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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. this post kind of sums up the speculation on the whole beef with her mother https://www.reddit.com/r/lanadelrey/comments/i3p5qf/plotwist_lana_has_mommy_issues_not_daddy_issues/ never noticed this but its true- a lot of lana's lyrics (especially the early stuff) are generally pretty catty on the topic of other women. meanwhile she worshipped the ground men walked on. could be nothing but there's lots of girls who become that way due to a strained/competitive relationship with their mother. i've seen it firsthand lol. mean girls become mean mothers.
  2. I drive like an asshole too so I’m just gonna keep my mouth shut on this one
  3. i think the money comments in violet are lana just expressing what she's trying to say wrong. she was born into money. she wasn't like a rockefeller but she lived in a nice area and had successful parents. what she does deny is that her parents money funded her career. i think thats what she gets defensive about. she said she wasn't even speaking to her dad for a long time when video games got big.
  4. This must be about “Jim”
  5. its the only one she spent more than 15 minutes making and it shows
  6. Move Ya Hips is crazyyyyyy
  7. she said she powerlifts, that’s a bad bitch right there
  8. if lana was gonna call the paparazzi on herself, i would think she'd maybe fix herself up a little bit more. speaking of, twitter has gotten its hands on the pics
  9. i'm really impressed. i was pretty ambivalent to the idea of a poetry book (still am tbh) BUT i'm so in love with lana so i went with it. and i'm glad i did. very well written, much more raw than anything i was expecting. a lot of it feels just like she's talking. what i appreciate about this work (and the majority of her discography) is that there isn't necessarily a big thesis or storyline to it. she just kind of dwells in her own headspace, and takes us along with her. she's just in it, she's just there. they're just snapshots of how she feels, what she thinks about. there is no obvious "point" to it, it's just kind of a collage of her emotions. and that's more real than any "concept" or "storyline." the trauma of her past hangs heavily over this project. this is a woman torn between her past and her future. she is haunted by a series of abusive and broken relationships, and trying to find out who she is in the wake of them. she tries new things, she goes new places, but she is inexplicably drawn back to old habits and bad memories. she's lost, not quite unhappy but still unfulfilled. she doesn't necessarily miss her past, but she can't help but think about it often. this is mostly (at least the lens i looked at it thru) a piece about recovering from your past and looking for your future. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman with her past, but she has it. really blown away
  10. I wonder who the man is she seems to be addressing in most of these poems
  11. wanna clarify i actually find you pretty amusing and i appreciate you actually know things (like how i had no idea what mixing and mastering entailed), it just cracks me up how contrarian you tend to be. but hey atleast you actually got an opinion
  12. user AlexParliament has been terrorizing this site for the last week straight, please Lana drop something to distract him!
  13. That’s Sean’s daughter right? Ughhhhhhhhh Anyways rip the eyelash extensions, those were cute tho
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