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  1. Anthem liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    No one is saying that. Please stop misrepresenting what me and other people are saying just because you don't see the racial implications and don't care to try.
  2. Anthem liked a post in a topic by sophiesmom in Instagram Updates   
    Is anyone going to adress the fact that she wrote all that to kinda promote her upcoming releases? 
  3. Anthem liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Instagram Updates   
    I swear to god I don't even feel comfortable trying to explain this because it's totally "NOT MY PLACE" yet I feel angry that someone so loved and that could be a voice would decide to just stumble and sound bitter over nothing. My post is full of stumblings itself because I just can't process how she really decided to write that down, upload, read and think "I did THAT".
  4. Anthem liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    I mean no, not really. People have gone out of their way to explain why what she said was insensitive, the bigger picture, give her the benefit of the doubt, etc. Some people are quick on the draw here and some are frustrated, which translates into what they say and how they say it, but people have gone into exhaustive detail trying to explain the very concept of subtle and unintended racism. Just because you don't see it that way doesn't mean that all the responses are the same as stan twitter's quick memeification, abstractions, and essentialisms, and representing it as that isn't a good look.
  5. Anthem liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    This is actually the perfect response to this mess.
  6. Anthem liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Instagram Updates   
    Love her but this mess is the worst thing she could just bring to herself. 
    She sounds bitter and over nothing. It's very "I wish I was dead" circa 2014 when for the last 6 years she's been receiving nothing but acclaim from critics and even general public.
    It was Bad worded, with a thin veiled racism. Why didn't she didn't address her frustrarion about the males that always get away with the same stuff she mentioned? Why did she pick the black girls that also got the same criticism for being sexual in her songs? 
    It really just makes no sense. If she's also really that bothered about people getting #1, maybe she should stand her lazy ass and get out of Instagram and actually promote her music (and let it fucking speaks for itself instead of putting clown make up on for this mess).
    I don't really care about her intention, this is just trash that she should have kept to herself instead of trying to paint herself as a victim. She overhauled every critic ever since her Ultraviolence days and should be happy about it. If she wants to go back to singing about being raw-ed about some 70YO outlaw, go for it girl, just don't expect that people will care about you at all. But I guess that's also not a problem for someone who wanted just to live "out of her poetry singing for the ones who understand and care about me"
    The whole thing is just so bad because she keeps stumbling. She talks about #1, about critics, about feminism and yet just... got nothing.
  7. Anthem liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    Because people are allowed to recognise and voice when "poor word choice" carries harmful and ignorant connotations. Trying to shut down very valid concerns because she's "not a fucking linguistic scholar" is completely nonsensical. Where's that energy in the lyric analysis threads? Obviously Stan twitter isn't the place for nuanced discussions because of the nature of twitter but this reads as ignorant and reductive fyi.
  8. Anthem liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in Instagram Updates   
    Usually I defend her, but there's no way around this one. This post exudes White Feminism and it's extremely cringeworthy. 
  9. Anthem liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Instagram Updates   
    there is no defending Lana on this one. it's hard to do so when various groups of people like Blacks and male music listeners don't know her, don't care about her, and still perceive her as the 2012 summertime sadness cocaine snorter girl and nothing else. the name dropping was unnecessary, especially when she has collabed with Ariana and is friends w/her... Now everyone thinks she hates black women singing about the same struggles lana sings about.
    like Lana is mad that Beyonce and kehlani sing about cheating and twerking... maam you have a catalog of 200+ songs talking about being a lolita protege,  having sex with older men to benefit you and literally be the side piece of a cheating man, like come on now miss Lana. YOU SANG THE OTHER WOMAN AND SAID THAT WAS A LIFE EXPERIENCE OF YOURS
    she shoulve scrapped that whooe first half and only focused on the critisims she recieved early last deacde. and adding "my album comes out sept. 5" sounds like attention seeking. 
    The general population has a low understanding of music writers and its simply difficult to explain to those people what lana actually meant with this argument
  10. Anthem liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in Instagram Updates   
    What does it have to do with anything? You can appreciate POC art whilst being completely ignorant about social issues POC are facing.
