
    I get that Lana has younger fans - I'm the same age as Lana so who knows what you'd consider me. But you guys quickly seem to forget what Lana has stood for since the beginning. And it was never high budget, #1 singles, coture dresses, or god forbid, doing things just so people could buy it. This is the same girl who made videos on iMovie for christ sakes. She's not Gaga or Taylor Swift, she's a creator. The girl makes her money where she needs to. The rest of the time she's making art the only way she knows how to do it, and that's why I love her. When she's given a budget - she's a fucking legend. But you're gonna have to get used to her not always being that. She's more rock n roll than she is pop - regardless of what the purists say.
    So that's why the Mariah Carey dude's comments rub me the wrong way. it's like - why do you even like this woman? Worshipping Mariah Carey makes all the sense in the world given the things you say - but LANA?
  15. technicolor liked a post in a topic by Shades in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Because you seem to base how much you like a Lana album on how similar it is to mainstream music or on how much potential it has to be a mainstream hit...
    Because she values artistic integrity and doesn't give two fucks about how her music does commercially? I really wonder why some of you care so fucking much about whether or not Lana is charting or is making music that could potentially chart when she so clearly doesn't. Most of us are fans of Lana because of her music, not because of her potential hits or chart positions or whatever the fuck you're interested in. Who the fuck cares about whether or not she ~lost 70% of her mainstream followers~, """flopped""" on the charts or if she has minimal Youtube views. As long as she continues to make good music (aka she doesn't start making poppy music for hits only as you so desperately want her to do), I assure you most of us are content so please shut the fuck up about how UV destroyed her commercial appeal and whatever else you moan about
  16. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by Shades in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Because you seem to base how much you like a Lana album on how similar it is to mainstream music or on how much potential it has to be a mainstream hit...
    Because she values artistic integrity and doesn't give two fucks about how her music does commercially? I really wonder why some of you care so fucking much about whether or not Lana is charting or is making music that could potentially chart when she so clearly doesn't. Most of us are fans of Lana because of her music, not because of her potential hits or chart positions or whatever the fuck you're interested in. Who the fuck cares about whether or not she ~lost 70% of her mainstream followers~, """flopped""" on the charts or if she has minimal Youtube views. As long as she continues to make good music (aka she doesn't start making poppy music for hits only as you so desperately want her to do), I assure you most of us are content so please shut the fuck up about how UV destroyed her commercial appeal and whatever else you moan about
  17. violentest liked a post in a topic by Shades in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Because you seem to base how much you like a Lana album on how similar it is to mainstream music or on how much potential it has to be a mainstream hit...
    Because she values artistic integrity and doesn't give two fucks about how her music does commercially? I really wonder why some of you care so fucking much about whether or not Lana is charting or is making music that could potentially chart when she so clearly doesn't. Most of us are fans of Lana because of her music, not because of her potential hits or chart positions or whatever the fuck you're interested in. Who the fuck cares about whether or not she ~lost 70% of her mainstream followers~, """flopped""" on the charts or if she has minimal Youtube views. As long as she continues to make good music (aka she doesn't start making poppy music for hits only as you so desperately want her to do), I assure you most of us are content so please shut the fuck up about how UV destroyed her commercial appeal and whatever else you moan about
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Shades in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Because you seem to base how much you like a Lana album on how similar it is to mainstream music or on how much potential it has to be a mainstream hit...
    Because she values artistic integrity and doesn't give two fucks about how her music does commercially? I really wonder why some of you care so fucking much about whether or not Lana is charting or is making music that could potentially chart when she so clearly doesn't. Most of us are fans of Lana because of her music, not because of her potential hits or chart positions or whatever the fuck you're interested in. Who the fuck cares about whether or not she ~lost 70% of her mainstream followers~, """flopped""" on the charts or if she has minimal Youtube views. As long as she continues to make good music (aka she doesn't start making poppy music for hits only as you so desperately want her to do), I assure you most of us are content so please shut the fuck up about how UV destroyed her commercial appeal and whatever else you moan about
  19. Macintosh Manhattan liked a post in a topic by Shades in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Because you seem to base how much you like a Lana album on how similar it is to mainstream music or on how much potential it has to be a mainstream hit...
