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  1. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  2. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    these two statements kind of say it all, don't they? you had a certain idea of who you thought she was, and for you, i'm sure it fulfilled some kind of late-night masturbatory fantasy. now that she's gone and contradicted your [narrowly] wholesome perception of her, you're no longer a fan of her or her music? lmao k 
    guess that whole lolita thing really holds some power, eh??? *keeping that in mind* thx 
    edit: men are so fucking weird lmaooooooooooooooooooo
  3. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by essiductonto in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Not sure what someone who is uncomfortable with female sexuality was doing listening to LDR in the first place . . .
  4. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by slang in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    For me, I can explain her promiscuity, at least as it exists now, by just thinking about her the same way I would a male rock superstar. Her libido historically is at least referred to in her pre-fame songs, though you have the option of just thinking about these as character studies. Nobody forces an artistic interpretation on anyone.
  5. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Tips for Attending a Lana Concert   
    aww those poor israelis  

  6. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by teenidle in Tips for Attending a Lana Concert   
    yes, but the difference is no innocent israelis are being killed so..... 
  7. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    this is all so painfully true but somehow i don't think she gives a shit? or its like, she alternates between giving too much and too little of a fuck 
    like she's so selfish and so self-contained that the outside world rarely 'break(s) through [her own inner] world" but occasionally when it does, she flips the fuck out and suddenly cares until she reverts back into her natural state a minute or so later? i legitimately think that's why she seems so fucking crazy. like, where is she today? in lana world or the real world? they're both equally visceral. and she's obviously capable of (and forthcoming about) inhabiting both spaces; its just that you (the interviewer or the fan) are unable to know which one she's in. maybe she wanted the fame but just isn't cut out for the press (on a consistent scale, at least) 
    doesn't matter, really -- she'll always be polarizing and there will always be people that love her for it (and i think she knows this, too) 
  8. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    It's LDR fans who know her well enough to not be surprised by her attitude and these type of responses in this interview, but does the GP? Probably not. I bet you a lot of folks who pick up RS faithfully are going to read this article and add it onto the long list of reasons why LDR is [insert negative blah blah ]… if LDR's drama queen responses were somehow justified due to the interviewer being nosey, rude, etc, then this would be a different story but they weren't.
    I like how Lana's individuality was compared to punk rock. She clearly represents the current counter culture. But with that said, sometimes an artist, a mainstream one too, has to look passed their qualms or quirks and just answer a question. She takes so much of what is asked of her as a personal attack.
    I often wonder if these interviews are forced on her by management for promotional reasons. She said she gave in with The Guardian. Who's to say the same didn't happen here. If that's the case, she probably went in there expecting the worst from the interviewer. And that's my biggest problem with her. She's grown a custom to the backlash and hate to the point where she seems to expect it from people. That's a shitty way of thinking. I guess at the end of the day these things serve their purpose- they get people to talk about her.
    Sometimes I think it would be better that she hid herself from the media spotlight, like Fiona Apple or Sia. She's working against herself IMO. It looks like its a burden for her.
    Just my onion.
  9. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by slang in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't know how unpopular, but:
    LDRAKALG  is a better title than just LDR or Nevada because it spookily forecasts all the authenticity issues that plagued her. If she re-releases it, she should keep that title.
    As to whether AKA is a step up or down from her current work (I really think it's a step sideways), this doesn't address the issue of whether it is a step up or down from works like Artpop, Prism, or Red. If AKA adds to the diversity of pop (and increases its overall quality), then it should be re-released. Ditto for Sirens and The Leaked Sessions vol. 1 - 6.
  10. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by GirlAfraid in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    All I have to say about the end of the interview:

  11. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    After spending two hours of reading everyone else's special moments, I'd like to post some of mine. Here comes wasting another two hours writing this response. I'm going to organize them by album!


