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  1. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    please @Elle!!! is there a way to make this happen? I really think everyone here could benefit from being able to choose followers
    or at least improve the ignore user option to something that will block posts for both ends
  2. the ocean liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    An option to remove specific, unwanted followers from your account 🥲
  3. prettywhenimhigh liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    An option to remove specific, unwanted followers from your account 🥲
  4. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    An option to remove specific, unwanted followers from your account 🥲
  5. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by Elle in Important Note   
    Hi all, I just woke up a little bit ago as I ended up staying awake until past 6am feeling angry, stressed, worried, and extremely violated. I still feel that way now. This was a major overstep of privacy, respect, and personal boundaries.
    I first want to thank you all for your messages of support, that really means a lot. You all know how much I care about this place and all of our members, and I hate that this prank was trying to target that.
    I also just wanted to generally answer some thoughts people were saying in regards to who this could've been - 
    I did not recognise the voice from the phone call. The caller I spoke with who had identified as Bridgette (and later as Dez over text) had no discernible accent. They had a typical, American-sounding feminine voice. However, I also believe this person could actually be from Canada or the UK as they used British English spelling in some words, but they could have just done that to throw me off.
    I do believe the number they contacted me from is a spoofed number likely obtained through a text app. The area code was a Santa Rosa, CA / 707 area code, but again, I don't believe this number is a true indication of where this person is located. It was not an iMessage number but rather a standard SMS number, and the dial tone and voicemail note sounded strange when I attempted to call back.
    However, I do strongly believe this was someone here from LanaBoards that I do not know personally.
    The fact that the backbone of their prank was threatening to have the site taken down due to recent posts means that this person is actively monitoring the site. Though they did bring up the name of my ex-girlfriend when asked how they received my number, my ex is a fellow prominent Lana fan and our relationship was quite public when we were together. Anyone who kept tabs on our Instagram or Twitter, which were infiltrated within the Lana fandom, would have known we were together as it was rather public knowledge. Once the prank was revealed, I asked if it was her herself doing this, and the person said, "Honestly I just said (my ex's name) to fuck with you. She doesn't care to prank you lol." So, I really don't believe it was her or anyone in her circle. Mostly because it would be incredibly out of character to call me in the middle of the night for a prank after several years of not speaking. Her and her group of friends are also not active users on LanaBoards. Last night, I did attempt to reach out to her to ask if she was involved in this, but she still has me blocked on everything so I couldn't get ahold of her. Now that I've slept on it and feel certain she actually wasn't involved, I have no further intention of trying to get ahold of her to ask about this as I'm not sure it's worth opening up old wounds for something that would likely be fruitless.
    As much as I would truly like to get police/phone company involved and have been strongly considering doing this, I also worry that will be fruitless since the number is likely spoofed and therefore untraceable.
    My main concern at this point is how this person received my personal phone number.
    I keep a very small personal circle nowadays. Any personal friends who know that I run this site as well as the name of my ex-girlfriend have confirmed they're not involved, and I trusted that they were not anyway. The people in my life are good people who are above trying to freak me out at 2am.
    My phone number is not available on any public profiles of mine. I try to keep a very private life. In fact, the only social media I now use is Instagram in which I share personal moments of my life sparingly, after I dealt with a pretty scary stalker situation a couple of years ago that scared me off of all social media for an entire year. I was even gone from LanaBoards for awhile that year too due to all the distress if you all remember that.
    I also typically never answer phone calls from unknown numbers, but I answered this one because as I mentioned in the original post, I will be working on set for the next several days, and people from my casting agency are known to call at late hours if there is some immediate issue. They essentially work 24/7 and call from various numbers. Because this call woke me at 2am, that's sort of who I expected it to be from and why I answered. Never answering my phone again lol.
    I have actually been unexpectedly called by a LanaBoards member before about a year or two ago as someone called me from a hidden number, but they then revealed who they were and it was someone I had knowingly given my number to from the site, and they said they had gotten a new phone and were calling people to see who all the numbers were in their contacts. Though that seemed strange since they called from a hidden number, I do believe there were no real bad intentions behind that, and trust that this person was not involved in this situation.
    I am strongly considering changing my phone number if this person does not come forward, or the person who provided them my phone number. That frustrates me, as I shouldn't have to go out of my way to do that.
    & just a message to the person behind this if they are reading this, I may be the owner of LanaBoards, but I am a real person with a real life. I cannot reiterate enough how immature and inappropriate it was to call and wake me at 2am on a Monday and then keep me awake to fill me with stress and anxiety for several hours doing this. At the risk of sounding whiney, this honestly has skewed my whole week. I'm anxious about the fact of my personal number being passed around to strangers, and my sleep has already been affected at a very inconvenient time given the busy workweek I have ahead of me. I hope you feel some remorse about the situation and will step forward.
    Thank you x
  6. daisy starlet liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in New TikTok fans: weird or just unhinged?   
    Please keep them away from me, they are a danger to the world that I have created for myself❤️
  7. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by Venice in Important Note   
    All the possibilities, opportunities and dreams in this world. But imagine spending life distressing people at 2 AM instead. Just embarrassing - I'm so sorry you're having to go through this! 
  8. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Important Note   
    I also think it's someone who got banned
  9. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by Elle in Important Note   
    Alright. We were down for about an hour and I’m going to explain why.
    As I was just beginning to fall asleep two hours ago at 2am, I received a phone call from an unknown number and groggily answered it. It was someone who identified themselves as Bridgette, asking for the owner of LanaBoards.
    Confused and taken aback and also half asleep, I just nervously laugh and ask what this person needs. They hang up.
    They then text me saying that they are a social media analyst for TAP Management, Lana’s management, essentially informing me that Ben was in talks of having the site shut down for recent leaks, discussion, etc. Saying that this was Lana’s personal request.
    For over an hour and a half, this person proceeded to fill me with stress and anxiety through text message regarding this “issue” with the site and not answering my calls saying that Ben would be reaching out to me personally tomorrow to speak further.
    Though I was initially skeptical that this was a prank after they called asking for the LanaBoards owner due to the suspicious number (I even texted my personal best friend who knows I run this site and is infamous for her prank calls that don’t typically target me who confirmed she wasn’t behind this), the gravity and severity of the situation that they informed me of once they texted me after they hung up lead me to treat this as a better safe than sorry situation. When I asked how they received my number as Lana’s management doesn’t have my current number as it’s changed since I last spoke with one of her managers years back, they said that Lana herself provided a list of fans they thought may have managed the site, and they listed my ex-girlfriend of 3 years ago who is a fellow prominent Lana fan in the community as someone they reached out to that eventually put them in contact with me. (Note, I have no idea if she’s actually involved with this and highly doubt that she is as it would be very out of character given how we left things at the end several years ago, but that only added to my concern as well as my suspicion.)
    Everything that they asked of me I immediately cooperated with, including temporarily pulling the site.
    Then, after an hour and a half of this anxiety inducing madness, they tell me this is a prank. They then identify as someone named Dez.
    This was not funny.
    It was very immature and inappropriate for someone to call me posing as a member of Lana’s management asking about LanaBoards at 2am on a Monday morning ahead of a very busy workweek for me as I’m spending the next 5 days working 14 hour days on set.
    I am posting this here to just say, if this is someone from the site, do not ever do this again. I would also appreciate if you could please reveal yourself and how you got my number, as I’m really concerned about how LanaBoards members/Lana fans are receiving my personal cell phone number that they feel free to call to harass me for a prank at 2am.
    If you are someone who has my phone number, which I know is a couple of you here, please do not give it out without my permission.
    I keep a relatively small personal circle, and whoever is behind this has relative knowledge of my life regarding the fact I own this site and the name of my ex-girlfriend that I haven’t spoken to in years. This just grows my concern of my number and personal details being passed around.
    If there ever is a serious issue regarding the site, LanaBoards has a contact email and social media pages that work just as well.
    & if you’re going to prank me like this, choose a better time.
    Thanks x


