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Everything posted by lili

  1. I really wanna hear "Getting Back Together Quickly".
  2. I got Dark But Just A Game. ❤️
  3. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.
  4. I think the revenge part won't be so noticeable, probably it will be in a way only she herself understands in a typical Cancerian manner.
  5. I actually like the opening lines of NFR title track.
  6. Social media has really gotten out of hand for some people. As an answer to his question, I wouldn’t even think of posting stories. Hope he and his mother gets better.
  7. lili

    Song vs. Song

    Heroin vs Cruel World
  8. lili

    Song vs. Song

    Gods and Monsters vs Yayo AKA version
  9. lili

    Song vs. Song

    Body Electric vs Cola
  10. Okay, I’m new here but... Cherry Blossom.
  11. lili

    Twitter Updates

    This is Barrie’s reaction to a rude comment under a selfie with his girlfriend: https://ibb.co/n6Nvy2k This is the original Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CEuwT11AQzO/?igshid=12xf18uixviuq
  12. Oof, what a song. Hard to listen to, indeed. The pain of waiting for a not-so good time in your life to come back to you for the sake of those little ecstatic fleeting moments that make up the very thing only some get to call happiness.
  13. lili

    Song vs. Song

    TNBAR demo vs Your Girl
  14. lili

    Song vs. Song

    Summer Wine vs Wait For Life
  15. lili

    Song vs. Song

    Breaking Up Slowly vs Change
  16. Who the little girls look up to and choose to base their body image on is no artist's business. It is their parents' and doctors' business to educate them and warn them in case of a serious health or body image issue. Judging someone just because they are overweight or underweight according to "societal standards" is very unhealthy. Teaching little girls and all people for that matter not to compare themselves to any celebrity or others around them is a prerequisite if we are to reduce the number of people uncomfortable in their own body and mind. I'm a very skinny girl who have been bullied for being so for a long time and I'm perfectly healthy physically, but I still have some issues regarding my body image. Anyone who thinks themselves entitled to throw cursory comments around on how people look do not understand the gravity of its implications.
  17. I wish she also collaborated with someone with a deep male voice, like that of Nick Cave’s, or the late Leonard Cohen’s. It would really go well with the sweetness and femininity of her voice I think.
  18. First time listening this and I really like it. It’s really eerie and atmospheric.
  19. The way Tamino can make everything sound more melancholic than it actually is...
  20. I really don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I really like Velvet Crowbar. I like how raw and agitated she sounds in the chorus which fits perfectly with the lyrics conveying the anxiety around the possibility of losing a loved one.
  21. lili

    Instagram Updates

    I was the one who brought about reading scat into Lana’s lyrics, but I did not have any intention other than joking around. Everyone has their preferences, and I respect them. I agree that whom she chooses to be with is none of our business. All we could hope for as fans is for her to be happy, but we don’t get to dictate this road to happiness. We don’t know what it is like to be very famous, we don’t know what state of mind it brings, we don’t know how awful it may feel when you’re capable of almost being with anyone you want but trust and true love is all you need. People who may seem toxic or “not-enough” for her for the fans may actually be the ones she shared her happiest moments with. She does not lead a life like ours, so who knows what she has seen and gone through? What we get is enjoy her experiences channeled through her art and hope the best for her. Thinking she should be depressed again is really sickening. Anyone who has dealt with mental issues knows that it’s not worth it, whatever record, painting, or book comes out of it. Ultraviolence is my favorite album of hers, but I tend to think of it as a cleansing album, putting perhaps traumatic experiences into art and turning them into beautiful things rather than clinging to the pain. But if it was indeed a painful period for her, I’d rather not have Ultraviolence 2.
  22. I agree. It’s a pretty little song conjuring up the hopefulness of young love in all its simplicity.
  23. Yes! I was going to edit my post to include that, it is such a highlight.
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