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Everything posted by Mer

  1. I feel like of all the things that could leak, a track-list is least likely...espc. a tracklist + release date without any other info. What, did they just hack some marketing managers email and nothing else?
  2. Mer


    YES. A standout. I honestly love the melody on it. I think it's one of her strongest tbh. I feel like if this album had come out when SP was written (2019) we'd have a very different feeling towards it. This would've been a stellar 2 year follow-up to Melodrama, but underwhelming for a "comeback" moment.
  3. Mer


    Okay i went from thinking the album is kinda boring to really digging some songs. "The Man With the Axe" has been on repeat since last night. I also really like "Big Star" now. Don't like "Dominoes" that much. Very curious to see what the next music videos are going to be.
  4. Mer


    she's literally been everywhere these past few weeks tho?!
  5. Mer


    Of course The Atlantic gave SP an amazing review. Laurene Powell-Job’s supremacy.
  6. Mer


    maybe they will later? Like what TS did for folklore/evermore (I think it was a month after initial release). ur right and tbh it’s bc I couldn’t remember if it was buzzcut season or buzzcut world LMAO thank you
  7. Mer


    A 6.5/10 is fair I think. Melodrama >> Pure Heroin > Solar Power. Even if this album grows on me over time it I don’t see it surpassing 8/10–nor does it have the standout tracks like The Louvre, Hardfeelings/Loveless, Liability; 400 Lux, Ribs, Team, A World Alone. That said, I think this album definitely serves a purpose and a has a niche that will hit the spot when I’m in a certain mood. Fave tracks: The Man With The Axe, Mood Ring, Hold No Grudge, Oceanic Feeling.
  8. Mer


    for the others who got the music box--can you access the digital download code yet or still need to wait until midnight :/
  9. Mer


    Yay i got mine! listening now!
  10. Mer


    i would guess bc most people probs don't have proper vinyl ripping software...and idk if any fan would want to listen to some phone recording of the record player this close to release date. The no-CDs really saved her gotta admit.
  11. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    this is exactly why i struggle to listen to "Lioness: Hidden Treasures" even though its such a great album...it just feels wrong.
  12. Mer


    This. It's honestly not worth my time to find any leaks tbh. It's too time consuming to navigate, espc this close to album release...I'd rather just wait.
  13. Mer


    I've played Mood Ring 42 times since it's release LOL send HELP!
  14. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    I feel like my comment was pretty mundane, and actually i was trying to prove that no matter what age you are/what your finances are, you should think about having a will. Hell for all anyone knows/cares my grandpa could've left me an old stamp collection that I would still like to be taken care of if I die... Also in this case with LDR, and myself, a will can also be a sentimental thing--not just something for people with money. When my grandmother passed away, she left in her will access to 30 years of then-unseen diaries for her children and grandchildren to read, which was the most important thing to us. I assume Lana doesn't want her unreleased songs to come out posthumously because of her emotional/artistic attachments to them, not any monetary issue.
  15. the tattoo spells out "WPAAMTATB" vertically. "Will Pre-order Arcadia August, Minus The Aforementioned Title Banister". Arcadia Pre-Order by the end of the month
  16. Mer


    As a "The Path" virgin, this sounds amazing we will?! edit: oh right Albums are released based on timezone unlike singles I forgot
  17. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    my parents hauled my ass down to our lawyer's office and made me write a will at 19 when I legally inherited some assets my grandfather had left me. Even though I don't have children, we wanna make sure whoever will take control of our things--should we pass away--isn't going to be bankrupted by any inheritance taxes.
  18. Mer


    ? or some of y'all are just weird af.
  19. Mer


    serves her right for her absolutely disgusting shipping fees. Charging ME? To ship a bunch of empty CARDBOARD? Bitch just mail me an actual CD in a standard envelope for all I care if you want to save the trees or whatever. Tf is this? Oh never mind I found it on Amazon Prime for free shipping I take it back I hope this album goes No. 1, down with BillBoard.
  20. Mer


    Lorde's store (in my region anyway) doesn't have free shipping?! $20 for shipping a $22 dollar "Music Box"? What kinda BS is this. I only want the damn hi-res download code anyways don't ship me a thing for all I care.
  21. Mer


    ya it takes 248 earth years for Pluto to complete a single orbit so it stays in each sign for a longggggggggg time.
  22. Mer


    Are the bonus tracks vinyl exclusives or box set exclusives?
  23. Mer


    well since there's no CD's being made or shipped or stocked anywhere....who knows
  24. Mer


    no I know but I don't think its meant to be a happy line lol!
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