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genghis khan

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Everything posted by genghis khan

  1. not gangnam style being in my most played 2020
  2. randomly remembered this existed and im obsessed
  3. 9/10 cause ur avatar is staring at me too deeply
  4. she feels like an entirely different person from what we were seeing a few months ago
  5. omg i'm just getting even more confused what did that justin girl originally say?
  6. uh help did anyone screenshot the original tweet?
  7. randomly remembering how good bad romance is like every other month and then replaying it for a week straight
  8. wait cause i actually really like the blonde hair. she just kept taking really bad pics but like she looked so good in that summertime video
  9. omg bts is giving so much rn
  10. the way it went over my head that she released it on international mens day
  11. tbh nvm cause its growing on me after reading more about it
  12. the way a line about gay murders is followed up by a sassy gay empowerment mood with the "campy hotel". i can't tell if it's just cause i havent worn the song out enough, or if it really just is that clunky.
  13. Aesthetic in on point. Love the tune of the chorus. Love the guitar. lemme be quiet about the lyrics
  14. Bro I’m working on 2 albums and excitedly and happily donating a million dollars throughout the nation. If I responded to everything I would be ugh once moment i was happy for her finally responding to criticism in a relatively mature way and the next moment i'm disapointed
  15. can she just focus on one thing at a time edit: nvm don't come at me i just watched the live
  16. brb i'm gonna go relapse into my marina phase y'all want anything?
  17. woke marina has got to stop
  18. I also remember hearing that this teacher introduced her to Lolita??!? I know for a fact that relationship wasn't normal if thats true. Like someone above said, a teacher just "taking out" a student itself is way too far and is over stepping a boundary
  19. genuinely just confused and wondering where this info on her family being wealthy is coming from
  20. she's honestly a good person and is actually unproblematic, i think she just has a personality that people find easy to hate. a lot of her interviews come off as very pretentious when she talks about the importance and significance of her work when in reality its just radio music
  21. umm did you guys never get taught to not feed trolls? cause...
  22. this reminds me of another comment i read somewhere on here. someone jabbing at how she acts like some bohemian rockstar who lives and dies for touring and making art, and yet most of her live shows are lazy
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