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  1. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    Salut! What the hell?

    LanaBoards will talk about ANYTHING 
  2. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in LDR Album Process Discussion   
    its commentary on the lack of anything substantial happening with Lana and how she is literally so unfulfilling and desperately lacking even an ounce of anything to stimulate or hype her fanbase that they resort to analyzing 10 year old vinyls hoping it means something 
  3. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Ethel Cain   
    so... i just finished listening to perverts, and...
    I LOVE IT! i have to be honest, i didn't really expect myself to love it, or for it to really connect with me, i like several songs off of preacher's daughter, but it just didn't wow me the way it did with many people, also, i just simple wasn't too keen on the amount of reverb used, i went into perverts with an open mind, but i did anticipate that i would be bored by it, since i'm aware how difficult it can be to make ambient music and/or excessively long music to be engaging (although in my liked songs i have just one day of endless love by katie jane garside which is nearly 20-minutes long and is literally just some lo-fi electronic bells and her murmuring and singing incoherently... but i don't listen to it that often LOL) or that i wouldn't really like the production, but i really, really liked it, every track offered something valuable to me, i am genuinely so glad i went out of my way to listen to perverts, it will most certainly be a mainstay in my rotation <3
    some highlights... the vocals on perverts, i love how her voice sounds androgynous here, also, how it sounds very primitive, almost as if they spoken thousands of years ago by someone long-forgotten, now just dust, yet, also futuristic, like a rudimentary, yet constantly-evolving piece of intelligent, robotic technology, which in itself is something scary
    houseofpsychoticwomn is very interesting and might just be my favorite off of perverts, despite how chaotic, bleak, and honestly scary it is, it feels extremely intimate, and hearkens back old, vague, deeply-buried memories of old crushes, old friendships, and old hopes, most of which were probably snuffed out by the passage of time, changes of events, and maturing of minds, i love how it seems to either sample/reference ptolemaea, also, houseofpsychoticwomn seems to either sample, or shares a sample with this, infant ra by inca ore
    i really love the spoken-word intro of pulldrone, i found it immensely fascinating
    and, lastly, i love the calm, melancholic, bittersweet feel of amber waves, also love the fact that the title references the classic patriotic song america the beautiful, which feels very ethel cain to me
    hayden, if you're reading this, i think perverts is wonderful, and i hope you'll continue to do your own thing, and continue to further your artistry, don't let anyone get you down about it, and do not be afraid to continue exploring new sounds, new genres, and for your art to be as weird, inaccessible, pretentious, and fascinating as you want to be <3
  4. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by ItsRavenHunty in Ethel Cain   
    b sides coming later this year lets all stop fighting also do we think she will do a vinyl for perverts that would be so dope
  5. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Ethel Cain   
  6. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Ethel Cain   
    I honestly have to respect how Ethel stans truly do the most in creating an off-putting aura towards her and her art  I remember around preachers daughter release when @the ocean lied about Ethel wanting this thread taken down for the sole purpose of gatekeeping when the thread was basically just them and another member cirlce jerking about being in the exclusive Ethel discord  and the lana comparisons discourse oooh what a time that was  im listening rn Im on track 3 and its great so far! I feel like Im naked and damp sitting in the corner of a dingy ass trap house slipping and sliding on broken glass n shit wondering how I got here from my once seemingly perfect golden suburban upbringing . saw someone on twitter call it skinamarink vibes and thats so true  adore that movie 
  7. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by lakeemmahottie in Ethel Cain   
    No one you know is a good person
    Fast, reckless driving often leads to slow, sad music
  8. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by Jon Batiste Interlude in Ethel Cain   
    girl the instagram post is flooded with admiration and love.  I just skimmed through the comments and could not find a single bad one.  if they are there, they're buried deep in the mass amount of positive comments and surely have 100 people responding in defence of her. so why are you honing in on this as though the majority of people are sending her hate when the reviews are for the most part incredibly positive?
    people are allowed to dislike the record btw.
  9. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Ethel Cain   
    This is already ringing true lol. Anyways, I think it's cool that she's making the type of music she wants to make instead of leaning into what people expect of her, but I do think a lot of her fans will fully force themselves to like this EP and even pretend like this is miles ahead of Preacher's Daughter because it's less accessible and enjoying it gives them some type of sense of superiority (which is normal if you're a teenager, but if you're a grown adult and still care about all that then... grow up no shade). That's not saying there won't be many fans who will genuinely love this EP though. I'm currently 5 tracks in, I really enjoy Punish and Vacillator. I don't see myself listening to this EP in full again though.
  10. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Ethel Cain   
    On one hand I support and will eagerly listen to whatever she does and on the other hand the number of obsessive fans who are excited for her to “lose fans” because of the musics inaccessibility  is really strange and off putting.
  11. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by ItsRavenHunty in Ethel Cain   
    only two instrumental songs and we love that
  12. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by inthezodiac in Ethel Cain   
    ntm on houseofpsychoticwomn aka the best song on the record
  13. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by Embach in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Album = Lust For Life outtakes
    Was = will
    Scrapped = leak
  14. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Ethel Cain   
    I'm very excited for this album but I can already tell it's gonna create the most unbearably pretentious takes on people not being into ambient music and 10+ minute songs by people that desperately want to come across as cool and highbrow. 
  15. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by motel six in Ethel Cain   
    please can i go to lindsay lohan HARDDRIVE💜
  16. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by Ethel Cain in Taylor Swift   
    Ironic of you to say this when Brat has nearly 20 more points on metacritic and you stan someone who needs to literally sell voice memos because she cant make a good album.. like maybe she could’ve got that #1 without selling like 80 variants if she didnt make Midnights 2.0
  17. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Taylor Swift   
    The swiftie cult is so interesting to observe
  18. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by West Coast in 10th Anniversary of Ultraviolence - June 13th   
    There shall never be a track run as strong as Cruel World to Pretty When You Cry. Whew the whirlwind.

