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lilyapolonis liked a post in a topic by lukassdelrey in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
I just watched/listened to an interview and I cannot find it for the life of me- but the question was about her being drawn to abusive relationships, and her answer was like “I guess you seek out the love that you were shown as a child”. I’m hoping it was at most verbal abuse- but regardless, she was abused and still carries around some of those wounds. It just seems odd how her mom is so mysterious and rob is all out there Twitter and IG with his Hawaiian shirts. He seems so lovable and goofy
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in LA Who Am I To Love You
Note: edited for clarity.
I haven’t heard anyone talk about this line:
“Back home to the Tudor house that borned a thousand murder plots”
maybe it’s obvious to the point that there wasn’t really a need to really analyze it but-
The way ‘plots’ is used in this line reads to me as plots of land. ‘Murder plots’ and the picture is pretty clear.
It’s possible that the house in question may just be built on top of land that has some negative historical significance unrelated to Lana.
But the way Lana mentioned looking more into her family tree, the concept of karmic lineage and her commitment to projects acting as sort of reparations to Native American communities makes me wonder if there’s an underlying motivation based on more personal factors.
I mean, we know Lana comes from a pretty WASP-y background so it’s not hard to imagine she might’ve discovered possible ancestry that may have been involved in something like slavery or some other unjust events that took place in the US’ distant past.
So the idea of her having negative karmic lineage as mentioned in Black Bathing Suit for example and in this context would make a lot of sense.
Anyways, it’s a semi controversial take and want to reiterate its purely speculative and not based on any public information we know of, at least at the moment.
LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by lukassdelrey in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
I just watched/listened to an interview and I cannot find it for the life of me- but the question was about her being drawn to abusive relationships, and her answer was like “I guess you seek out the love that you were shown as a child”. I’m hoping it was at most verbal abuse- but regardless, she was abused and still carries around some of those wounds. It just seems odd how her mom is so mysterious and rob is all out there Twitter and IG with his Hawaiian shirts. He seems so lovable and goofy
WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by lukassdelrey in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
I just watched/listened to an interview and I cannot find it for the life of me- but the question was about her being drawn to abusive relationships, and her answer was like “I guess you seek out the love that you were shown as a child”. I’m hoping it was at most verbal abuse- but regardless, she was abused and still carries around some of those wounds. It just seems odd how her mom is so mysterious and rob is all out there Twitter and IG with his Hawaiian shirts. He seems so lovable and goofy
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in LDR Village x LanaBoards - Born to Design Contest (Round One: NOW - October 14th)
At this point, I'm almost starting to believe they'll snatch our designs and scam us all.
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by The Siren in LDR Village x LanaBoards - Born to Design Contest (Round One: NOW - October 14th)
i need all three for posters
i think the winner should get at least 30% of profits from their art cos they're the one to design it
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by The Siren in LDR Village x LanaBoards - Born to Design Contest (Round One: NOW - October 14th)
im sorry but i hate these
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by Wildflowers in Twitter Updates
The whole Sean thing is weird to me. I do think she is still in love with him.
He likes almost all of her posts. Yet he's been seeing someone since around August/ September of last year. She is apparently a couple years older and VERY rich. Maybe that's his type...rich. ?
But I do not think that she could get back with him.
He's on a full back the blue publicity tour for his book and from reading some tweets people are posting about the right wing talk shows he's been going on, even if she really wanted him, she would probably get crucified for it.
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Instagram Updates
Her appearance has really changed a lot over the last year and a half, her face always looks different and fluctuating weight. And no I’m not fat shaming her it’s just an observation I don’t care what she looks like. But during the NFR era she looked more vibrant?. I just hope it’s not some health issue dragging her down, my cousin has Lupus and her appearance really changed so much due to the condition itself and all the steroids and other drugs.
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
Lolol, out of all things Lana did, I doubt surgery is the one that made her mother go mad
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
I thought the lyric was “hospital stints still on my feet.”
Like because of the abuse she experienced she still is in and out of hospitals/treatment centres even in her adult life. I could be wrong though.
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by May in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
it’s not weird, what would ur reaction be if ur husband went on Twitter and started publicly stanning for a song which calls ur wife out for being a cunt?
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by ryanmj1993 in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
Does anybody find it odd that Rob hasn't mentioned these singles at all? He usually posts something about her singles/albums.
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by lemonadetan in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
the video
lukassdelrey liked a post in a topic by everymanhashiswish in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
I just pretend every song is about barrie [because 90% of them are]
Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by lukassdelrey in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
I just watched/listened to an interview and I cannot find it for the life of me- but the question was about her being drawn to abusive relationships, and her answer was like “I guess you seek out the love that you were shown as a child”. I’m hoping it was at most verbal abuse- but regardless, she was abused and still carries around some of those wounds. It just seems odd how her mom is so mysterious and rob is all out there Twitter and IG with his Hawaiian shirts. He seems so lovable and goofy
Slumdog liked a post in a topic by lukassdelrey in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother
I just watched/listened to an interview and I cannot find it for the life of me- but the question was about her being drawn to abusive relationships, and her answer was like “I guess you seek out the love that you were shown as a child”. I’m hoping it was at most verbal abuse- but regardless, she was abused and still carries around some of those wounds. It just seems odd how her mom is so mysterious and rob is all out there Twitter and IG with his Hawaiian shirts. He seems so lovable and goofy