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Everything posted by sempervirens

  1. sempervirens

    Song vs. Song

    terrence loves you vs honeymoon
  2. Music to watch boys to American Lust for life Terrence Loves You Earthquakes Summertime Sadness Elvis Florida Kilos Arcadia Lolita Cherry Off to the races National Anthem
  3. sempervirens


    the self righteousness of it all
  4. I'm sorry but I will die for Cola and Ride, the entirety of paradise and its videos. I don't care how "problematic" they are. If you don't get it you just don't get it.
  5. someone mod queue me right now im about to become unhinged
  6. Maybe they're preparing media for a tour? Tourbook photo exclusives? I thought so myself. This pic captured the essence of the song.
  7. The can of squirt that the lady is drinking dates around to the 70's. it doesnt match the current can design.
  8. @fl0r1dakil0s imma give u a chance and let you off my ignores if you have the pussy demo
  9. It's just the soundtrack for the film
  10. And I will never sing again And you won't work another day I will never sing again With just one wave, it goes away It will be our swan song It will be our swan song Be our swan song It will be our swan song
  11. sempervirens


    this updated classic omg
  12. I think Krug uses expired polaroid film for his photos. I just wonder how expired the film is to get that look he always pulls off.
  13. sempervirens


    A lot of strings were pulled for us to pull this off. We hope we can get more members so we can continue doing these things in the future.
  14. sempervirens


    Just saying Lanaboards wasn't built in a day either
  15. sempervirens


    Hey guys I'm a Community Support Staff Member on NewTRL.net and I just wanted to let you all know that our forum will be having an exclusive Q&A with Poppy on Friday! Three members will also receive tickets to her show in LA on the 24th of August!! Go sign up today!!
  16. sempervirens


    wait we have a cher thread? too bad @the ocean is banned
  17. booking a round trip first class ticket to london on british airways because trust this is a rob list
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