  19. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by Ethel Cain in Ethel Cain   
    YESS I JUST SAW... something must be coming soon
    words/titles this era: perverts, nucleation, punish, amber waves  seems very dark
  20. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by Jon Batiste Interlude in Ethel Cain   
    IDK this seems like classic gatekeeping behaviour to me.  "You don't get her so the fact that you like her is irritating to me because you're too young/don't understand"  is what it reads as IMO. Who cares if 13 year olds like her music?  
    Even 13 year old "swiftie-esque" fans who might not "get" it the way you perceive yourself to, are allowed to support and love her music. Oh and by the way, it's these types of kids who support artists directly, share their music with everyone, make fan art, buy physical copies...
    Imaging trying to control who listens to what or likes what they like. Or being like, "Sure you like her but you don't really UNDERSTAND"
    an example that comes to mind. Lana may have written music that was going over my young head when I first heard her.  Doesn't mean I didn't love her, love the music, and that she didn't mean something important to me.  Doesn't mean that the music doesn't mean something to me, even if I'm not getting what she was intending. 
    Let young kids like what they like.
  21. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by LifeOnMars in Ocean Blvd 'Festival Edition' Vinyl   
    Got this from Reddit 

  22. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Megan Thee Stallion   
    yeah she can't stop eating!
  23. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Ethel Cain   
    I tried to be good, am I no good?
    Am I no good? Am I no good?
    With my memory restricted to a Polaroid in evidence
    I just wanted to be yours, can I be yours?
    Can I be yours? Just tell me I'm yours
    If I'm turning in your stomach and I'm making you feel sick   When my mother sees me on the side
    Of a milk carton in Winn-Dixie's dairy aisle
    She'll cry and wait up for me </3
  24. magnapinna liked a post in a topic by Ethel Cain in Ethel Cain   
    b-sides save me.. dust bowl save me.. save me waco texas
    im predicting a rollout similar to PD, single in march  hopefully
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