    Because she values artistic integrity and doesn't give two fucks about how her music does commercially? I really wonder why some of you care so fucking much about whether or not Lana is charting or is making music that could potentially chart when she so clearly doesn't. Most of us are fans of Lana because of her music, not because of her potential hits or chart positions or whatever the fuck you're interested in. Who the fuck cares about whether or not she ~lost 70% of her mainstream followers~, """flopped""" on the charts or if she has minimal Youtube views. As long as she continues to make good music (aka she doesn't start making poppy music for hits only as you so desperately want her to do), I assure you most of us are content so please shut the fuck up about how UV destroyed her commercial appeal and whatever else you moan about
  20. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by Shades in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Because you seem to base how much you like a Lana album on how similar it is to mainstream music or on how much potential it has to be a mainstream hit...
    Because she values artistic integrity and doesn't give two fucks about how her music does commercially? I really wonder why some of you care so fucking much about whether or not Lana is charting or is making music that could potentially chart when she so clearly doesn't. Most of us are fans of Lana because of her music, not because of her potential hits or chart positions or whatever the fuck you're interested in. Who the fuck cares about whether or not she ~lost 70% of her mainstream followers~, """flopped""" on the charts or if she has minimal Youtube views. As long as she continues to make good music (aka she doesn't start making poppy music for hits only as you so desperately want her to do), I assure you most of us are content so please shut the fuck up about how UV destroyed her commercial appeal and whatever else you moan about
  21. Rebel liked a post in a topic by Shades in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Because you seem to base how much you like a Lana album on how similar it is to mainstream music or on how much potential it has to be a mainstream hit...
    Because she values artistic integrity and doesn't give two fucks about how her music does commercially? I really wonder why some of you care so fucking much about whether or not Lana is charting or is making music that could potentially chart when she so clearly doesn't. Most of us are fans of Lana because of her music, not because of her potential hits or chart positions or whatever the fuck you're interested in. Who the fuck cares about whether or not she ~lost 70% of her mainstream followers~, """flopped""" on the charts or if she has minimal Youtube views. As long as she continues to make good music (aka she doesn't start making poppy music for hits only as you so desperately want her to do), I assure you most of us are content so please shut the fuck up about how UV destroyed her commercial appeal and whatever else you moan about
  22. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Shades in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Because you seem to base how much you like a Lana album on how similar it is to mainstream music or on how much potential it has to be a mainstream hit...
    Because she values artistic integrity and doesn't give two fucks about how her music does commercially? I really wonder why some of you care so fucking much about whether or not Lana is charting or is making music that could potentially chart when she so clearly doesn't. Most of us are fans of Lana because of her music, not because of her potential hits or chart positions or whatever the fuck you're interested in. Who the fuck cares about whether or not she ~lost 70% of her mainstream followers~, """flopped""" on the charts or if she has minimal Youtube views. As long as she continues to make good music (aka she doesn't start making poppy music for hits only as you so desperately want her to do), I assure you most of us are content so please shut the fuck up about how UV destroyed her commercial appeal and whatever else you moan about
  23. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Shades in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Because you seem to base how much you like a Lana album on how similar it is to mainstream music or on how much potential it has to be a mainstream hit...
    Because she values artistic integrity and doesn't give two fucks about how her music does commercially? I really wonder why some of you care so fucking much about whether or not Lana is charting or is making music that could potentially chart when she so clearly doesn't. Most of us are fans of Lana because of her music, not because of her potential hits or chart positions or whatever the fuck you're interested in. Who the fuck cares about whether or not she ~lost 70% of her mainstream followers~, """flopped""" on the charts or if she has minimal Youtube views. As long as she continues to make good music (aka she doesn't start making poppy music for hits only as you so desperately want her to do), I assure you most of us are content so please shut the fuck up about how UV destroyed her commercial appeal and whatever else you moan about
  24. Shades liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in 'Big Eyes' and 'I Can Fly' Released, Featured in Tim Burton's 'Big Eyes'   
    It's not grammar, it's spelling 
  25. Shades liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    I feel like if Lana died you'd use the occasion to plug your own music.
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