  10. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by Elle in LanaBoards' 10th Birthday!   
    Exactly 10 years ago to this day on September 1st, 2012, LanaBoards.com was created... 
    Happy 10th Birthday, LanaBoards!
    Over the past decade, we have created over 1 million posts by over 17,000 members, along with countless memories in between. LanaBoards has become a home and a family to so many of our members, and we would not be who we are without our loyal, dedicated member base. Thank you to everyone who has become a part of our family, and has contributed to the wonderfulness and wildness that is LanaBoards.com. We look forward to another 10 years together!
    I have personally been a member here for over 9 years and the owner for 6 years, and I could not be more grateful for what this silly little website has done for me. I've met so many incredible people from all over the world through LanaBoards that have become lifelong friends to me. Over the years, I've always felt a sense of comfort here, and it truly does feel like home. I would hate to think of how much different my life would be without this place, as it really has had such a great impact on my life. I'll always cherish the memories, friendships, and traditions we have here on LanaBoards, and it is my greatest honour to continue to host this site for you all. Sending all of my love to each and every one of you  xx
  11. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    it was on her livestream in October when she dropped BB
  12. maysparkle liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    I think the top 2 might actually be from 2000; a Lake Placid archivist on Facebook put another pic from the same day as "LPHS 2000. Prom" - who knows lol 
  13. sunday afternoon liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    I think the top 2 might actually be from 2000; a Lake Placid archivist on Facebook put another pic from the same day as "LPHS 2000. Prom" - who knows lol 
  14. bloodydriver liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    I think the top 2 might actually be from 2000; a Lake Placid archivist on Facebook put another pic from the same day as "LPHS 2000. Prom" - who knows lol 
  15. prettywhenimhigh liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    I think the top 2 might actually be from 2000; a Lake Placid archivist on Facebook put another pic from the same day as "LPHS 2000. Prom" - who knows lol 
  16. Elina liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    I think the top 2 might actually be from 2000; a Lake Placid archivist on Facebook put another pic from the same day as "LPHS 2000. Prom" - who knows lol 
  17. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Her response is funny but the user's name is blacked out because they are questionable - if you know, you know
  18. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    “Still somehow 1998
    Daytona family vacation and prom”

    Miss Daytona is alive and breathing xx

  19. lizzyology liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   

    She’s so beautiful
  20. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    The way she came back to IG to delete this repost & replace it with a new post 😭
  21. Marius liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    The way she came back to IG to delete this repost & replace it with a new post 😭
  22. Elina liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    The way she came back to IG to delete this repost & replace it with a new post 😭
  23. LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    The way she came back to IG to delete this repost & replace it with a new post 😭
  24. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    The way she came back to IG to delete this repost & replace it with a new post 😭
  25. prettywhenimhigh liked a post in a topic by lizzyology in Instagram Updates   
    The way she came back to IG to delete this repost & replace it with a new post 😭
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