    In (one of my favorite Lana songs ever) Oh Say Can You See there are a ton of moments. The little guitar picking at the beginning and in between lines at 0:11 and 1:40, the at the and I wi-ul at 2:10, and the send you to Mars high note at 3:07. The breath at the end of Mermaid Motel, 3:28. Of course the dark night line in Yayo, 4:03. The crescendo in For K Part 2 at 1:07 and then I like the way you wear your sweater off your shouuuulder.
    Born to Die
    Off to the Races obviously is just one big moment for me since it is my favorite song in the world but there's two parts that stick out to me... First the whole "glass room, perfume, cognac, lilac fuuuumes" line because she uses so many mellifluous words one after another it's just a lyric-gasm. Then right before 3:30 there's a little quiet part and then the bass just starts jumping and it aligns perfectly with "you're lying with your gold chain on" <3 <3 <3 The first few words of Radio on the album version and in the demo when the flute comes in with the *doodle-doodle-dooooo* noise like at 2:40. In Million Dollar Man live (especially at Hackney) when she literally wails like "one for the moneyyuuuhh, woauuhuhuhahh!!!!" The last chorus of Blue Jeans when it builds up after the bridge and drops at 2:55. It's like a cannonball of cinematic perfection. The entire Diet Mountain Dew demo is amazing but the "I dunno why but I liiiike it" line at 1:48.
    Not exactly musical but during the Ride monologue when she does a short little breath before "I was always an usual girl". In Gods & Monsters how the drums and guitar just break down when she sings "Motel, sprees, sprees" at 1:06.
    The whole tempo change in West Coast gets me every time. It's genius. The "ba-da-da-da-da-babay"s and "yeauhhhss" at the end of Brooklyn Baby. I don't even like Guns & Roses that much but the haunting "ro-oohuh-ooses" part at 3:40 gives me shivers. I'll listen to the whole song just to hear that. "And all my girlfriends!" in Florida Kilos just because you can hear the smile on her face. The Lizzy Grant-esque background "yeah" in Fucked My Way Up to the Top at 1:04.
    In my fave unreleased Gangsta Boy there are a couple key moments. Of course there's the spine chilling yet adorable "my gangsta booOOOYYY-ooh-ooh-oohuh-ahhh!" in the beginning. Then at 1:21 when the backing vocals come in and she sings, "like ya leather and ya long hair, hunnay, hunnay", not sure why but it's always been an awesome moment for me. The repetitive "like"s in My Best Days and the boppy breakdown at the end. The "woah-oh-oh" part in Last Girl on Earth when she goes higher at 2:20. In Television Heaven the haunting backing vocals over and after the bridge followed by a cute lil laugh. In Hawaiian Tropic that heavenly vocal overlay with the chorus and "I remember party dresses" at 3:21. The moan in Serial Killer along with those quick "ha-ha-ha-ha-has!" "You turn my mood from black to blue-oOoOooh" in the Hundred Dollar Bill demo.
  12. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Tips for Attending a Lana Concert   
    She should cancel this show tbh.
  13. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Interview with Brazilian newspaper "Veja"   
    Lana Del Rey, the sad indie singer   Depressives songs and a blasé look, the american singer became a popstar and opened doors for another girls that may be considered "different" in the musical scenario. The american singer have 28 years, and have a lot of qualities. She is beautiful, famous, have a big crowd in her performances at festivals and have some special fans like: Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Daniel Radcliffe and David Lynch. Talking about Lana and Kim, the popstar was invited to sing at the Kardashian's wedding earlier this year. And there's some rumors that say that George Clooney asked the same favour and he will pay any price to have the indie singer doing a performance at his wedding. Besides her popularity, Lana recently said that wishes that she was already dead. Her beautiful lips, sad/blasé eyes, and a deep voice made Lana a success. In 2012 with her album Born to Die, her second album in a studio, sold more than 7 millions of copies all around the world.  Ultraviolence, released in june, is following the same way, in a month, the album already sold 300.000 copies on USA   “I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up”
    VEJA: Your road to the fame was long and was ever changing. How do you feel about being the center of the attention?   LANA:It's good to see my style and see how things are working good. I've performed a lot of times and the experience of doing a show in different places is great, they fit with the changes of my mood . The energy that my fans gave to me are great and scares me at the same time. It's always a surprise. Even having some experience, I feel kinda nervous when I see the crowd. VEJA:Do you still have some issues about having a big crowd? 
    LANA:No, especially because I'm not nervous about my album. Now that it's finished, I can give more attenton to my shows. While I'm touring, I can't be creative. But now I feel that it's all okay, it's a part of the job.
    VEJA: When you became famous, a lot of rumors about you were spread, saying that your style is fake . How do you deal with this? 
