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About lewisbennett1

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  1. Descending still sounds underwhelming... the live version sounds better. I hope if she ever releases it, she adds more reverb, vocal effects and backing vox onto the chorus.
  2. I used to have the WAV of Guardian but can't find it now Could anyone re-up?
  3. lewisbennett1

    Charli XCX

    These past week of shows have been incredible 😩 Met her 4 times too and she signed a ton of my vinyls. Such a babe. Ima need a true angel to dropbox me a ton of her leaks up to date (OG files), ideally organised because her stuff is on par with Lana's (i.e as messy as a teenager's bedroom)
  4. Powerlines exists - yeah. Yeah on both the demo and the final. The final has a few more effects in the production
  5. Madness final does exist. I have the demo and final studio version
  6. Thanks for this. I'm still looking for the OG WAV file
  7. lewisbennett1

    Charli XCX

    Long shot but is anyone selling a physicsl copy of her 'How I'm Feeling Now' book in mint/near perfect condition?
  8. lewisbennett1

    Charli XCX

    Any Charli fans called 'Louie'?
  9. lewisbennett1

    Charli XCX

    Any superfans with a masterpost (of OG files)/ unreleased that they can hook me up with? I lost track of my collection about 2 years ago.
  10. I'm seeing Sky! 😫🙏 That was rough. The website kept crashing on me
  11. 7 hours until London's pre-sale show tickets are released. My bank card is ready 🗡🛡
  12. What are the chance of these London shows selling out? I doubt we'll all get a ticket 😩
  13. 😘 Bonnie_McKee_Kiss_Kiss.mp3
  14. If anyone has 'Stars', send me a message. I have a lot of uncirculating stuff & can trade for it. mod note: user has been warned for this post
  15. lewisbennett1


    True! .. and I know this is factual as I was the one who actually leaked the original file - direct from the producer. Only Kesha's vocals are present.
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