    Having one gay friend doesn't automatically make you an all knowing ally.
  11. Anthem liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    i don’t believe she meant it to sound racist at all,, but her choices were odd and inexplainable, since she posted this just as black women are dominating the charts and the artists she named are mainly black women who had a lot of hate leveled at them for talking about their sexuality, which she’s just.. ignoring for some reason
  12. Anthem liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    yes...? the whole point is that there was no need to mention those women at all, it felt shady and bitter. especially when the women she mentioned like Beyonce and Nicki have been dragged through hell for their lyrical content e.g. Beyonce threatening to be lynched because of her lyrics on Lemonade!
    yes, lana has been dragged relentlessly, but not to the extent of being threatened to be lynched, so why compare the two? it's weird because lana mentioned them singing about "fucking" and "cheating" and then immediately went on to talk about how her lyrics are about "being in love" and "feeling beautiful" when lana's sung about fucking and cheating too. also, say so is a song about a crush and savage is about being self-confident so really none of those songs were about fucking or cheating... it just seems like a microaggression towards the women and it was totally unnecessary. it's clear that it wasn't lana's intention to be ignorant, but unfortunately she was.
  13. Anthem liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    i don't think she is racist, but this has such a "i have a black best friend" vibe and it's just...dumb
  14. Anthem liked a post in a topic by Noel in Instagram Updates   
    What? She literally says "...have had number ones with songs about being sexy, wearing no clothes, fucking, cheating etc..." people had #1 songs with those subjects long before Lana and will continue to do so long after her. It has nothing to do with race, she's either misrepresenting her thoughts or doesn't understand the root of the criticisms of her own earlier work. People weren't up in arms about her seeing herself as a sexy/glamorous woman, but someone who 'glorified' bad relationships in the majority of her music- Which absolutely is unfair and I'm in no way ok with. Yes, she should be able to write without whatever she wants, especially about her own experiences without being panned as anti-feminist or pro-abuse, but the examples of artists she chose doesn't align quite right with her own place in the industry... in my opinion anyway.
  15. Anthem liked a post in a topic by drugmoney in Instagram Updates   
    Maybe work on your reading comprehension because yikes. She specifically wrote that her point isn’t that Lana is racist, simply that her poorly worded statement is racist due to how tone deaf it is.
  16. Anthem liked a post in a topic by mermaid motel in Instagram Updates   
    As a black woman in America who has experiences racism in all different forms since I was in the kindergarten, I will type up however much I want about racism and how easy it is to go unnoticed. Again, you don't have be a racist to be say something racist. Not saying Lana is A racist. Just that what she failed to look at these women and their careers with a non privileged lens. What she said reeks of ignorance because all of them have had hardships of their own from the media and public, with a lot of it being related to race.
  17. Anthem liked a post in a topic by mermaid motel in Instagram Updates   
    Microaggressions are a real thing. Racism isn't always overt and large. The smaller, more subtle ways of it do matter and have an impact. And it's most often not even known by the person perpetuating it. I don't think she was aware of intricacies behind what she was saying. And all of those women have absolutely caught flack for singing about sex.
  18. Anthem liked a post in a topic by mermaid motel in Instagram Updates   
    You can still end up being racist without intent to be racist, and I think that's the point here. No one is saying Lana is a racist or a bigot or has intent to be evil or insulting. But what she said was tone deaf and ignorant. Black women have suffered a lot of critcism in the arts and have had to fight hard for their place.... they deserve their attention and #1 hits. I always say you don't have to bring others down to raise another person up. Her post is also full of many great points. I think she could have gotten her message across in a more clear and concise way without dropping a single name. It's a complex statement full of good and bad. We can disagree and call her out on the not so good parts, while still agreeing with her on other things.
    Considering she's friends with Ariana, I doubt she even meant to be insulting, but she's still wrong for having dropped those names in the way she did. On the flipside, she has a point in the media's reaction and how people have interpreted her music. And there is no doubt she's been an absolute trendsetter for alternative music and paved the way for artists that now sing dark & "depressing" songs as well.