    LANA: It's easy to judge somebody when you do not know them and know how their personal growth happens. When a singer gets bigger, it's hard to say if they care about their music and if they deserve their success. I'm gonna still doing my work and I'll became more and more mature. On set, I do not have a lot of people helping me and I do not have somebody that makes me do stuff that I do not like. 
    VEJA:If your style wasn't created, it probably have bothered a lot o people because your style is different compared to the actual pop music scenario.Does somebody tried to change your style to fit the mainstream pop style?    LANA: Only at the beginning of my career. I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up. I felt great when "Video Games" became a hit. I really like that song and the version that became famous was the version that I wanted to everybody hear.I played it for like a year and my actual record label liked the song, but they were kinda worried about it because it was too slow.   VEJA:Dan Auerbach produced Ultraviolence. How this work begun? Are you a fan of The Black Keys?
    LANA:I know the work of The Black Keys, but I didn't knew Dan very well. We had a great work together. We've decided to make the album while we were knowing each other in NY. We were having such a great time with a couple of friends and he looked at me and we said "Why don't we make this album together?. I realized that he was the producer that I was looking for. He put on some electric guitars and a 70's style on the album. He also uses the same weird references that I use. Also, it was good to change the producer, I've worked with the same guy for like three years.
    VEJA:With a several leaks, your album was prejudiced. How do you felt about do the same work again? 
    LANA:It was prejudiced, but it was a blessing because I hate those songs. It was basically songs that I wrote for some singers or songs that I was working at, so, when these songs wew leaked, I've realized that I do not like how they sounds like, so I've started all over. When I thought that I had finished them, I met Dan. It was wonderful, it was I met this new sound that I've fell in love.  
    VEJA:Why "Ultraviolence"?
    LANA:It's my darkest album, even with some romantics elements, I do not like to hear some songs, even if I've wrote them. I do not feel okay to listen some tracks, but I feel great when I listen to anothers. Make this album was hard in some moments because if it's not natural, then I do not work well. The time was almost ending, so I had some anxiety crisis, I do not work well under a lot of pressure, but at the end, everything worked in a good way.
    VEJA:So you had some anxiety crisis while you were doing your album?
    LANA: Yeah, I had the feeling that my album would not become a big hit. I really try to not be sad and be a pessimist, but that's who I am. I couldn't like anything that I've wrote for the album, so, I begun to tour and my fans made me feel more confident. In the first week, I realized that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. It was great, because I was afraid to sing again, but, this year made me feel confident about still singing
    VEJA:Are you okay now?
    LANA:Absolutely. I'm really excited and I love "Ultraviolence". I was really worried and I wanted to write something that I'd like to, because everything in my life was complicated. Music is the only that was really stable to me. I wanted this album to be perfect because I've worked so hard on it and I'll perform the songs at my concerts.
    VEJA:Your "visual identity" and your videos walks besides your musical style. When you write a song, do you think about how the video will be?
    LANA:That's for sure, I always think about the history that influenced the song and how it get connected to what I've wrote. I'm lucky because I've always worked with great directors like Yoann Lemoine and Anthony Mandler. We have a great and unique connection. I've alway wrote the video concept for they. I think that it was kinda boring for they, probably that's why they do not work with me anymore. But the magic is that at the end, everything is like I was thinking about, and it's pretty hard to happen. That's the opposite control that I have at my personal life, I've showed every detail to the directors and they've made a beautiful work. 
    VEJA:Do you have the same cares with the album artwork?
    LANA:Yes, I do. I do love to see the progress of the artwork. For "Ultraviolence", I've worked with Neil Krug, he changed the way that I've seen some stuff. He have transformed polaroids into perfect portraits for my album. For me, the artwork helps to give the album some individuality. So, when I saw the artwork, I've started to see "Ultraviolence" as it is, like the story that it is. The story begins with a electric guitar solo that Dan made in "Cruel World", the first song.
    VEJA:You've moved from NY to LA during the process of creation of the album. How this change influenced at the album?
    LANA:I was living in London for some time and I moved back to USA. So, I've moved to California, I also lived in NY for several years, and these years influenced me to write "West Coast". In "Broolyn Baby", I sing about Brooklyn, as the title suggest. Well, I could bring all my worlds to a album. That's great and makes me happy.


