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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. sorry but charlie is somehow even worse than chunk like wtf is this pic the TOOTH
  2. why is everything melting this photo looks like that picture that shows how u see things when u have a stroke
  3. 2020 made me immune to the lana hate so im excited for the interview and i hope she spills something new about music
  4. i was on holidays in the mountains reading the lb as a guest where were u when the greatest fiily mv was released?
  5. the windbreaker looks like it belongs in this video
  6. i like lfl but i skip the political mess
  7. guys am i tripping? didnt this girl already post this in like august and tagged lana too? i remember discussing this
  8. MAC, i hated it at first but then i loved it and the sad part is that i went to lana show back when i hated it and she played it and i was like whatever
  9. ultraviolence and honeymoon are classics, nfr aged like milk just like 2 months after the release it might be bc of the snippets
  10. he finally comes to Poland after 6 (?) years but im not sure if the shows will happen i dont wanna argue about my money for the next years if it gets postponed again so i think ill pass on that
  11. for a moment i thought u meant marilyn manson and was about to drag u
  12. idk what to expect.. i think the whole budget went for cocc mv but there was a bts picure from White Dress and they had a makeup trailer so it wont be Nfr/Bartender type of flop i guess
  13. listening to this flop after cocc is a little more bearable but its still the worst lana song ever
  14. im thinking about cancelling my horse picture disc i spent so much money its crazy
  15. did the french site have like 15 casettes cuz its been like 45 minutes
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