  19. Anthem liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Instagram Updates   
    On one hand checking twitter made me sick on the other I kinda understand why her statement makes me mad
  20. Anthem liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    You are confusing racism and sexism with prejudice, dude. It's not the same thing. 
    There is no such thing as reverse racism or reverse sexism. Racism and sexism require an element of power, which people of colour and women do not hold. 
    This is a discussion for another thread, however. 
  21. Anthem liked a post in a topic by lizyyygrant in Instagram Updates   
    As a black woman, this statement doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t know how to feel about this. I’m just really disturbed by the amount of Lana stans that are like “wow she’s gonna get dragged for this lol ppl are stupid” without being empathetic or even considering why people feel the way they feel. At the moment, black twitter is ripping her to shreds, as they should, bcus this statement just screams of white feminism.
    edit: and yes I know she has gotten backlash in the day, but why would you even include Beyoncé who has constantly been criticized by the whole of America since she even set foot on the music scene? ion know man just seeing that post that tries to “explain” why she did this, and dismissing the people who are critiquing it by saying that they’re young.....even if so, that doesn’t explain her bitterness towards the artists she mentions, which are mostly woc (and weird she mentioned kehlani when she never had a #1). and to say that there’s a place for girls like her in feminism too? Lana....vulnerable white women have always been at the forefront of feminism, with girls like Doja and Kehlani not even being considered.
    Like I said, I don’t know how to feel. Seeing the reactions on this site, her subreddit, and even popheads just reminds me how lonely I feel as a black woman that has her as one of my musical inspirations. Yes, I want to be a singer-songwriter (this is the first time I’ve kinda publicly declared this without shame), and she’s one of the many artists that inspire me. I wish I could feel excited for the album, but I’m too sad too. I don’t feel seen and this statement just shows that she doesn’t care much about woc issues at all. I have to leave here for a bit.
    edit 2: also for that person who tried to act as if Beyoncé wasn’t as criticized (if not even MORE) as Lana, literally there were whole police units who boycotted to protect her. pls lol.
    edit 3: her having to add kehlani in there when she never got a #1......I don’t want to say the implications of that but....ugh ion know y’all. I need to process this
  22. Anthem liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Instagram Updates   
    You really quoted my (a black woman's) post with paragraphs explaining how you can, in fact, be racist towards white people. And you're still wrong. Yikes...
  23. Anthem liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    why did she have to drag other women into this....or if she did, she needed to add a note that says she appreciates what they've done for the "culture". She's getting DRAGGED dragged. I know Lana kinda lives in a bubble and she's always been the one artist I stan and will always stan because her art is just that good, but this is really testing me. I totally understand what she was trying to say, but I don't know why the first paragraph had to be that one
  24. Anthem liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Instagram Updates   
    while i stand by my previous post, i wanna add something:
    a far better point for lana to have made is that men's music/lyrical content/image have never been nowhere near as scrutinized and judged as women's are, and most of her negative, misconstrued & sometimes even downright misogynistic press - as those of us who are old enough to this fandom to remember hipster runoff know - has been written by men. they're also still the gatekeepers of the industry, so even if her post has to do with women & their freedom (or lack thereof) to create whatever they want while still being considered "serious artists", naming other women was actually beside the point. after all, there's a reason why her music (and most of the artists she mentioned) appeals almost exclusively to women and gay men.
    also, and without getting too ~lb resident armchair psychologist~ here, this post is symptomatic of her issues with other women/womanhood in general. her inability to downright call herself a feminist & instead having to resort to a double negative is pretty telling; she went from daddy's girl to guy's girl to daddy's girl again (but now the other kind) and only recently did she start hanging out with girl friends in a significant & seemingly healthier way. she's definitely made progress, but more than racism/ignorance i think she still has a lot of unresolved internalized misogyny issues she needs to work on.
  25. Anthem liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Instagram Updates   
    Anyway, I C a lot of white people here claiming that it's not racist. Nobody cares what you have to say cracker, let the black women speak
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