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Everything posted by Honeymooner

  1. She's so adorable!! Love her laugh, too. One of the reasons I love her.
  2. THIS. OMG. I love it when she smiles. We need a "swoon" emoticon.
  3. Since the original request referred to her as LDR as well, maybe that's why...?
  4. It's her debut album as Lana Del Rey. They're not counting anything she did as May Jailer or Lizzy Grant.
  5. Like others here have said, no one can predict the future. But I sure hope she will stay in the business and keep making music for a long time to come. She has talent! Gaga has talent, too (her Julie Andrews tribute during the Oscars recently is proof enough of that)... Lorde has talent, lots of people have talent. I suspect Gaga will be remembered more than Lana due to her flamboyancy. But Lana has a unique style, and it's something I'll listen to for a long, long time.
  6. I would, if I was absolutely sure it was her. My only concern would be coming up to her and being like, "Um, excuse me, are you Lana Del Rey?" and having her be afraid of me making a public spectacle and taking off on me. But by now, it seems like anywhere she goes she's followed by people with cameras (like in those Target pictures), so it'd probably be impossible to actually go up and talk to her.
  7. No no, I meant her fan club as in look what she's carrying... you know... bad pun, of which I am the king...
  8. 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey Kind of a long answer here... first heard of her in April 2014, discovered her music in May 2014. I had become a big fan of Lorde in April 2014, and kept hearing comparisons between her and 3 other singers I'd never heard of: Grimes, Sky Ferreira, and Lana Del Rey. Didn't think anything of any of them at the time. In late May 2014, my wife and I went to see "Maleficent" and heard Lana's rendition of "Once Upon a Dream" at the end. Didn't know it was her until the section of the credits came up with the music. My first thought was, "So THAT's why they're comparing Lorde to Lana." They sing in a similar vocal range, but that's about where the similarities end. 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music "Once Upon a Dream" was the first song I heard, which got me really interested. I went on YouTube and looked up some of her music, and the first song I happened across there was "Summertime Sadness." I was hooked after that. 3: Favorite Lana hairstyle Pretty much any style that's down. Not a big fan of the bouffant, like she wore for her Friday show at Hollywood Forever; I much prefer the way she wore it on Saturday. 4: Favorite live performance I've only seen one in person, so that would have to be Hollywood Forever. As for the ones I've seen online, I'd choose the Rockhal in Luxembourg in 2013. That was the first time she had performed "Young and Beautiful" live, and is, to my knowledge, the only time she performed what I've heard called the "Studio" or "Salon" version live. Other live performances were based on the Dan Heath orchestral version. 5: Favorite lyric Hard to say... there are so many! This isn't so much of a lyrical thing as a musical thing, but I love how she sings "I used to think that I could trust you" in "Big Eyes." 6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? If I weren't already married, and given the chance... hell yes! 7: Favorite facial feature Tie between eyes and smile. 8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? The fact that she seems to change her opinions about her music every other week. 9: Have you ever met Lana? No, but I hope to remedy that situation when I see her live at Sleep Train Amphitheater this coming May! 10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? Tie between Lorde and Weird Al Yankovic. 11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? I'd say a really big fan. My wife would say I'm obsessed, LOL. 12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? As long as she kept making great music, yes. Perhaps I'd skip on the making out part, though.
  9. Yes, that is me, and yes, I play both violin and viola (and a little bit of piano). That's actually my viola in the profile picture. My wife and I are part of a string quartet, and we were doing a photo shoot. I play viola for the group, so that was one of my "by myself" pictures. I don't earn my main living in music, but I do it on the side, and I really enjoy it. I'm glad you like hearing the music!
  10. Will someone please wake me up when this thread actually gets back on topic about Lana's new album?
  11. The dress isn't really her style, IMHO, but she still looked gorgeous in it.
  12. Nor should listening to -- and liking -- a song about that be considered gay. (Says one of the 27 other loyal straight male fans.)
  13. I have my Lana playlist that I have on repeat in the car. As the list plays, though, I find myself repeating these songs 2 or 3 times before letting it go on to the next: Dark Paradise Born To Die Lucky Ones (yes, I really do like that song) Ride Blue Velvet Old Money Flipside Big Eyes I know that's a lot, but there really isn't one single song that I'm obsessed with.
  14. I don't think I've posted in this topic, but I finally will. Here's my unpopular opinion: I can't stand the song "Carmen." When I was watching the video of her performance at the iTunes Festival 2 years ago, at one point she was trying to decide what song to do next, and she almost did "Carmen" but then decided to do "Radio" instead. I'm so glad she didn't do "Carmen!"
  15. I don't "see" her in that way, but I'm reminded of her every day on the way to work. I drive through an area called Rancho Del Rey, and I cross 3 streets that all have "Del Rey" in the name.
  16. I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure she was "yelling" at her security guards. I think they were trying to get her to leave, and she was like, Hell no, let me keep signing stuff. Then she apologized for yelling, LOL. Go Lana!
  17. There may also be some totally different, totally legitimate reason for this footage to exist. We don't know the context for which it was filmed.
  18. Whoa, my reply disappeared and turned into a blank post... anyway... What I had originally said was that while "Big Eyes" is my favorite among the two, there are things I like about both. I think her voice sounds stronger in "Big Eyes," probably because she's using more of her middle to upper register. In "I Can Fly," she uses a more expansive range, and while I like the sound of her voice when she sings low, it sounds a bit forced when she hits that very bottom note. But overall, I still like the way it sounds.
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