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  1. Rockwell Firefly liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Cringe at r/lanadelrey thread at reddit   
    r/lanitas is crazy too. In place of corny posts there’s mostly psychotic, hateful speculation about Lana it’s soo….????  
  2. Karolll liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I think they tweeted this before then did an april fool’s thing. They just recycle the lana tweets
  3. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I think they tweeted this before then did an april fool’s thing. They just recycle the lana tweets
  4. blueskiesforever liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I think they tweeted this before then did an april fool’s thing. They just recycle the lana tweets
  5. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I think they tweeted this before then did an april fool’s thing. They just recycle the lana tweets
  6. Embach liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I think they tweeted this before then did an april fool’s thing. They just recycle the lana tweets
  7. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by ImTragic in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Me? A skeptical, but my tarot cards say there’s hidden factors at play when it comes to her career now, and that her career moves are all going to be slow slow slow. This is my ugabuga blind item  So much mystery with her now that I think I’ll do a detailed 2025 reading for fun and post it here. 
  8. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in UK and Ireland Tour 2025   
    i mean as much as ben & ed let her do what she wants because she is their moneymaker, if she came to them and said she was cancelling the tour because she wanted to be with her man... security 
    that being said blind items are just gossip so i don’t think this is true lmao
  9. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by somber in UK and Ireland Tour 2025   
    If this rumor is true about her husband, I have a good feeling Lana is going to choose him over the tour, especially since the way she was talking about him. Makes me wonder how that'll affect the TRPWS rollout 
  10. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in UK and Ireland Tour 2025   
    If this is true Lana is in a controlling relationship she needs to get out of, he knew who he was marrying…and Lana isn’t some local girl from the swamp…she’s an INTERNATIONAL super star.  
    Honestly sometimes I think she needs relationship based psychological counselling, the men she chooses….girl. 
  11. blueskiesforever liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Cringe at r/lanadelrey thread at reddit   
    r/lanitas is crazy too. In place of corny posts there’s mostly psychotic, hateful speculation about Lana it’s soo….????  
  12. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by TropicoHeart in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Now where is that insider diva who spilled that we were gonna get big news March 10-16 
  13. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    This era’s flower: Cattail
    This era’s vehicle: The General Lee from The Dukes of Hazzard
    This era’s color: Tawny xanthous
    This era’s beef jerky flavor: Alligator
    Album release date: February 30, 2025
    I’ve also heard that Lana has found inspiration in roadkill and the guys from Duck Dynasty
  14. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Cringe at r/lanadelrey thread at reddit   
    I’m absolutely not making fun of their appearance but why the random photoooo lol 😭
  15. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Untitled 2011 Poem   
    This is very Honeymoon coded actually 
  16. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Embach in Untitled 2011 Poem   
    I get Religion vibes from this poem! Such a beautiful poem! 
  17. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by details in Untitled 2011 Poem   
    herself from the perspective of a lover 
  18. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Untitled 2011 Poem   
    ‘honey dripping from your thighs’?? lesbian confirmed 
  19. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by DrippingPeaches in Untitled 2011 Poem   
    no man deserves the line "honey dripping from your thighs" in fact no man deserves this poem at all
  20. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Daytona Beach Sparkler in Untitled 2011 Poem   
    I need to know who she was writing about because imagine THE Lana Del Rey writing such a beautiful poem about you 
    " you are who the morning gets up for
    and you are
    what makes the sun so tired
    it has to lie down for the night" 
  21. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Instagram Updates   
    The lana subreddit is saying they’re “separating the art from the artist” now that she follows a “mommy influencer.” Like jesus fucking christ 😭
    besides that being drastic, this isn’t the stereotypical family vlogger like Franke or all those other cases where they started social media JUST for posting their kids. aren’t these influencers who already were influencing and then had kids and started posting that too? 
  22. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Candy Necklace in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    There could be 100 people in a room and 99 believe the album is cancelled, but all it takes is the right person to stay 
  23. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by leavealighton4me in Butterflies Part 2   
    not to necropost this thread but i would 100% agree i LOVE this song. everyone always the lyrics are so fucked, and they are, but that's kinda what i love about it.
    "sicko, psycho, sicko, but he's my beau" is a genius lyric, i love that part of the song so much.
  24. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Americen Whore in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Ocean blvd’s anniversary, her husband’s birthday, the end of winter, exactly one month for stagecoach, and exactly two months for trpwst ARE all in the same week, so she better release henry on that week
  25. Karolll liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I like to picture her sitting there every album release going ok, THIS TIME it’ll be different. the date i picked at random will be upheld, i WILL release this album on time, i will have timely single releases, the title will stay the same. I’m going to announce it all right now so they can hold me to my word  and then we all fall for it! 
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