    Sorry for the several mistakes! I'm kinda sleepy, but I've tried!
  14. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana has an interesting past, makes her so good at what she does.   
    You're trash if you think other fans are inferior for being newer/less knowledgeable. 
    Better to go with the forum's official passive aggressive expression of old news:

  15. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by veniceglitch in "Ms. America": A Supplement on Lana Del Rey by The New Inquiry   
    This whole thing reads like "Critical Theory Trends Report 2014, Special Focus: What Lana Del Rey Means To Our Profession."

    I have spent many an hour in literature and philosophy classes myself, and these types of thinkers and writers are easy to find. They are always insufferable, always self-important, and always unable to create anything themselves. Their only means is destruction; they examine everything like a cadaver. I find it ironic that Lana herself spent time in those classes, only to go on to create something that her would-be peers are now deconstructing to death. She creates, they can only hyper-analyze. Who's having the last laugh?
  16. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in "Ms. America": A Supplement on Lana Del Rey by The New Inquiry   
    This all reminds me of why I needed to get out of academia. It must be hard to write about a rock record when you've obviously never heard one before in your life, and you compare the increasing intensity of 'Cruel World' to EDM, when Ultraviolence has as much in common with dance music as it does to polka (a better comparison would be to the Velvet Underground's 'Heroin', which is actually similar to it stylistically)

  17. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Salon: "Lana Is The Perfect Artist For An America In Decline"   
    This is so self indulgent and flowery and ultimately meaningless, but there's something funny about the way people who like Lana relate to Lana.  There are stans who get really annoyed about young women who feel a connection to her lyrics, calling them tumblr fakes and try hards, etc, but rail against music outlets who call Lana herself a fake try hard. That's not related to this at all but it made me think of that. Just that idea of "The only person who's allowed to be disillusioned is Lana! She's the only one who I'm comfortable with having these specific feelings and damn these girls for twisting her message for their attention seeking fantasies. I think Lana is deep and little girls  can't be deep."
    Not that Lana fans are the only ones guilty of this  because marina fans are even worse
  18. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana and Chuck With James Franco   
    Lana brought her most enthusiastic smile for this very special encounter...
  19. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by slang in Lana Del Rey Interviews With Triple J   
    Triple J is there:
    Retweeted by Lana Del Rey Online:
    (1st link gets you to the 2nd one).
    I thought it was interesting particularly when they talked about Brooklyn Baby. I didn't notice the time of it (midway thru?) and anyway I was perplexed at the interface, which didn't allow me to skip around. The talk *suggested* (to me, at least) ambiguities about Barrie. Maybe they signal a true divide or maybe it was just slyly orchestrated to seem ambiguous. Anyway, still rooting for Barrie, in the sense of wanting collaborations from him and LDR in the future. 
  20. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by FLA to the Moon in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Please don't hold anything against me but TMZ has leaked a photo of Lana being kissed by Francesco Carrazzoni
  21. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by SilverSprings in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    From Cola:
    Harvey's in the sky with diamonds, and he's making me crazy/ Ollie wants to do his party with his pretty baby.
    Don't ask, I always knew Ollie wasn't right but I can't not hear it now haha!
    From Queen of Disaster:
    Got mascara thick, I get emotional/ You know I was more than just a particle
  22. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Tell Me You're Joking   
    Why are some pepole being so mean here idk everyones made a mistake here at some point so let it go.#sorrynotsorry for the frozen refrence.
    It can very confusing for new fans especially since she's change her style of singing over the years until we've got the lana that we know and love today.
    As i said in a past thread we should all help new fans not rip them to bits.
    Sorry for the rant though it got me a little worked up.....
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