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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. yeah, that was the icing on the cake. "ummm....i'd say he was...flirtatious?" yeah i see you girl. no shame in the game, tho. yeah i think it's just about some good old fashioned dick worship personally.
  2. lana def had an affair with weinstein. and i'm not judging at all. he was a pig and its gross that he basically had these starlets wrapped around his finger. but i mean, it's right there in front of our faces lol.
  3. why do people still pretend she is not CLEARLY saying "harvey" on cola... and yes i believe her and harvey weinstein's relationship was exactly what it was speculated to be
  4. @urgirl she got sent to boarding school when she was 14 to deal with her drinking, but it only seemed to get worse there and she was drinking and doing drugs until she got clean somewhere in her early twenties. she went to rehab at some point in her pre-BTD days to get sober of alcohol..not other drugs tho
  5. when she was like 19 i believe, but more recently she seems to have checked herself into a mental health facility. prob in the last year or two.
  6. she's so hot also she was being so sarcastic this entire video...i'm glad she's able to have more of a sense of humor about everything.
  7. i told y'all she went to a mental facility! and you guys said she was being metaphorical
  8. wake that up, a bunch of white gays whining about hip hop definitely looks...a certain way
  9. everybody in this thread needs a blunt
  10. is it wrong to say i don't really see her ever settling down? at least with another person? she's starting to give me cat lady vibes (nothing wrong with that)
  11. new bf is hot. and when she has a hot bf, it somehow makes her hotter. barrie, franceso, and g eazy had her looking fiiiiiine. and then sean aged her ten years.
  12. its extra cause she's easily the most renowned women in alt music of this generation
  13. "so lana, tell me about this album called...." "chemtrails over the country club" "that." ... "so anyways lana who you been fuckin?"
  14. why is the site sooooo slow all the sudden?
  15. 1. Ultraviolence 2. Born to Die 3. Lust for Life 4. Honeymoon 5. Paradise 6. Norman Fucking Rockwell 7. Aka
  16. just wanna add that i've never heard anything about ariana except that she's a total sweetheart. lana however has gotten some less-than-glowing reviews from any number of people. love my mean girl queen
  17. I think she’s a music snob and has a diva thing going on. Let’s not act like Lana hasn’t been known to act like a bitch sometimes. It’s okay to admit that. but i don’t believe she’s just sitting around hating on halsey or something like that lol. I think if you show her love, she’ll embrace you. If you take a shot at her, she’ll unload on you (see: Lorde). Otherwise, I don’t think she really checks for these girls. In general, she probably thinks they all suck anyway (and she would be correct) She’s very Nicki in that way. Somewhat territorial but if you give her respect/love she will return it. It’s almost like you gotta kiss the ring to get her to embrace you. personally I love it. The queen of alternative cant just be going around being besties with everybody
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